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Great and powerful data visualizations


Oz is a library for data-driven, REPL-based data visualization in the browser, using vega and vega lite.

A fork of vizard, oz differs from its ancestor in providing:

  • both vega-lite and vega support (vizard is vega-lite only)
  • an API for describing dashboard-like composites of vega-based views using hiccup

It also has the following eventual goals:

  • provide an API for combining vega and vega-lite into a single plot (vega for detailed control, vega-lite for the simple bits)
  • higher level viz constructors, as they accrete and become useful


Add oz to your leiningen project dependencies

[metasoarous/oz "1.1.1-beta"]

To get things going, require oz and start the plot server as follows:

(require '[oz.core :as oz])


Next we'll define a function for generating some dummy data

(defn group-data [& names]
  (apply concat (for [n names]
  (map-indexed (fn [i x] {:x i :y x :col n}) (take 20 (repeatedly #(rand-int 100)))))))


The simplest function for displaying vega is oz/p!. It will display a single vega or vega-lite plot in the .

Now put together some vega-lite and send off for rendering. Here is a stacked bar plot:

(def stacked-bar
  {:data {:values (group-data "foo" "bar" "baz" "buh" "bunk" "dunk")}
   :mark "bar"
   :encoding {:x {:field "x"
                  :type "ordinal"}
              :y {:aggregate "sum"
                  :field "y"
                  :type "quantitative"}
              :color {:field "col"
                      :type "nominal"}}})

(oz/v! stacked-bar)

This should look something like this in when rendered in the browser:


For vega instead of vega-lite, you can also specify :mode :vega:

(oz/v! stacked-bar :mode "vega")

You can (eventually) specify or override the data via :data key:

(oz/v! stacked-bar :data {:values (group-data "baz" "buh" "bunk" "dunk")})


This is a more powerful function which will let you compose vega and vega-lite views together with other html, as represented via hiccup:

For demonstration, we'll first create another plot view to throw in the mix

(def another-plot
  {:data {:values [{:x 1 :y 2} {:x 3 :y 5}]}
   :encoding {:x {:field "x"}
              :y {:field "y"}}
   :mark "line"})

gext we can put these things together as hiccup and view using oz/view!, nesting vega and vega-lite specs using the :vega and :vega-lite keys, as below:

(oz/view! [:div [:h1 "A stacked bar chart example"]
             [:vega-lite stacked-bar]
             [:p "Another little example for you"]
             [:vega-lite aplot]]) 

You should now see something like this:


Local Development

First, start up figwheel



Copyright © 2018 Christopher Small

Forked from Vizard - Copyright © 2017 Yieldbot, Inc.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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Soren Macbeth, Christopher T Small, jimdunn & Mick Thomure
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