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jsonista Continuous Integration status cljdoc badge

jsonissa / jsonista / jsoniin, jsonilla / jsonilta / jsonille

Clojure library for fast JSON encoding and decoding.

Faster than data.json or Cheshire while still having the necessary features for web development. Designed for use with Muuntaja.


Latest version

Clojars Project

Requires Java1.8+


(require '[jsonista.core :as j])

(j/write-value-as-string {"hello" 1})
;; => "{\"hello\":1}"

(j/read-value *1)
;; => {"hello" 1}


Using explicit ObjectMapper:

(-> {:dog {:name "Teppo"}}
    (j/write-value-as-bytes j/default-object-mapper)
    (j/read-value j/default-object-mapper))
;; => {"dog" {"name" "Teppo"}}

Using keyword keys:

(-> {:dog {:name "Teppo"}}
    (j/write-value-as-bytes j/keyword-keys-object-mapper)
    (j/read-value j/keyword-keys-object-mapper))
;; => {:dog {:name "Teppo"}}

Changing how map keys are encoded & decoded:

(defn reverse-string [s] (apply str (reverse s)))

(def mapper
    {:encode-key-fn (comp reverse-string name)
     :decode-key-fn (comp keyword reverse-string)}))

(-> {:kikka "kukka"}
    (doto prn)
    (j/write-value-as-string mapper)
    (doto prn)
    (j/read-value mapper)
; {:kikka "kukka"}
; "{\"akkik\":\"kukka\"}"
; {:kikka "kukka"}

Reading & writing directly into a file:

(def file ( "hello.json"))

(j/write-value file {"hello" "world"})

(slurp file)
;; => "{\"hello\":\"world\"}"

(j/read-value file)
;; => {"hello" "world"}

Adding support for joda-time Classes, used by clj-time.

;; [com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype/jackson-datatype-joda "2.9.5"]
(import '[com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.joda JodaModule])
(import '[org.joda.time LocalDate])

(def mapper
    {:modules [(JodaModule.)]}))

(j/write-value-as-string (LocalDate. 0) mapper)
; "\"1970-01-01\""

Tagged JSON

Adding support for lossless encoding data using tagged values. This includes both reading and writing support.

(def mapper
    {:encode-key-fn true
     :decode-key-fn true
     :modules [(jt/module
                 {:handlers {Keyword {:tag "!kw"
                                      :encode jt/encode-keyword
                                      :decode keyword}
                             PersistentHashSet {:tag "!set"
                                                :encode jt/encode-collection
                                                :decode set}}})]}))

(-> {:system/status #{:status/good}}
    (j/write-value-as-string mapper)
    (doto prn)
    (j/read-value mapper))
; prints "{\"system/status\":[\"!set\",[[\"!kw\",\"status/good\"]]]}"
; => {:system/status #{:status/good}}

In simple perf tests, tagged JSON is much faster than EDN or Transit.


  • All standard encoders and decoders are written in Java
  • Protocol dispatch with read-value & write-value
  • Jackson ObjectMapper is used directly
  • Small functions to support JVM Inlining

Measured using lein-jmh, see perf-tests for details.

Throughput, relative



Throughput, absolute



Throughput, data

:benchmark                     :name    :mode        :samples  :score              :score-error  :params
-----------------------------  -------  -----------  --------  ------------------  ------------  --------------
jsonista.jmh/encode-data-json  :encode  :throughput  5         1534830.890  ops/s  155359.246    {:size "10b"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-data-json  :encode  :throughput  5         341613.782   ops/s  26261.051     {:size "100b"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-data-json  :encode  :throughput  5         69673.326    ops/s  1647.625      {:size "1k"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-data-json  :encode  :throughput  5         5658.247     ops/s  999.701       {:size "10k"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-data-json  :encode  :throughput  5         581.924      ops/s  39.758        {:size "100k"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-cheshire   :encode  :throughput  5         1073164.879  ops/s  270854.390    {:size "10b"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-cheshire   :encode  :throughput  5         424662.238   ops/s  146705.515    {:size "100b"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-cheshire   :encode  :throughput  5         101765.336   ops/s  4868.846      {:size "1k"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-cheshire   :encode  :throughput  5         9427.517     ops/s  711.480       {:size "10k"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-cheshire   :encode  :throughput  5         939.962      ops/s  124.443       {:size "100k"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-jsonista   :encode  :throughput  5         6718559.441  ops/s  564494.417    {:size "10b"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-jsonista   :encode  :throughput  5         2021530.135  ops/s  227934.280    {:size "100b"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-jsonista   :encode  :throughput  5         358639.582   ops/s  33561.700     {:size "1k"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-jsonista   :encode  :throughput  5         32536.978    ops/s  8135.004      {:size "10k"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-jsonista   :encode  :throughput  5         2687.242     ops/s  185.516       {:size "100k"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-jackson    :encode  :throughput  5         6883276.103  ops/s  695669.799    {:size "10b"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-jackson    :encode  :throughput  5         1969207.512  ops/s  262952.863    {:size "100b"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-jackson    :encode  :throughput  5         365593.510   ops/s  20251.435     {:size "1k"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-jackson    :encode  :throughput  5         30955.299    ops/s  497.706       {:size "10k"}
jsonista.jmh/encode-jackson    :encode  :throughput  5         2727.378     ops/s  268.712       {:size "100k"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-data-json  :decode  :throughput  5         1576813.105  ops/s  312986.468    {:size "10b"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-data-json  :decode  :throughput  5         395571.705   ops/s  12482.641     {:size "100b"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-data-json  :decode  :throughput  5         63238.895    ops/s  18113.050     {:size "1k"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-data-json  :decode  :throughput  5         5620.609     ops/s  1125.897      {:size "10k"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-data-json  :decode  :throughput  5         601.479      ops/s  43.190        {:size "100k"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-cheshire   :decode  :throughput  5         1066258.082  ops/s  133519.722    {:size "10b"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-cheshire   :decode  :throughput  5         552961.483   ops/s  48478.413     {:size "100b"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-cheshire   :decode  :throughput  5         102688.960   ops/s  2318.402      {:size "1k"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-cheshire   :decode  :throughput  5         9668.507     ops/s  1742.569      {:size "10k"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-cheshire   :decode  :throughput  5         1022.688     ops/s  82.562        {:size "100k"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-jsonista   :decode  :throughput  5         2909222.815  ops/s  162043.029    {:size "10b"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-jsonista   :decode  :throughput  5         681307.555   ops/s  13851.758     {:size "100b"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-jsonista   :decode  :throughput  5         141054.989   ops/s  16569.794     {:size "1k"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-jsonista   :decode  :throughput  5         13235.087    ops/s  1263.748      {:size "10k"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-jsonista   :decode  :throughput  5         1308.170     ops/s  173.721       {:size "100k"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-jackson    :decode  :throughput  5         5783012.047  ops/s  650655.756    {:size "10b"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-jackson    :decode  :throughput  5         1394300.173  ops/s  14904.386     {:size "100b"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-jackson    :decode  :throughput  5         272135.776   ops/s  2335.753      {:size "1k"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-jackson    :decode  :throughput  5         26725.329    ops/s  3507.918      {:size "10k"}
jsonista.jmh/decode-jackson    :decode  :throughput  5         2398.088     ops/s  337.678       {:size "100k"}


Copyright © 2016-2020 Metosin Oy.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License 2.0.

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