(-interceptor ?interceptor schema options)
Utility function to convert input into an interceptor. Works with functions, map and sequence of those.
Utility function to convert input into an interceptor. Works with functions, map and sequence of those.
(default-value-transformer {:keys [key default-fn defaults
:or {key :default default-fn (fn [_ x] x)}})
(json-transformer {:malli.transform/keys [json-vectors map-of-key-decoders]
:or {map-of-key-decoders (-string-decoders)}})
{:keys [accept]
:or {accept (m/-comp (fn* [p1__12906#]
(or (nil? p1__12906#) (true? p1__12906#)))
{:keys [accept]
:or {accept (m/-comp (fn* [p1__17830#]
(or (nil? p1__17830#) (true? p1__17830#)))
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