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We use Break Versioning. The version numbers follow a <major>.<minor>.<patch> scheme with the following intent:

majorMajor breaking changes -- check the changelog for details.
minorMinor breaking changes -- check the changelog for details.
patchNo breaking changes, ever!!

-SNAPSHOT versions are preview versions for upcoming releases.

Malli is in alpha.


  • Much faster validators (loop unrolling & using spesific functions) with :or, :and, :orn and :map, thanks to Ben Sless:
;; 164ns -> 36ns
(let [valid? (m/validator [:and [:> 0] [:> 1] [:> 2] [:> 3] [:> 4]])]
  (cc/quick-bench (valid? 5)))
;; 150ns -> 39ns
(let [valid? (m/validator [:map [:a :any] [:b :any] [:c :any] [:d :any] [:e :any]])
      value {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3, :d 4, :e 5}]
  (cc/quick-bench (valid? value)))

Public API

  • BREAKING: malli.json-schema/unlift-keys is removed in favor of malli.core/-unlift-keys

  • BREAKING: malli.json-schema/unlift is removed in favor of get

  • BREAKING: malli.provider/stats is removed (was already deprecated)

  • BREAKING: humanized message duplicates are removed, e.g. {:foo ["fail" "fail"]} => {:foo ["fail"]}

  • new malli.plantuml namespace for PlantUML generation

  • new malli.instrument and for instrumenting function Vars (e.g. defns), see the guide.

  • new malli.generator/check and malli.generator/check! for generative testing of functions and defns.

  • humanized errors for :boolean

  • predicate schema for fn?

  • humanized errors can be read from parent schemas (also from map entries), fixes #86:

(-> [:map
     [:foo {:error/message "entry-failure"} :int]]
    (m/explain {:foo "1"})
    (me/humanize {:resolve me/resolve-root-error}))
; => {:foo ["entry-failure"]}

Extender API

  • malli.util.impl/-fail! is now malli.core/-fail!
  • malli.core/-unlift-keys
  • malli.core/-instrument
  • BREAKING: malli.core/-register-function-schema! is now 4-arity, new argument is data map

0.5.1 (2021-05-02)

Public API

  • Fix #435: :re ignores :gen/xxx properties in absence of :gen/gen
  • More customization on -collection-schema #433

0.5.0 (2021-04-28)

Public API

  • Add ifn? predicate, #416
  • Accumulate errors correctly with m/-explain with :function and :=> Schemas
  • New m/properties-schema and m/children-schema to resolve Malli Schemas for IntoSchemas. Empty implementations.
  • New :gen/schema property for declarative generation, e.g. [:string {:gen/schema :int, :gen/fmap str}]
  • Support double generator options via schema properties
  • Fix #419: Parsing bug in :map schema
  • Fix #418: Better error messages / docs for registry references
  • Fix #415: Default branch in multi schema are not transformed
  • Fix #427: Generated sets of :ref are always empty

Extender API

  • BREAKING: -type is moved from Schema to IntoSchema.
  • BREAKING: -type-properties is moved from Schema to IntoSchema.
  • new Protocol methods in IntoSchema Protocol
    • (-properties-schema [this options] "maybe returns :map schema describing schema properties")
    • (-children-schema [this options] "maybe returns sequence schema describing schema children")

0.4.0 (2021-03-31)

Public API

  • :nil schema, #401
  • BREAKING/FIX: parsing :multi returns branch information, #403
  • :and merges using first child, #405

0.3.1 (2021-03-21)

Public API

  • Add :orn json-schema & generator, #400
  • Ignore optional properties in mt/default-value-transformer, #397
  • Support nil keys in maps, #392
  • :m/default for :multi, #391
  • Fix inconsistent park-ing in alt(n)-parser, #390
  • Fix json schema generation when all attributes of a map are optional, #385
  • Note about transformers best-effort behavior, #384
  • Humanized regex/sequence errors, #383
  • Humanized error for :double, #382

0.3.0 (2021-03-02)

Public API

  • support for sequence schemas: :cat, catn, alt, altn, :?, :*, :+ and repeat, see Sequence Schemas.

  • support for parsing and unparsing schemas: m/parse, m/parser, m/unparse, m/unparser, see Parsing values.

  • support for function schmas: :=> and :function, see Function Schemas.

  • support for clj-kondo, see Clj-kondo.

  • new schemas: :any (e.g. any?), :not (complement) and :orn (or with named branches)

  • :qualified-keyword support :namespace property

  • FIX: Schema vizualization is not working for [:< ...] like schemas, #370

  • Ensure we use size 30 for generator (for more variety), #364

  • Set JSON Schema types and formats for numbers properly #354

  • -memoize actually memoized. easily 100x faster now #350

  • Fix interceptor composition, #347

  • malli.util: add a rename-keys utility, similar to clojure.set #338

  • Let mu/update accept plain data schemas, #329

  • mu/find, #322

Extender API

  • BREAKING: m/Schema has new methods: -parent, -parser and -unparser
  • BREAKING: m/-coder and m/-chain are replaced wih m/-intercepting
  • BREAKING: m/-fail! is now miu/-fail!
  • BREAKING: m/-error is now miu/-error

0.2.1 (2020-10-22)

  • fix :sequential decoding with empty sequence under mt/json-transformer, fixes #288
    • removed broken mt/-sequential->seq

0.2.0 (2020-10-18)

  • BREAKING (MINOR): m/deref returns original schema, does not throw, fixes #284.
  • BREAKING (MINOR): the following utilities in malli.util deref top-level refs recursively: merge, union, transform-entries, optional-keys, required-keys, select-keys and dissoc.
  • m/deref-all derefs all top-level references recursively, e.g.
(m/deref-all [:schema [:schema int?]])
; => int?
  • :ref, :schema, ::m/schema have now generators, JSON Schema and Swagger support
  • mu/subschemas walks over top-level :ref and all :schemas.
  • m/walk can walk over :ref and :schema reference schemas. Walking can be enabled using options :malli.core/walk-refs and :malli.core/walk-schema-refs.
  • Welcome declarative schema transformations!

There are also declarative versions of schema transforming utilities in malli.util/schemas. These include :merge, :union and :select-keys:

(def registry (merge (m/default-schemas) (mu/schemas)))

(def Merged
     [:map [:x :string]]
     [:map [:y :int]]]
    {:registry registry}))

; [:map [:x :string]]
; [:map [:y :int]]]

(m/deref Merged)
; [:x :string] 
; [:y :int]]

(m/validate Merged {:x "kikka", :y 6})
; => true
  • New options for SCI:

    • :malli.core/disable-sci for explicitly disabling sci, fixes #276
    • :malli.core/sci-options for configuring sci
  • malli.transform/default-value-transformer accepts options :key and :defaults:

   [:user [:map
           [:name :string]
           [:description {:ui/default "-"} :string]]]]
    {:key :ui/default
     :defaults {:map (constantly {})
                :string (constantly "")}}))
; => {:user {:name "", :description "-"}}
  • Support microsecond precision when parsing datetime strings. #280

0.1.0 (2020-10-08)

First stable release.

Breaking Changes in pre-alpha:

  • 8.10.2020
    • removed :list schema
    • removed malli.error/SchemaError protocol in favor of using m/type-properties for custom errors
  • 20.9.2020
    • removed m/-predicate-schema, m/-partial-predicate-schema and m/-leaf-schema
  • 19.9.2020
    • new mandatory Protocol method in m/Schema: -type-properties
  • 1.9.2020
    • m/children returns 3-tuple (key, properties, schema) for MapSchemas
    • m/map-entries is removed, m/entries returns a MapEntry of key & m/-val-schema
  • 4.8.2020
    • :path in explain is re-implemented: map keys by value, others by child index
    • m/-walk and m/Walker uses :path, not :in
    • m/-outer has new parameter order: walker schema path children options
    • malli.util/path-schemas replaced with malli.util/subschemas & malli.util/distict-by
    • LensSchema has a new -key method
    • renamed some non-user apis in malli.core & malli.util
    • moved map-syntax helpers from malli.core to malli.util
    • dynaload com.gfredericks/test.chuck
  • 23.7.2020
    • sci is not a default dependency. Enabling sci-support:
      • Clojure: add a dependency to borkdude/sci
      • ClojureScript: also require sci.core (directly or via :preloads)
  • 18.7.2020
    • big cleanup of malli.transform internals.
  • 12.7.2020
    • malli.mermaid is removed (in favor of
  • 10.7.2020
    • [metosin/malli "0.0.1-20200710.075225-19"]
    • Visitor is implemented using a Walker.
      • m/accept -> m/walk
      • m/schema-visitor -> m/schema-walker
      • m/map-syntax-visitor -> m/map-syntax-walker
  • 31.6.2020
    • new -children method in Schema, to return child schemas as instances (instead of just AST)
  • 17.6.2020
    • change all malli.core/*-registry defs into malli.core/*-schemas defns to enable DCE for clojurescript
  • 9.6.2020
    • malli.core/name & malli.core/-name renamed to malli.core/type & malli.core/-type
    • malli.generator/-generator is renamed to malli.generator/-schema-generator

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Tommi Reiman, Miikka Koskinen, James Conroy-Finn & Lucy Wang
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