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Creating New Formats

Formats are presented as Clojure maps, registered into options under :formats with format name as a key. Format maps can the following optional keys:

:decodera function (or a function generator) to parse an InputStreams into Clojure data structure. If the key is missing or value is nil, no decoding will be done.
:encodera function (or a function generator) to encode Clojure data structures into an InputStream or to muuntaja.protocols/Stremable. If the key is missing or value is nil, no encoding will be done.
:optsextra options maps for both the decoder and encoder function generator.
:decoder-optsextra options maps for the decoder function generator.
:encoder-optsextra options maps for the encoder function generator.
:matchesa regexp for additional matching of the content-type in request negotiation. Added for legacy support, e.g. #"^application/(.+\+)?json$". Results of the regexp are memoized against the given content-type for near constant-time performance.

Function generators

To allow easier customization of the formats on the client side, function generators can be used instead of plain functions. Function generators have a Duct/Reagent-style vector presentations with the generator function & optionally the default opts for it.

{:decoder [json-format/make-json-decoder]}
;; => (json-format/make-json-decoder {})

{:decoder [formats/make-json-decoder {:key-fn true}]}
;; => (json-format/make-json-decoder {:key-fn true})

Clients can override format options with providing :decoder-opts or :encoder-opts. These get merged over the default opts.

{:decoder [formats/make-json-decoder {:key-fn true}]
 :decoder-opts {:bigdecimals? true}
;; => (json-format/make-json-decoder {:key-fn true, :bigdecimals? true})

Example of a new format

(require '[muuntaja.format.json :as json-format])
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(require '[muuntaja.core :as muuntaja])

(def streaming-upper-case-json-format
 {:decoder [json-format/make-json-decoder {:keywords? false, :key-fn str/upper-case}]
  :encoder [json-format/make-streaming-json-encoder]})

(def m
      [:formats "application/upper-json"]

(->> {:kikka 42}
     (muuntaja/encode m "application/json")
     (muuntaja/decode m "application/upper-json"))
; {"KIKKA" 42}

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