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Nopea kuin sika pakkasella

Spike to see how fast we can go with Clojure + JDBC. Highly Experimental.

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porsas provides tools for precompiling the functions for converting ResultSet into EDN values. This enables basically Java-fast JDBC queries while using idiomatic Clojure.

porsas.core/compile returns a CompiledQueries record containing query functions of type Connection sql-vec => result. The following functions are compiled:

:queryreturns a vector of results
:query-onereturns a single results (or nil)

porsas.core/compile accepts the following options:

:rowOptional function of rs->value or a [[RowCompiler]] to convert rows into values
:keyOptional function of rs-meta i->key to create key for map-results"

Note: some RowCompiler implementations (like p/rs->map) generate the code at runtime, which might not supported in all platforms like GraalVM.


A Java JDBC query

;; 630ns
(title "java")
(bench! (java-query connection "SELECT * FROM fruit"))

Compiled query functions

(def query (:query (p/create-query {:row (p/rs->map)})))

;; 630ns
(title "porsas: compiled & cached query")
(bench! (query connection "SELECT * FROM fruit")))

Cached query functions

With defaults, a bit slower (non-compiled) mapper is used. Works on all platforms.

(def query (:query (p/create-query)))

;; 1400ns
(title "porsas: cached query")
(bench! (query connection "SELECT * FROM fruit")))

Fully Dynamic queries

p/query works just like query, but doesn't use any cache.

;; 2100ns
(title "porsas: dynamic query")
(bench! (p/query connection "SELECT * FROM fruit"))


At least an order of magnitude faster than, see the tests for more details.


  • more tests
  • bounded cache for statement memoization
  • batch-api
  • async-api for postgresql?


Copyright © 2019 Metosin Oy

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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