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(assoc-first coll where v)

Finds the first element in collection matching where parameter and replaces that with v.

Implementation depends on collection type.

Finds the first element in collection matching `where` parameter and
replaces that with `v.`

Implementation depends on collection type.
sourceraw docstring


(assoc-if m key val)
(assoc-if m key val & kvs)

Assoc key-value pairs with non-nil values into map.

Assoc key-value pairs with non-nil values into map.
sourceraw docstring


(assoc-in-path-vals c)

Re-created a map from it's path-vals extracted with (path-vals).

Re-created a map from it's path-vals extracted with (path-vals).
sourceraw docstring


(build-tree {:keys [parent-fn id-fn assoc-children-fn] :as opts} items)

Builds a tree from given items collections.

ID is what is used to match parents and children. Root items are those where parent-fn returns nil.


  • :parent-fn (required) Used to create a map from ID => children
  • :id-fn (required) Used to get the ID from an item
  • :assoc-children-fn (required) Attach the children to an item
  • :item-fn (optional) Called for each item, after children has been attached to the item
  • :children-fn (optional) Called for each children collection

Example: (build-tree {:id-fn :id, :parent-fn :parent, :assoc-children-fn #(assoc %1 :children %2)} [{:id 1} {:id 2 :parent 1} {:id 3 :parent 1}]) => [{:id 1 :children [{:id 2} {:id 3}]}]

Check test file for more examples.

Builds a tree from given items collections.

ID is what is used to match parents and children.
Root items are those where parent-fn returns nil.


- :parent-fn (required) Used to create a map from ID => children
- :id-fn (required) Used to get the ID from an item
- :assoc-children-fn (required) Attach the children to an item
- :item-fn (optional) Called for each item, after children has been attached to the item
- :children-fn (optional) Called for each children collection

  (build-tree {:id-fn :id, :parent-fn :parent, :assoc-children-fn #(assoc %1 :children %2)}
              [{:id 1} {:id 2 :parent 1} {:id 3 :parent 1}])
  => [{:id 1 :children [{:id 2} {:id 3}]}]

Check test file for more examples.
sourceraw docstring


(condas-> expr name & clauses)

A mixture of cond-> and as-> allowing more flexibility in the test and step forms

A mixture of cond-> and as-> allowing more flexibility in the test and step forms
sourceraw docstring


(conjv coll el)

Append an element to a collection. If collection is nil, creates vector instead of sequence. The appending might happen on different places depending on the type of collection.


(conjv nil 5) => [5]
(conjv [1] 2) => [1 2]
(update-in {} [:a] conjv 5) => {:a [5]}
(-> [] (conjv 5)) => [5]
Append an element to a collection. If collection is `nil`, creates vector
instead of sequence. The appending might happen on different places
depending on the type of collection.


    (conjv nil 5) => [5]
    (conjv [1] 2) => [1 2]
    (update-in {} [:a] conjv 5) => {:a [5]}
    (-> [] (conjv 5)) => [5]
sourceraw docstring


(consv coll el)

Prepend an element to a collection. Returns a vector.


(consv nil 1) => [1]
(consv [2] 1) => [1 2]
(update-in {:a 2} [:a] consv 1) => {:a [1 2]}
(-> [2] (consv 5)) => [1 2]
Prepend an element to a collection. Returns a vector.


    (consv nil 1) => [1]
    (consv [2] 1) => [1 2]
    (update-in {:a 2} [:a] consv 1) => {:a [1 2]}
    (-> [2] (consv 5)) => [1 2]
sourceraw docstring


(deep-merge values)
(deep-merge strategy & values)
(deep-merge & values)

Recursively merges maps.

If the first parameter is a keyword it tells the strategy to use when merging non-map collections. Options are

  • :replace, the default, the last value is used
  • :into, if the value in every map is a collection they are concatenated using into. Thus the type of (first) value is maintained.


(deep-merge {:a {:c 2}} {:a {:b 1}}) => {:a {:b 1 :c 2}}
(deep-merge :replace {:a [1]} {:a [2]}) => {:a [2]}
(deep-merge :into {:a [1]} {:a [2]}) => {:a [1 2]}
(deep-merge {:a 1} nil) => nil

See also: meta-merge.

Recursively merges maps.

If the first parameter is a keyword it tells the strategy to
use when merging non-map collections. Options are

- `:replace`, the default, the last value is used
- `:into`, if the value in every map is a collection they are concatenated
  using into. Thus the type of (first) value is maintained.


    (deep-merge {:a {:c 2}} {:a {:b 1}}) => {:a {:b 1 :c 2}}
    (deep-merge :replace {:a [1]} {:a [2]}) => {:a [2]}
    (deep-merge :into {:a [1]} {:a [2]}) => {:a [1 2]}
    (deep-merge {:a 1} nil) => nil

See also: [meta-merge](
sourceraw docstring


(dissoc-in m [k & ks :as keys])

Dissociates an entry from a nested associative structure returning a new nested structure. keys is a sequence of keys. Any empty maps that result will not be present in the new structure.

Dissociates an entry from a nested associative structure returning a new
nested structure. `keys` is a sequence of keys. Any empty maps that result
will not be present in the new structure.
sourceraw docstring


(filter-entries pred coll)

Filter given associative collection using function on the values.

Filter given associative collection using function on the values.
sourceraw docstring


(filter-keys pred coll)

Filter given associative collection using function on the keys.

Filter given associative collection using function on the keys.
sourceraw docstring


(filter-vals pred coll)

Filter given associative collection using function on the values.

Filter given associative collection using function on the values.
sourceraw docstring


(find-first coll where)

Find first value from collection which matches the where parameter.

If where parameter is:

  • a map, a predicate is created which compares every key/value pair of where value to collection value.
  • something which implements IFn, e.g. keywords and sets, is used as is
  • other values, compares the item using using clojure.core/=


(find-first [1 2 3] even?) => 2
(find-first [{:id 1} {:id 2, :foo :bar}] {:id 2}) => {:id 2, :foo :bar}
(find-first [{:a 1} {:b 2, :foo :bar}] :b) => {:b 2, :foo :bar}
(find-first [1 2 3] #{3}) => 3
(find-first [1 2 3] 3) => 3
(-> [1 2 3] (find-first odd?)) => 1
Find first value from collection which matches the `where` parameter.

If `where` parameter is:

- a map, a predicate is created which compares every key/value pair of `where` value to
  collection value.
- something which implements IFn, e.g. keywords and sets, is used as is
- other values, compares the item using using `clojure.core/=`


    (find-first [1 2 3] even?) => 2
    (find-first [{:id 1} {:id 2, :foo :bar}] {:id 2}) => {:id 2, :foo :bar}
    (find-first [{:a 1} {:b 2, :foo :bar}] :b) => {:b 2, :foo :bar}
    (find-first [1 2 3] #{3}) => 3
    (find-first [1 2 3] 3) => 3
    (-> [1 2 3] (find-first odd?)) => 1
sourceraw docstring


(find-index coll where)

Find index of vector which matches the where parameter.

If where parameter is:

  • a map, a predicate is created which compares every key/value pair of where value to collection value.
  • something which implements IFn, e.g. keywords and sets, is used as is
  • other values, compares the item using using clojure.core/=


(find-index [1 2 3] even?) => 1
(find-index [{:id 1} {:id 2}] {:id 2}) => 1
(find-index [{:a 1} {:b 2}] :b) => 1
(find-index [1 2 3] #{3}) => 2
(find-index [1 2 3] 3) => 2
(-> [1 2 3] (find-index odd?)) => 0
Find index of vector which matches the `where` parameter.

If `where` parameter is:

- a map, a predicate is created which compares every key/value pair of `where` value to
  collection value.
- something which implements IFn, e.g. keywords and sets, is used as is
- other values, compares the item using using `clojure.core/=`


    (find-index [1 2 3] even?) => 1
    (find-index [{:id 1} {:id 2}] {:id 2}) => 1
    (find-index [{:a 1} {:b 2}] :b) => 1
    (find-index [1 2 3] #{3}) => 2
    (find-index [1 2 3] 3) => 2
    (-> [1 2 3] (find-index odd?)) => 0
sourceraw docstring


(fn-> & body)

Creates a function that threads on input with some->

Creates a function that threads on input with `some->`
sourceraw docstring


(fn->> & body)

Creates a function that threads on input with some->>

Creates a function that threads on input with `some->>`
sourceraw docstring


(if-all-let bindings then)
(if-all-let bindings then else)

bindings => [binding-form test, binding-form test ...]

If all tests are true, evaluates then with binding-forms bound to the values of tests, if not, yields else.

`bindings => [binding-form test, binding-form test ...]`

If all tests are `true`, evaluates then with binding-forms bound to the values of
tests, if not, yields `else.`
sourceraw docstring


(index-by f coll)

Returns a map of the elements of coll keyed by the result of f on each element. The value at each key will the last item for given f result.

Returns a map of the elements of coll keyed by the result of
f on each element. The value at each key will the last item
for given f result.
sourceraw docstring


(map-entries f coll)

Map the entries of given associative collection using function.

Map the entries of given associative collection using function.
sourceraw docstring


(map-keys f coll)

Map the keys of given associative collection using function.

Map the keys of given associative collection using function.
sourceraw docstring


(map-of & syms)

Creates map with symbol names as keywords as keys and symbol values as values.

Creates map with symbol names as keywords as keys and
symbol values as values.
sourceraw docstring


(map-vals f coll)

Map the values of given associative collection using function.

Map the values of given associative collection using function.
sourceraw docstring


(path-vals m)

Returns vector of tuples containing path vector to the value and the value.

Returns vector of tuples containing path vector to the value and the value.
sourceraw docstring


(remove-entries pred coll)

Removes given associative collection using function on the values.

Removes given associative collection using function on the values.
sourceraw docstring


(remove-keys pred coll)

Removes given associative collection using function on the keys.

Removes given associative collection using function on the keys.
sourceraw docstring


(remove-vals pred coll)

Removes given associative collection using function on the values.

Removes given associative collection using function on the values.
sourceraw docstring


(update-first coll where f & args)

Finds the first element in collection matching the where parameter and updates that using f. f is called with current value and rest of update-first params.

Implementation depends on collection type.

Finds the first element in collection matching the `where` parameter
and updates that using `f.` `f` is called with current value and
rest of update-first params.

Implementation depends on collection type.
sourceraw docstring


(update-if-contains m k & rest)

Applies clojure.core/update on an associative structure, when k is a key contained in that structure. If the key does not exist, the associative structure is returned as is.


(update-if-contains {} :a inc) => {}
(update-if-contains {:a 0} :a inc) => {:a 1}
Applies `clojure.core/update` on an associative structure, when k
is a key contained in that structure. If the key does not exist, the
associative structure is returned as is.


    (update-if-contains {} :a inc) => {}
    (update-if-contains {:a 0} :a inc) => {:a 1}
sourceraw docstring


(where-fn where)

Returns a predicate that accepts a value and performs a check based on where argument.

If where is a map, returns a predicate that compares all key/value pairs of where to the key/values of the value given to the predicate, and returns truthy value if all pairs are found.

If where is a function (either fn? or ifn?), returns where.

For all other values of where returns a predicate that compares the argument of predicate against where using clojure.core/=.

Returns a predicate that accepts a value and performs a check based on `where` argument.

If `where` is a map, returns a predicate that compares all key/value pairs of `where` to
the key/values of the value given to the predicate, and returns truthy value if all
pairs are found.

If `where` is a function (either `fn?` or `ifn?`), returns `where`.

For all other values of `where` returns a predicate that compares the argument of predicate
against `where` using `clojure.core/=`.
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-into coll v)

Wrap non-collection values into given collection. Collections are only put into the collection (non-wrapped).


(wrap-into [] :a) => [:a]
(wrap-into [] [:a]) => [:a]
(wrap-into #{} [:a]) => #{:a}
Wrap non-collection values into given collection.
Collections are only put into the collection (non-wrapped).


    (wrap-into [] :a) => [:a]
    (wrap-into [] [:a]) => [:a]
    (wrap-into #{} [:a]) => #{:a}
sourceraw docstring


(zip & colls)

Returns a sequence of vectors where the i-th vector contains the i-th element from each of the argument collections. The returned sequence is as long as the shortest argument.


(zip [1 2 3] [:a :b :c])  => ([1 :a] [2 :b] [3 :c])
(zip [1] [1 2] [1 2 3])   => ([1 1 1])
Returns a sequence of vectors where the i-th vector contains
the i-th element from each of the argument collections. The returned
sequence is as long as the shortest argument.


    (zip [1 2 3] [:a :b :c])  => ([1 :a] [2 :b] [3 :c])
    (zip [1] [1 2] [1 2 3])   => ([1 1 1])
sourceraw docstring

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