(coerce! match)
Returns a map of coerced input parameters using pre-compiled
coercers under :result
(provided by compile-request-coercers
Throws ex-info
if parameters can't be coerced
If coercion or parameters are not defined, return nil
Returns a map of coerced input parameters using pre-compiled coercers under `:result` (provided by [[compile-request-coercers]]. Throws `ex-info` if parameters can't be coerced If coercion or parameters are not defined, return `nil`
(coerce-request coercers request)
(coerce-response coercers request response)
Pluggable coercion protocol
Pluggable coercion protocol
(-get-name this)
Keyword name for the coercion
Keyword name for the coercion
(-get-options this)
Coercion options
Coercion options
(-request-coercer this type model)
Returns a value format => value
request coercion function
Returns a `value format => value` request coercion function
(-response-coercer this model)
Returns a value format => value
response coercion function
Returns a `value format => value` response coercion function
(-compile-model this model name)
Compiles a model
Compiles a model
(-encode-error this error)
Converts error in to a serializable format
Converts error in to a serializable format
(-open-model this model)
Returns a new model which allows extra keys in maps
Returns a new model which allows extra keys in maps
(-get-apidocs this spesification data)
Returns api documentation
Returns api documentation
(compile-request-coercers [_ {:keys [parameters coercion]}] opts)
A router :compile implementation which reads the :parameters
and :coercion
data to create compiled coercers into Match under
`:result. A pre-requisite to use coerce!
A router :compile implementation which reads the `:parameters` and `:coercion` data to create compiled coercers into Match under `:result. A pre-requisite to use [[coerce!]].
(encode-error data)
(error? x)
(extract-request-format-default request)
(extract-response-format-default request _)
(get-apidocs this spesification data)
(request-coercer coercion
{:keys [:reitit.coercion/extract-request-format
:or {extract-request-format extract-request-format-default
parameter-coercion default-parameter-coercion}})
(request-coercers coercion parameters opts)
(response-coercer coercion
{:keys [extract-response-format]
:or {extract-response-format
(response-coercers coercion responses opts)
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