[metosin/reitit-swagger "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT"]
Reitit supports Swagger2 documentation, thanks to schema-tools and spec-tools. Documentation is extracted from route definitions, coercion :parameters
and :responses
and from a set of new documentation keys.
To enable swagger-documentation for a ring-router:
The following route data keys contribute to the generated swagger specification:
key | description |
:swagger | map of any swagger-data. Must have :id (keyword or sequence of keywords) to identify the api |
:no-doc | optional boolean to exclude endpoint from api docs |
:tags | optional set of strings of keywords tags for an endpoint api docs |
:summary | optional short string summary of an endpoint |
:description | optional long description of an endpoint. Supports http://spec.commonmark.org/ |
Coercion keys also contribute to the docs:
key | description |
:parameters | optional input parameters for a route, in a format defined by the coercion |
:responses | optional descriptions of responess, in a format defined by coercion |
There is a reitit.swagger.swagger-feature
, which acts as both a Middleware
and an Interceptor
that is not participating in any request processing - it just defines the route data specs for the routes it's mounted to. It is only needed if the route data validation is turned on.
To serve the actual Swagger Specification, there is reitit.swagger/create-swagger-handler
. It takes no arguments and returns a ring-handler which collects at request-time data from all routes for the same swagger api and returns a formatted Swagger spesification as Clojure data, to be encoded by a response formatter.
If you need to post-process the generated spec, just wrap the handler with a custom Middleware
or an Interceptor
Swagger-ui is a user interface to visualize and interact with the Swagger spesification. To make things easy, there is a pre-integrated version of the swagger-ui as a separate module.
[metosin/reitit-swagger-ui "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT"]
can be used to create a ring-handler to serve the swagger-ui. It accepts the following options:
key | description |
:parameter | optional name of the wildcard parameter, defaults to unnamed keyword : |
:root | optional resource root, defaults to "swagger-ui" |
:url | path to swagger endpoint, defaults to /swagger.json |
:path | optional path to mount the handler to. Works only if mounted outside of a router. |
:config | parameters passed to swaggger-ui, keys transformed into camelCase. See the docs |
We use swagger-ui from ring-swagger-ui, which can be easily configured from routing application. It stores files swagger-ui
in the resource classpath.
Webjars also hosts a version of the swagger-ui.
NOTE: Currently, swagger-ui module is just for Clojure. ClojureScript-support welcome as a PR!
(require '[reitit.ring :as ring])
(require '[reitit.swagger :as swagger])
(require '[reitit.swagger-ui :as swagger-ui])
(def app
["/ping" {:get (constantly "ping")}]
["/pong" {:post (constantly "pong")}]]
{:get {:no-doc true
:handler (swagger/create-swagger-handler)}}]]
{:data {:swagger {:id ::api}}}) ;; for all routes
(swagger-ui/create-swagger-ui-handler {:path "/"})))
The generated swagger spec:
(app {:request-method :get :uri "/swagger.json"})
;{:status 200
; :body {:swagger "2.0"
; :x-id #{:user/api}
; :paths {"/api/ping" {:get {}}
; "/api/pong" {:post {}}}}}
(app {:request-method :get :uri "/"})
; ... the swagger-ui index-page, configured correctly
and Schema
, :produces
, :consumes
to capture query & path parameterscreate-default-handler
Whole example project is in /examples/ring-swagger
(require '[reitit.ring :as ring]
(require '[reitit.swagger :as swagger]
(require '[reitit.swagger-ui :as swagger-ui]
;; coercion
(require '[reitit.ring.coercion :as rrc]
(require '[reitit.coercion.spec :as spec]
(require '[reitit.coercion.schema :as schema]
(require '[schema.core :refer [Int]]
;; web server
(require '[ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty]
(require '[ring.middleware.params]
(require '[muuntaja.middleware]))
(def app
{:swagger {:id ::math}}
{:get {:no-doc true
:swagger {:info {:title "my-api"}}
:handler (swagger/create-swagger-handler)}}]
{:coercion spec/coercion
:swagger {:tags ["spec"]}}
{:get {:summary "plus with spec"
:parameters {:query {:x int?, :y int?}}
:responses {200 {:body {:total int?}}}
:handler (fn [{{{:keys [x y]} :query} :parameters}]
{:status 200
:body {:total (+ x y)}})}}]]
{:coercion schema/coercion
:swagger {:tags ["schema"]}}
{:get {:summary "plus with schema"
:parameters {:query {:x Int, :y Int}}
:responses {200 {:body {:total Int}}}
:handler (fn [{{{:keys [x y]} :query} :parameters}]
{:status 200
:body {:total (+ x y)}})}}]]]
{:data {:middleware [ring.middleware.params/wrap-params
:swagger {:produces #{"application/json"
:consumes #{"application/json"
{:path "", :url "/api/swagger.json"})
(defn start []
(jetty/run-jetty #'app {:port 3000, :join? false})
(println "server running in port 3000"))
http://localhost:3000 should render now the swagger-ui:
Route data in path [:swagger :id]
can be either a keyword or a sequence of keywords. This enables one route to be part of multiple swagger apis. Normal route data scoping rules rules apply.
Example with:
and ::two
(require '[reitit.ring :as ring])
(require '[reitit.swagger :as swagger])
(def ping-route
["/ping" {:get (constantly "ping")}])
(def spec-route
{:get {:no-doc true
:handler (swagger/create-swagger-handler)}}])
(def app
[["/common" {:swagger {:id #{::one ::two}}} ping-route]
["/one" {:swagger {:id ::one}} ping-route spec-route]
["/two" {:swagger {:id ::two}} ping-route spec-route
["/deep" {:swagger {:id ::one}} ping-route]]
["/one-two" {:swagger {:id #{::one ::two}}} spec-route]])))
(-> {:request-method :get, :uri "/one/swagger.json"} app :body :paths keys)
; ("/common/ping" "/one/ping" "/two/deep/ping")
(-> {:request-method :get, :uri "/two/swagger.json"} app :body :paths keys)
; ("/common/ping" "/two/ping")
(-> {:request-method :get, :uri "/one-two/swagger.json"} app :body :paths keys)
; ("/common/ping" "/one/ping" "/two/ping" "/two/deep/ping")
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