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Frontend browser integration

Reitit includes two browser history integrations.

Functions follow HTML5 History API: push-state to change route, replace-state to change route without leaving previous entry in browser history.

Fragment router

Fragment is simple integration which stores the current route in URL fragment, i.e. after #. This means the route is never part of the request URI and server will always know which file to return (index.html).

HTML5 router

HTML5 History API can be used to modify the URL in browser without making request to the server. This means the URL will look normal, but the downside is that the server must respond to all routes with correct file (index.html). Check examples for simple Ring handler example.


Reitit frontend routers require storing the state somewhere and passing it to all the calls. Wrapper (reitit.frontend.easy) is provided which manages router instance and passes the instance to all calls.

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