[metosin/reitit-middleware "0.3.0"]
Any Ring middleware can be used with reitit-ring
, but using data-driven middleware is preferred as they are easier to manage and in many cases, yield better performance. reitit-middleware
contains a set of common ring middleware, lifted into data-driven middleware.
to capture query- and form-params. Wraps
NOTE: will be factored into two parts: a query-parameters middleware and a Muuntaja format responsible for the the application/x-www-form-urlencoded
body format.
A polished version of compojure-api exception handling. Catches all exceptions and invokes configured exception handler.
(require '[reitit.ring.middleware.exception :as exception])
A preconfigured middleware using exception/default-handlers
. Catches:
of :reitit.ring/response
, returning :response
key from ex-data
.(require '[reitit.ring :as ring])
(def app
["/fail" (fn [_] (throw (Exception. "fail")))]
{:data {:middleware [exception/exception-middleware]}})))
(app {:request-method :get, :uri "/fail"})
;{:status 500
; :body {:type "exception"
; :class "java.lang.Exception"}}
Creates the exception-middleware with custom options. Takes a map of identifier => exception request => response
that is used to select the exception handler for the thrown/raised exception identifier. Exception idenfier is either a Keyword
or a Exception Class.
The following handlers are available by default:
key | description |
:reitit.ring/response | value in ex-data key :response will be returned |
:muuntaja/decode | handle Muuntaja decoding exceptions |
:reitit.coercion/request-coercion | request coercion errors (http 400 response) |
:reitit.coercion/response-coercion | response coercion errors (http 500 response) |
::exception/default | a default exception handler if nothing else matched (default exception/default-handler ). |
::exception/wrap | a 3-arity handler to wrap the actual handler handler exception request => response (no default). |
The handler is selected from the options map by exception idenfitifier in the following lookup order:
of exception ex-data:type
ancestors of exception ex-data;; type hierarchy
(derive ::error ::exception)
(derive ::failure ::exception)
(derive ::horror ::exception)
(defn handler [message exception request]
{:status 500
:body {:message message
:exception (.getClass exception)
:data (ex-data exception)
:uri (:uri request)}})
(def exception-middleware
{;; ex-data with :type ::error
::error (partial handler "error")
;; ex-data with ::exception or ::failure
::exception (partial handler "exception")
;; SQLException and all it's child classes
java.sql.SQLException (partial handler "sql-exception")
;; override the default handler
::exception/default (partial handler "default")
;; print stack-traces for all exceptions
::exception/wrap (fn [handler e request]
(println "ERROR" (pr-str (:uri request)))
(handler e request))})))
(def app
["/fail" (fn [_] (throw (ex-info "fail" {:type ::failue})))]
{:data {:middleware [exception-middleware]}})))
(app {:request-method :get, :uri "/fail"})
; ERROR "/fail"
; => {:status 500,
; :body {:message "default"
; :exception clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
; :data {:type :user/failue}
; :uri "/fail"}}
Wrapper for Muuntaja middleware for content-negotiation, request decoding and response encoding. Takes explicit configuration via :muuntaja
key in route data. Emit's swagger :produces
and :consumes
definitions automatically based on the Muuntaja configuration.
Negotiates a request body based on Content-Type
header and response body based on Accept
, Accept-Charset
headers. Publishes the negotiation results as :muuntaja/request
and :muuntaja/response
keys into the request.
Decodes the request body into :body-params
using the :muuntaja/request
key in request if the :body-params
doesn't already exist.
Encodes the response body using the :muuntaja/response
key in request if the response doesn't have Content-Type
header already set.
Expected route data:
key | description |
:muuntaja | muuntaja.core/Muuntaja instance, does not mount if not set. |
(require '[reitit.ring.middleware.muuntaja :as muuntaja])
- Negotiation, request decoding and response encoding in a single Middlewaremuuntaja/format-negotiate-middleware
- Negotiationmuuntaja/format-request-middleware
- Request decodingmuuntaja/format-response-middleware
- Response encoding(require '[reitit.ring :as ring])
(require '[reitit.ring.coercion :as rrc])
(require '[reitit.coercion.spec :as rcs])
(require '[ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty])
(def app
{:post {:summary "negotiated request & response (json, edn, transit)"
:parameters {:body {:x int?, :y int?}}
:responses {200 {:body {:total int?}}}
:handler (fn [{{{:keys [x y]} :body} :parameters}]
{:status 200
:body {:total (+ x y)}})}}]
{:get {:summary "forced xml response"
:handler (fn [_]
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/xml"}
:body "<kikka>kukka</kikka>"})}}]]
{:data {:muuntaja m/instance
:coercion rcs/coercion
:middleware [muuntaja/format-middleware
(jetty/run-jetty #'app {:port 3000, :join? false})
Testing with httpie:
> http POST :3000/math x:=1 y:=2
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 11
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2018 16:59:54 GMT
Server: Jetty(9.2.21.v20170120)
"total": 3
> http :3000/xml
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 20
Content-Type: text/xml
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2018 16:59:58 GMT
Server: Jetty(9.2.21.v20170120)
Wrapper for Ring Multipart Middleware. Emits swagger :consumes
definitions automatically.
Expected route data:
key | description |
[:parameters :multipart] | mounts only if defined for a route. |
(require '[reitit.ring.middleware.multipart :as multipart])
a preconfigured middleware for multipart handlingmultipart/create-multipart-middleware
to generate with custom configurationreitit.ring.middleware.dev/print-request-diffs
is a middleware chain transforming function. It prints a request diff between each middleware. To use it, add the following router option:
:reitit.middleware/transform reitit.ring.middleware.dev/print-request-diffs
Partial sample output:
See an example app with the default middleware in action: https://github.com/metosin/reitit/blob/master/examples/ring-swagger/src/example/server.clj.
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