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Data-driven Middleware

Ring defines middleware as a function of type handler & args => request => response. It's relatively easy to understand and enables good performance. Downside is that the middleware-chain is just a opaque function, making things like debugging and composition hard. It's too easy to apply the middleware in wrong order.

Reitit defines middleware as data:

  1. Middleware can be defined as first-class data entries
  2. Middleware can be mounted as a duct-style vector (of middleware)
  3. Middleware can be optimized & compiled against an endpoint
  4. Middleware chain can be transformed by the router

Middleware as data

All values in the :middleware vector in the route data are expanded into reitit.middleware/Middleware Records with using the reitit.middleware/IntoMiddleware Protocol. By default, functions, maps and Middleware records are allowed.

Records can have arbitrary keys, but the following keys have a special purpose:

:nameName of the middleware as a qualified keyword
:specclojure.spec definition for the route data, see route data validation (optional)
:wrapThe actual middleware function of handler & args => request => response
:compileMiddleware compilation function, see compiling middleware.

Middleware Records are accessible in their raw form in the compiled route results, thus available for inventories, creating api-docs etc.

For the actual request processing, the Records are unwrapped into normal functions and composed into a middleware function chain, yielding zero runtime penalty.

Creating Middleware

The following produce identical middleware runtime function.


(defn wrap [handler id]
  (fn [request]
    (handler (update request ::acc (fnil conj []) id))))


(def wrap3
  {:name ::wrap3
   :description "Middleware that does things."
   :wrap wrap})


(require '[reitit.middleware :as middleware])

(def wrap2
    {:name ::wrap2
     :description "Middleware that does things."
     :wrap wrap}))

Using Middleware

:middleware is merged to endpoints by the router.

(require '[reitit.ring :as ring])

(defn handler [{:keys [::acc]}]
  {:status 200, :body (conj acc :handler)})

(def app
      ["/api" {:middleware [[wrap 1] [wrap2 2]]}
       ["/ping" {:get {:middleware [[wrap3 3]]
                       :handler handler}}]])))

All the middleware are applied correctly:

(app {:request-method :get, :uri "/api/ping"})
; {:status 200, :body [1 2 3 :handler]}

Compiling middleware

Middleware can be optimized against an endpoint using middleware compilation.

Ideas for the future

  • Support Middleware dependency resolution with new keys :requires and :provides. Values are set of top-level keys of the request. e.g.
    • InjectUserIntoRequestMiddleware requires #{:session} and provides #{:user}
    • AuthorizationMiddleware requires #{:user}

Ideas welcome & see issues for details.

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