(match->path match)
(match->path match query-params)
(match->path match query-params fragment)
Create routing path from given match and optional query-parameters map and optional fragment string.
Query-parameters are encoded using the input schema and coercion implementation.
Create routing path from given match and optional query-parameters map and optional fragment string. Query-parameters are encoded using the input schema and coercion implementation.
(match-by-name router name)
(match-by-name router name path-params)
Given a router, route name and optionally path-parameters,
will return a Match (exact match), PartialMatch (missing path-parameters)
or nil
(no match).
Given a router, route name and optionally path-parameters, will return a Match (exact match), PartialMatch (missing path-parameters) or `nil` (no match).
(match-by-name! router name)
(match-by-name! router name path-params)
Logs problems using console.warn
Logs problems using console.warn
(match-by-path router path)
(match-by-path router path {:keys [on-coercion-error]})
Given routing tree and current path, return match with possibly coerced parameters. Return nil if no match found.
:on-coercion-error - a sideeffecting fn of match exception -> nil
Given routing tree and current path, return match with possibly coerced parameters. Return nil if no match found. :on-coercion-error - a sideeffecting fn of `match exception -> nil`
(query-params uri)
Given goog.Uri, read query parameters into a Clojure map.
Given goog.Uri, read query parameters into a Clojure map.
(router raw-routes)
(router raw-routes opts)
Create a reitit.core.router
from raw route data and optionally an options map.
Enables request coercion. See [[reitit.core/router]] for details on options.
Create a `reitit.core.router` from raw route data and optionally an options map. Enables request coercion. See [[reitit.core/router]] for details on options.
(set-query-params path new-query-or-update-fn)
Given Reitit-frontend path, update the query params with given function and arguments.
Note: coercion is not applied to the query params
Given Reitit-frontend path, update the query params with given function and arguments. Note: coercion is not applied to the query params
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