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(accepted? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 202

Checks whether the response has status code 202
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(already-reported? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 208

Checks whether the response has status code 208
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(bad-gateway? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 502

Checks whether the response has status code 502
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(bad-request? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 400

Checks whether the response has status code 400
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(bandwidth-limit-exceeded? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 509

Checks whether the response has status code 509
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(blocked-by-windows-parental-controls? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 450

Checks whether the response has status code 450
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(client-error? response)

Check whether the response type is ClientError (status code is between 400 and 499).

Check whether the response type is ClientError (status code is between
400 and 499).
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(conflict? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 409

Checks whether the response has status code 409
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(continue? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 100

Checks whether the response has status code 100
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(created? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 201

Checks whether the response has status code 201
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(enhance-your-calm? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 420

Checks whether the response has status code 420
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(expectation-failed? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 417

Checks whether the response has status code 417
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(failed-dependency? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 424

Checks whether the response has status code 424
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(forbidden? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 403

Checks whether the response has status code 403
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(found? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 302

Checks whether the response has status code 302
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(gateway-timeout? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 504

Checks whether the response has status code 504
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(gone? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 410

Checks whether the response has status code 410
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(http-version-not-supported? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 505

Checks whether the response has status code 505
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(im-a-teapot? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 418

Checks whether the response has status code 418
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(im-used? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 226

Checks whether the response has status code 226
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(informational? response)

Check whether the response type is Informational (status code is between 100 and 199).

Check whether the response type is Informational (status code is between
100 and 199).
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(insufficient-storage? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 507

Checks whether the response has status code 507
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(internal-server-error? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 500

Checks whether the response has status code 500
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(length-required? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 411

Checks whether the response has status code 411
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(locked? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 423

Checks whether the response has status code 423
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(loop-detected? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 508

Checks whether the response has status code 508
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(method-not-allowed? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 405

Checks whether the response has status code 405
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(moved-permanently? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 301

Checks whether the response has status code 301
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(multi-status? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 207

Checks whether the response has status code 207
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(multiple-choices? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 300

Checks whether the response has status code 300
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(network-authentication-required? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 511

Checks whether the response has status code 511
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(network-connect-timeout? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 599

Checks whether the response has status code 599
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(network-read-timeout? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 598

Checks whether the response has status code 598
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(no-content? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 204

Checks whether the response has status code 204
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(non-authoritative-information? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 203

Checks whether the response has status code 203
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(not-acceptable? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 406

Checks whether the response has status code 406
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(not-extended? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 510

Checks whether the response has status code 510
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(not-found? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 404

Checks whether the response has status code 404
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(not-implemented? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 501

Checks whether the response has status code 501
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(not-modified? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 304

Checks whether the response has status code 304
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(ok? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 200

Checks whether the response has status code 200
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(partial-content? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 206

Checks whether the response has status code 206
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(payment-required? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 402

Checks whether the response has status code 402
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(permanent-redirect? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 308

Checks whether the response has status code 308
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(precondition-failed? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 412

Checks whether the response has status code 412
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(precondition-required? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 428

Checks whether the response has status code 428
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(processing? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 102

Checks whether the response has status code 102
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(proxy-authentication-required? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 407

Checks whether the response has status code 407
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(redirection? response)

Check whether the response type is Redirection (status code is between 300 and 399).

Check whether the response type is Redirection (status code is between
300 and 399).
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(request-entity-too-large? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 413

Checks whether the response has status code 413
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(request-header-fields-too-large? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 431

Checks whether the response has status code 431
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(request-timeout? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 408

Checks whether the response has status code 408
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(request-uri-too-long? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 414

Checks whether the response has status code 414
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(requested-range-not-satisfiable? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 416

Checks whether the response has status code 416
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(reset-content? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 205

Checks whether the response has status code 205
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(retry-with? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 449

Checks whether the response has status code 449
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(see-other? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 303

Checks whether the response has status code 303
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(server-error? response)

Check whether the response type is ServerError (status code is between 500 and 599).

Check whether the response type is ServerError (status code is between
500 and 599).
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(service-unavailable? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 503

Checks whether the response has status code 503
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(success? response)

Check whether the response type is Success (status code is between 200 and 299).

Check whether the response type is Success (status code is between
200 and 299).
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(switching-protocols? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 101

Checks whether the response has status code 101
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(temporary-redirect? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 307

Checks whether the response has status code 307
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(too-many-requests? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 429

Checks whether the response has status code 429
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(unauthorized? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 401

Checks whether the response has status code 401
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring

(unavailable-for-legal-reasons? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 451

Checks whether the response has status code 451
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(unordered-collection? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 425

Checks whether the response has status code 425
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(unprocessable-entity? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 422

Checks whether the response has status code 422
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(unsupported-media-type? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 415

Checks whether the response has status code 415
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(upgrade-required? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 426

Checks whether the response has status code 426
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(use-proxy? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 305

Checks whether the response has status code 305
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(variant-also-negotiates? response)

Checks whether the response has status code 506

Checks whether the response has status code 506
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring

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