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In-repl user documentation
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Detailed help: (doc midje-facts) -- The basic form. (doc midje-checkers) -- Predefined predicates to use with arrows. (doc midje-arrows) -- Alternate ways of describing the relationship -- between actual and expected values.

(doc midje-prerequisites) -- For top-down test-driven design. (doc midje-defining-checkers) -- Defining checkers (doc midje-setup) -- Setup and teardown for facts and checkers. (doc midje-configuration) -- Changing Midje's defaults. (doc midje-print-levels) -- Changing Midje's verbosity.

See also the (guide) macro, which takes you to pages in the user's guide.

Detailed help:
(doc midje-facts)             -- The basic form.
(doc midje-checkers)          -- Predefined predicates to use with arrows.
(doc midje-arrows)            -- Alternate ways of describing the relationship
                              -- between actual and expected values.

(doc midje-prerequisites)     -- For top-down test-driven design.
(doc midje-defining-checkers) -- Defining checkers
(doc midje-setup)             -- Setup and teardown for facts and checkers.
(doc midje-configuration)     -- Changing Midje's defaults.
(doc midje-print-levels)      -- Changing Midje's verbosity.

See also the `(guide)` macro, which takes you to pages in the
user's guide.
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  • For checks 5 =not=> even? ; Invert the check. Synonym: =deny=> (f) =future=> halts ; don't check, but issue reminder. (m x) =expands-to=> form ; expand macro and check result

  • In prerequisites ..meta.. =contains=> {:a 1} ; partial specification of map-like object (f) =streams=> (range 5 1000) (f) =throws=> (IllegalArgumentException. "boom")

* For checks
  5     =not=>    even?      ; Invert the check. Synonym: =deny=>
  (f)   =future=> halts      ; don't check, but issue reminder.
  (m x) =expands-to=> form   ; expand macro and check result

* In prerequisites
  ..meta.. =contains=> {:a 1} ; partial specification of map-like object
  (f)      =streams=>  (range 5 1000)
  (f)      =throws=>   (IllegalArgumentException. "boom")
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Background-changers are discouraged in favor of with-state-changes and prerequisites, but they still may sometimes be needed.

There are two types of background-changers. The first provides a default prerequisite and has the same format as provided. Here's an example of two inside in a background form:

(background (f 33) => 12, (f 34) => 21)

The other form runs arbitrary code before, after, or around a fact or individual check. Here's how you execute some setup code before each of a series of facts:

(against-background [(before :facts (reset! some-atom 0))] (fact ...) (fact ...))

Here's how you execute some code after each check in a fact:

(against-background [(after :checks (reset! some-atom 0))] (fact (f 1) => 2 ; Reset happens after. (f 2) => 3)) ; Reset happens after.

You can execute code both before and after a fact like this:

(against-background [(before :facts (reset! in-atom 0) :after (reset! out-atom 0))] (fact ...) (fact ...))

You can also wrap code around a fact or check:

(against-background [(around :facts (sql/with-connection db ?form))] ...)

The two types of background-changers can be intermingled.

Background-changers are discouraged in favor of `with-state-changes`
and `prerequisites`, but they still may sometimes be needed.

There are two types of background-changers. The first provides a default
prerequisite and has the same format as `provided`. Here's an example of
two inside in a `background` form:

   (background (f 33) => 12, (f 34) => 21)

The other form runs arbitrary code before, after, or around a fact or
individual check. Here's how you execute some setup code before each of a
series of facts:

   (against-background [(before :facts (reset! some-atom 0))]
      (fact ...)
      (fact ...))

Here's how you execute some code after each check in a fact:

   (against-background [(after :checks (reset! some-atom 0))]
       (f 1) => 2   ; Reset happens after.
       (f 2) => 3)) ; Reset happens after.

You can execute code both before and after a fact like this:

   (against-background [(before :facts (reset! in-atom 0)
                                :after (reset! out-atom 0))]
      (fact ...)
      (fact ...))

You can also wrap code around a fact or check:

   (against-background [(around :facts (sql/with-connection db ?form))]

The two types of background-changers can be intermingled.
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(facts "about checkers" (f) => truthy (f) => falsey (f) => irrelevant ; or anything (f) => (exactly odd?) ; when you expect a particular function (f) => (roughly 10 0.1) (f) => (throws SomeException #"with message") (f) => (contains [1 2 3]) ; works with strings, maps, etc. (f) => (contains [1 2 3] :in-any-order :gaps-ok) (f) => (just [1 2 3]) (f) => (has every? odd?) (f) => (nine-of odd?) ; must be exactly 9 odd values. (f) => (every-checker odd? (roughly 9)) ; both must be true (f) => (some-checker odd? (roughly 9))) ; one must be true

(facts "about checkers"
  (f) => truthy
  (f) => falsey
  (f) => irrelevant ; or `anything`
  (f) => (exactly odd?) ; when you expect a particular function
  (f) => (roughly 10 0.1)
  (f) => (throws SomeException #"with message")
  (f) => (contains [1 2 3]) ; works with strings, maps, etc.
  (f) => (contains [1 2 3] :in-any-order :gaps-ok)
  (f) => (just [1 2 3])
  (f) => (has every? odd?)
  (f) => (nine-of odd?) ; must be exactly 9 odd values.
  (f) => (every-checker odd? (roughly 9)) ; both must be true
  (f) => (some-checker odd? (roughly 9))) ; one must be true
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On startup, Midje loads ${HOME}/.midje.clj and ./.midje.clj (in that order). To affect the default configuration, use code like this in those files: (change-defaults :visible-deprecation false :visible-future false :print-level :print-namespaces)

If you want different configurations for repl and command-line Midje, use the running-in-repl? predicate.

You can temporarily override the configuration like this: (midje.config/with-augmented-config {:print-level :print-no-summary} <forms>...)

or by setting java system properties: (System/setProperty "midje.print-level" ":print-namespaces")

------ Configuration keywords :print-level ; Verbosity of printing. ; See (doc midje-print-levels).

:pretty-print ; Use formatting and color in test output ; Default: true

:visible-deprecation ; Whether information about deprecated ; features or functions is printed. ; Default: true.

:visible-future ; Whether future facts produce output. ; Default: true. ; More: (guide future-facts)

:visible-failure-namespace ; Should failure messages include the ; namespace name as well as the file name? ; Default: false.

:fact-filter ; A function applied to the metadata of ; a fact to see if it should be checked. ; Default: (constantly true)

:check-after-creation ; Should facts be checked as they're loaded? ; Default: true.

:emitter ; Namespace or pathname that contains an "emitter" of custom output.

:partial-prerequisites ; Whether the real function can be used. ; Default false. ; More: (guide partial-prerequisites)

On startup, Midje loads ${HOME}/.midje.clj and ./.midje.clj
(in that order). To affect the default configuration, use
code like this in those files:
    (change-defaults :visible-deprecation false
                     :visible-future false
                     :print-level :print-namespaces)

If you want different configurations for repl and command-line
Midje, use the `running-in-repl?` predicate.

You can temporarily override the configuration like this:
    (midje.config/with-augmented-config {:print-level :print-no-summary}

or by setting java system properties:
    (System/setProperty "midje.print-level" ":print-namespaces")

------ Configuration keywords
:print-level                  ; Verbosity of printing.
                              ; See `(doc midje-print-levels)`.

:pretty-print                 ; Use formatting and color in test output
                              ; Default: true

:visible-deprecation          ; Whether information about deprecated
                              ; features or functions is printed.
                              ; Default: true.

:visible-future               ; Whether future facts produce output.
                              ; Default: true.
                              ; More: `(guide future-facts)`

:visible-failure-namespace    ; Should failure messages include the
                              ; namespace name as well as the file name?
                              ; Default: false.

:fact-filter                  ; A function applied to the metadata of
                              ; a fact to see if it should be checked.
                              ; Default: (constantly true)

:check-after-creation         ; Should facts be checked as they're loaded?
                              ; Default: true.

:emitter                      ; Namespace or pathname that contains
                                an "emitter" of custom output.

:partial-prerequisites        ; Whether the real function can be used.
                              ; Default false.
                              ; More: `(guide partial-prerequisites)`
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Any function can be used on the right-hand side of a check: (fact 500 => (fn [actual] (> actual 100)))

In the left-hand side of a prerequisite, use checker or as-checker to define the checker: (provided (f (checker [arg] (> arg 100))) => 3 (h (as-checker even?)) => 4)

Checkers can be named with defchecker: (defchecker twosie [actual] (and (pos? actual) (even? actual))) (fact 2 => twosie)

  (defchecker roughly [expected delta]
    (checker [actual]
       (and (number? actual)
  (fact 1.1 => (roughly 1 0.2))

Chatty checkers print the values of subexpressions in the case of a failure:

 (fact 4 => (chatty-checker [actual] (< (h actual) (g actual))))

Use every-checker or some-checker to define checkers for boolean expressions:

 (def pleasingly-positive (every-checker number? even? pos?))
 (fact 4 => pleasingly-positive)

 (def unnatural-number (some-checker (complement number?) odd? neg?))
 (fact 'fred => unnatural-number)
Any function can be used on the right-hand side of a check:
    (fact 500 => (fn [actual] (> actual 100)))

In the left-hand side of a prerequisite, use `checker` or
`as-checker` to define the checker:
       (f (checker [arg] (> arg 100))) => 3
       (h (as-checker even?)) => 4)

Checkers can be named with `defchecker`:
      (defchecker twosie [actual]
         (and (pos? actual) (even? actual)))
      (fact 2 => twosie)

      (defchecker roughly [expected delta]
        (checker [actual]
           (and (number? actual)
      (fact 1.1 => (roughly 1 0.2))

Chatty checkers print the values of subexpressions in the
case of a failure:

     (fact 4 => (chatty-checker [actual] (< (h actual) (g actual))))

Use `every-checker` or `some-checker` to define checkers for
boolean expressions:

     (def pleasingly-positive (every-checker number? even? pos?))
     (fact 4 => pleasingly-positive)

     (def unnatural-number (some-checker (complement number?) odd? neg?))
     (fact 'fred => unnatural-number)
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  • A common form: (fact "fact name / doc string" (let [result (prime-ish 5)] result => odd? result => (roughly 13)))

  • Nested facts (facts "about life" (facts "about birth"...) (facts "about childhood"...) ...)

  • Tabular facts (tabular (fact (+ ?x ?y) => 3) ?x ?y 1 2 0 3)

  • Metadata (fact :integration ...) (fact {:priority 5} ...)

* A common form:
  (fact "fact name / doc string"
    (let [result (prime-ish 5)]
      result => odd?
      result => (roughly 13)))

* Nested facts
  (facts "about life"
    (facts "about birth"...)
    (facts "about childhood"...)

* Tabular facts
    (fact (+ ?x ?y) => 3)
    ?x   ?y
     1    2
     0    3)

* Metadata
  (fact :integration ...)
  (fact {:priority 5} ...)
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  • A common form: (fact "fact name / doc string" (let [result (prime-ish 5)] result => odd? result => (roughly 13)))

  • Nested facts (facts "about life" (facts "about birth"...) (facts "about childhood"...) ...)

  • Tabular facts (tabular (fact (+ ?x ?y) => 3) ?x ?y 1 2 0 3)

  • Metadata (fact :integration ...) (fact {:priority 5} ...)

* A common form:
  (fact "fact name / doc string"
    (let [result (prime-ish 5)]
      result => odd?
      result => (roughly 13)))

* Nested facts
  (facts "about life"
    (facts "about birth"...)
    (facts "about childhood"...)

* Tabular facts
    (fact (+ ?x ?y) => 3)
    ?x   ?y
     1    2
     0    3)

* Metadata
  (fact :integration ...)
  (fact {:priority 5} ...)
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  • Prerequisites and top-down TDD: (unfinished char-value chars) (fact "a row value is composed of character values" (row-value ..row..) => "53" (provided (chars ..row..) => [..five.. ..three..] (char-value ..five..) => "5" (char-value ..three..) => "3"))

  • Prerequisites can be defaulted for claims within a fact: (fact "No one is ready until everyone is ready." (prerequisites (pilot-ready?) => true, (copilot-ready?) => true, (flight-engineer-ready?) => true) (ready?) => truthy (ready?) => falsey (provided (pilot-ready?) => false) (ready?) => falsey (provided (copilot-ready?) => false) (ready?) => falsey (provided (flight-engineer-ready?) => false))

  • Prerequisites apply to nested facts (facts "about airplanes" (prerequisites (wings) => 2 (engines => 2) (fact (prerequisite (crew) => 8) ...)))

* Prerequisites and top-down TDD:
  (unfinished char-value chars)
  (fact "a row value is composed of character values"
     (row-value ..row..) => "53"
       (chars ..row..) => [..five.. ..three..]
       (char-value ..five..) => "5"
       (char-value ..three..) => "3"))

* Prerequisites can be defaulted for claims within a fact:
  (fact "No one is ready until everyone is ready."
    (prerequisites (pilot-ready?) => true,
                   (copilot-ready?) => true,
                   (flight-engineer-ready?) => true)
    (ready?) => truthy
    (ready?) => falsey (provided (pilot-ready?) => false)
    (ready?) => falsey (provided (copilot-ready?) => false)
    (ready?) => falsey (provided (flight-engineer-ready?) => false))

* Prerequisites apply to nested facts
  (facts "about airplanes"
     (prerequisites (wings) => 2
                    (engines => 2)
           (prerequisite (crew) => 8)
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The load-facts, check-facts, and recheck-fact functions normally print any fact failures and a final summary. The detail printed can be adjusted by passing either certain keywords or corresponding numbers to the functions. (The numbers are easier to remember.) For example, here's how you check all facts in the most verbose way: (check-facts :all 2) (check-facts :all :print-facts)

Here are all the variants:

:print-normally (0) -- failures and a summary. :print-no-summary (-1) -- failures only. :print-nothing (-2) -- nothing is printed. -- (but return value can be checked) :print-namespaces (1) -- print the namespace for each group of facts. :print-facts (2) -- print fact descriptions in addition to namespaces.

The `load-facts`, `check-facts`, and `recheck-fact`
functions normally print any fact failures and a final
summary. The detail printed can be adjusted by passing
either certain keywords or corresponding numbers to the
functions. (The numbers are easier to remember.)
For example, here's how you check all facts in the most
verbose way:
  (check-facts :all 2)
  (check-facts :all :print-facts)

Here are all the variants:

:print-normally     (0)  -- failures and a summary.
:print-no-summary  (-1)  -- failures only.
:print-nothing     (-2)  -- nothing is printed.
                         -- (but return value can be checked)
:print-namespaces   (1)  -- print the namespace for each group of facts.
:print-facts        (2)  -- print fact descriptions in addition to namespaces.
sourceraw docstring


The load-facts, check-facts, and recheck-fact functions normally print any fact failures and a final summary. The detail printed can be adjusted by passing either certain keywords or corresponding numbers to the functions. (The numbers are easier to remember.) For example, here's how you check all facts in the most verbose way: (check-facts :all 2) (check-facts :all :print-facts)

Here are all the variants:

:print-normally (0) -- failures and a summary. :print-no-summary (-1) -- failures only. :print-nothing (-2) -- nothing is printed. -- (but return value can be checked) :print-namespaces (1) -- print the namespace for each group of facts. :print-facts (2) -- print fact descriptions in addition to namespaces.

The `load-facts`, `check-facts`, and `recheck-fact`
functions normally print any fact failures and a final
summary. The detail printed can be adjusted by passing
either certain keywords or corresponding numbers to the
functions. (The numbers are easier to remember.)
For example, here's how you check all facts in the most
verbose way:
  (check-facts :all 2)
  (check-facts :all :print-facts)

Here are all the variants:

:print-normally     (0)  -- failures and a summary.
:print-no-summary  (-1)  -- failures only.
:print-nothing     (-2)  -- nothing is printed.
                         -- (but return value can be checked)
:print-namespaces   (1)  -- print the namespace for each group of facts.
:print-facts        (2)  -- print fact descriptions in addition to namespaces.
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Here are Midje repl functions. Use doc for more info on each one. To control verbosity of output, use the print levels described by (doc midje-print-levels). Some functions take filter arguments that narrow down which facts within a namespace are acted upon. See the individual doc strings for details.

----- Autotest

(autotest) ; Reload changed files and all their dependents.

----- Loading facts You load facts by namespace. (load-facts <ns> <ns>...) (load-facts 'midje.util.*) ; Load all namespaces below midje.util. (load-facts <ns> :integration) ; Filter to just integration tests. (load-facts) ; Repeat most recent load-facts.

----- Checking facts, once loaded (check-facts <ns> <ns>...) ; in given namespaces (check-facts :all) ; all defined facts (check-facts :all :integration) ; all integration tests

Note: check-facts with no argument will check the same facts as the most recent check-facts or load-facts.

----- Rerunning facts (recheck-fact) ; Check just-checked fact again. (recheck-fact :print-nothing) ; Check silently (but produce true/false). (rcf) ; Synonym for above.

Note: facts with :check-only-at-load-time metadata do not get stored for rechecking.

----- Forgetting facts Same notation as the check-facts family, but with "forget" instead of "check".

----- Fetching facts Same notation as the check-facts family, but with "fetch" instead of "check". To check the returned facts, use check-one-fact: (map check-one-fact (fetch-facts :all))

In addition, you can fetch the last fact checked with (last-fact-checked). (source-of-last-fact-checked) gives you its source.

To query fact metadata more easily, use these: -- (fact-name <ff>) ; result might be nil -- (fact-source <ff>) -- (fact-file <ff>) -- (fact-line <ff>) -- (fact-namespace <ff>) ; a symbol -- (fact-description <ff>) ; the doc string; might be nil

Here are Midje repl functions. Use `doc` for more info on each one.
To control verbosity of output, use the print levels described by
`(doc midje-print-levels)`.
Some functions take filter arguments that narrow down which facts
within a namespace are acted upon. See the individual doc strings
for details.

----- Autotest

(autotest)       ; Reload changed files and all their dependents.

----- Loading facts
You load facts by namespace.
(load-facts <ns> <ns>...)
(load-facts 'midje.util.*)      ; Load all namespaces below midje.util.
(load-facts <ns> :integration)  ; Filter to just integration tests.
(load-facts)                    ; Repeat most recent load-facts.

----- Checking facts, once loaded
(check-facts <ns> <ns>...)        ; in given namespaces
(check-facts :all)                ; all defined facts
(check-facts :all :integration)   ; all integration tests

Note: `check-facts` with no argument will check the same facts
as the most recent `check-facts` or `load-facts`.

----- Rerunning facts
(recheck-fact)                ; Check just-checked fact again.
(recheck-fact :print-nothing) ; Check silently (but produce true/false).
(rcf)                         ; Synonym for above.

Note: facts with `:check-only-at-load-time` metadata do not get
stored for rechecking.

----- Forgetting facts
Same notation as the `check-facts` family, but with
"forget" instead of "check".

----- Fetching facts
Same notation as the `check-facts` family, but with
"fetch" instead of "check".
To check the returned facts, use `check-one-fact`:
   (map check-one-fact (fetch-facts :all))

In addition, you can fetch the last fact checked with
`(last-fact-checked)`. `(source-of-last-fact-checked)`
gives you its source.

To query fact metadata more easily, use these:
-- (fact-name <ff>)         ; result might be nil
-- (fact-source <ff>)
-- (fact-file <ff>)
-- (fact-line <ff>)
-- (fact-namespace <ff>)    ; a symbol
-- (fact-description <ff>)  ; the doc string; might be nil
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Setup and Teardown

  • Applies to all enclosed facts (with-state-changes [(before :facts (do-this)) (after :facts (do-that))] (fact ...) (fact ...))

  • For the rest of this namespace:

    (namespace-state-changes (before :facts (do-this)) (after :facts (do-that)))

Setup and Teardown
* Applies to all enclosed facts
  (with-state-changes [(before :facts (do-this))
                       (after :facts (do-that))]
     (fact ...)
     (fact ...))

* For the rest of this namespace:

     (namespace-state-changes (before :facts (do-this))
                              (after :facts (do-that)))
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Setup and Teardown

  • Applies to all enclosed facts (with-state-changes [(before :facts (do-this)) (after :facts (do-that))] (fact ...) (fact ...))

  • For the rest of this namespace:

    (namespace-state-changes (before :facts (do-this)) (after :facts (do-that)))

Setup and Teardown
* Applies to all enclosed facts
  (with-state-changes [(before :facts (do-this))
                       (after :facts (do-that))]
     (fact ...)
     (fact ...))

* For the rest of this namespace:

     (namespace-state-changes (before :facts (do-this))
                              (after :facts (do-that)))
sourceraw docstring



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