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Missionary – an asynchronous programming toolkit for clojure and clojurescript


  • Provide solid foundations to meet the needs of modern web programming, especially sophisticated real-time collaborative applications.
  • Promote functional effects as the default Clojure concurrency model. Underlying abstractions, tasks and flows, are dependency-free for this reason, missionary is merely a reference implementation.
  • Unification of functional effect/streaming systems and reactive programming in a highly composable model leveraging referential transparency when it matters.


  • Embrace the host, like clojure. Don't try to fix null pointers, exception handling, thread interruption, or lack of TCO.
  • Embrace the language. Support the existing ecosystem, leverage metaprogramming and reuse existing abstractions : collections, transducers, reducing functions, reference types.


  • strict supervision by default
  • expressive IOC syntax with backtracking
  • standard effect system and concurrency toolkit
  • backpressured streaming of discrete events (Reactive Streams adapters provided)
  • lazy sampling of continuous time variables
  • reactive programming facilities


Project status: experimental

{:deps {missionary/missionary {:mvn/version "b.22"}}} 

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Prior art

vs imperative

missionary promotes a functional approach to concurrency, focusing on computation instead of conveyance. It is deeply impacting for the user because the objects implied in both cases have fundamentally different requirements : whereas communication devices have indefinite scope and can be safely garbage collected, running processes are bounded in time and must be supervised.

Popular conveyance-oriented techniques include clojure's succession model, CSP, futures/promises, actor systems. In all of these programming models, the first-class primitive is a communication device (resp. reference types, channels, dataflow variables, mailing addresses) used as an interface to coordinate encapsulated stateful processes. This low-level programming style generally makes no attempt to provide any structure to concurrent computations, which means supervision must be implemented in user space, generally as an afterthought, often simply omitted. Imperative structured concurrency is currently an active area of research.

Functional composition is fundamentally more constrained because it enforces a strict hierarchy of concurrent programs. The benefit for the user is that supervision concerns don't leak to the domain, the runtime engine knows about the program structure and therefore can endorse the right behavior in face of failure (cancel siblings and propagate error to parent). Usual communication devices are still provided to cover use cases requiring data transfer across branches of the supervision tree, but their usage is specialized instead of generalized.

vs functional

ReactiveX is one of the first functional effect system to have gained significant traction in mainstream languages. Other popular incarnations of this paradigm can be found in the Scala ecosystem, namely Cats Effects, ZIO and Monix, all heavily influenced by haskell's IO monad.

missionary aims to make sequential composition more practical, dismissing monadic binding in favor of a DSL that is a superset of the host language. This idea is by no means new, it is even rather popular nowadays and present in almost every modern concurrency framework, including in clojure with core.async's go blocks. Ambiguous expressions are the natural extension of this technique to multiple value producers, but that part has definitely not reached mainstream yet. Surprisingly enough, it is sparingly used even in the modern functional programming landscape.

vs reactive

While traditional streaming engines are focusing on discrete events, missionary is designed upfront to also support continuous time, which is the realm of FRP. This is made possible by the flow abstraction, a foundational protocol allowing a producer to signal availability of a value without eagerly computing it, making suitable for both backpressured event streaming and lazy sampling of time-varying values. This unified representation bridges the gap between functional and reactive programming into a consistent model providing the best of both worlds.


API Reference: missionary.core

How-to guides: cookbook


  1. Hello task
  2. Hello flow
  3. Comparison to RxJava



Intermediate reports and discussions : clojureverse, reddit

Live chat : #missionary on Clojurians slack

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