Note: Please read the guides for tasks and flows before reading this one.
RxJava is a popular library providing a reactive streams implementation. We're going to walk through some examples from an InfoQ guide to compare an RxJava Observable
to a missionary flow. To follow along grab the latest version of missionary and
(require '[missionary.core :as m])
A missionary flow's closest RxJava cousin would be a Flowable
since both have backpressure. We'll be sticking to using Observable
in this guide since the API is largely the same and the InfoQ guide is built with it.
The first part will try to keep the comparisons as close as possible to the RxJava implementation. The second part will try to show alternative or more idiomatic solutions.
The almost simplest example of an Observable is
Observable.just("Hello", "World")
This builds a stream of 2 statically defined values and the subscribe call registers a method that will consume the produced values. The end result is 2 lines on stdout.
While an Observable
is full of methods, a missionary flow has only a few primitive operators that can fulfill the same demands (note that the core namespace includes the whole missionary API, not just flows, so the actual number of functions/macros is lower than you see in the namespace). The most basic one is the fork named ?>
(m/? (m/reduce (constantly nil) (m/ap (println (m/?> (m/seed ["Hello" "World"]))))))
For those who need a refresher:
turns a collection into a flow.?>
forks the execution of the current ap
block. So (m/ap (println (m/?> ...)))
will be run once for each value, i.e. (println "Hello")
, then (println "World")
. It is literally a fork in the execution path.ap
returns yet again a flow.reduce
reduces over the flow, returning a task. Since we don't care about the return value in this case we just return nil.?
runs the task.While there is certainly more functions/macros being called, you'll find that they are completely orthogonal and compose nicely. The end result is a simpler API.
Since this pattern of reducing a flow for a side effect will be present in the few next sections we define a helper macro to cut on the boilerplate a bit:
(defmacro drain [flow] `(m/? (m/reduce (constantly nil) ~flow)))
Now our solution shortens to:
(drain (m/ap (println (m/?> (m/seed ["Hello" "World"])))))
The next example zips two Observable
List<String> words = Arrays.asList("the", "quick", "brown", "fox", "jumped", "over", "the", "lazy", "dog");
.zipWith(Observable.range(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
(string, count)->String.format("%2d. %s", count, string))
This outputs
1. the
2. quick
3. brown
4. fox
5. jumped
6. over
7. the
8. lazy
9. dog
The new methods are from
, zipWith
and range
Missionary has a zip
function as well. No other new functions are needed:
(let [words ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox" "jumped" "over" "the" "lazy" "dog"]]
(drain (m/ap (println (m/?> (m/zip (partial format "%2d. %s")
(m/seed (range 1 100))
(m/seed words)))))))
Next, each character gets its own line:
.flatMap(word -> Observable.from(word.split("")))
.zipWith(Observable.range(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
(string, count) -> String.format("%2d. %s", count, string))
This outputs:
1. t
2. h
3. e
4. q
5. u
6. i
7. c
8. k
30. l
31. a
32. z
33. y
34. d
35. o
36. g
The only new method is flatMap
No new methods are needed for the missionary implementation, we just fork some more:
(let [words ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox" "jumped" "over" "the" "lazy" "dog"]]
(drain (m/ap (println (m/?> (m/zip (partial format "%2d. %s")
(m/seed (range 1 100))
(m/ap (m/?> (m/seed (m/?> (m/seed words)))))))))))
Note: the nested ap
call is necessary to not fork the whole block. If we had written
(let [words ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox" "jumped" "over" "the" "lazy" "dog"]]
(drain (m/ap (println (m/?> (m/zip (partial format "%2d. %s")
(m/seed (range 1 100))
(m/seed (m/?> (m/seed words)))))))))
we would get
1. t
2. h
3. e
1. q
2. u
3. i
4. c
5. k
1. b
2. r
3. o
4. w
5. n
Note: typically a clojure programmer would sooner write
(let [words ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox" "jumped" "over" "the" "lazy" "dog"]]
(drain (m/ap (println (m/?> (m/zip (partial format "%2d. %s")
(m/seed (range 1 100))
(m/seed (mapcat seq words))))))))
in this case. However that wouldn't be the same as the RxJava code that actually flatmapped over an Observable
The guide follows by printing only the distinct letters:
.flatMap(word -> Observable.from(word.split("")))
.zipWith(Observable.range(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
(string, count) -> String.format("%2d. %s", count, string))
This outputs:
1. t
2. h
3. e
4. q
5. u
6. i
7. c
8. k
9. b
10. r
11. o
12. w
13. n
14. f
15. x
16. j
17. m
18. p
19. d
20. v
21. l
22. a
23. z
24. y
25. g
One new method, distinct
, is introduced here.
We will introduce a new function in missionary as well, a much more general one though, eduction
. It takes a transducer and returns a new flow, transforming the values along the way. We don't need to reimplement distinct for flows but can reuse a generic transducer:
(let [words ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox" "jumped" "over" "the" "lazy" "dog"]]
(drain (m/ap (println (m/?> (m/zip (partial format "%2d. %s")
(m/seed (range 1 100))
(->> (m/ap (m/?> (m/seed (m/?> (m/seed words)))))
(m/eduction (distinct)))))))))
To spot the missing letter the guide sorts them:
.flatMap(word -> Observable.from(word.split("")))
.zipWith(Observable.range(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
(string, count) -> String.format("%2d. %s", count, string))
This outputs:
1. a
2. b
3. c
17. q
18. r
19. t
20. u
21. v
22. w
23. x
24. y
25. z
1 new method is introduced, sorted
There is no sort function in missionary and there isn't a transducer available either since sorting requires consuming the whole collection. No new functions are needed though, we just need to reduce
the flow and seed
(let [words ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox" "jumped" "over" "the" "lazy" "dog"]]
(drain (m/ap (println (m/?> (m/zip (partial format "%2d. %s")
(m/seed (range 1 100))
(->> (m/ap (m/?> (m/seed (m/?> (m/seed words)))))
(m/reduce conj (sorted-set)) m/? m/seed)))))))
The next example merges 2 Observable
s into 1:
private static long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
public static Boolean isSlowTickTime() {
return (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) % 30_000 >= 15_000;
Observable<Long> fast = Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Observable<Long> slow = Observable.interval(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Observable<Long> clock = Observable.merge(
slow.filter(tick-> isSlowTickTime()),
fast.filter(tick-> !isSlowTickTime())
clock.subscribe(tick-> System.out.println(new Date()));
The clock
should emit a value every second for 15 seconds, then every 3 seconds for 15 seconds, in a loop. The example output is
Fri Sep 16 03:08:18 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:19 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:20 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:21 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:22 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:23 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:24 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:25 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:26 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:27 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:28 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:29 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:30 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:31 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:32 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:35 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:38 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:41 BST 2016
Fri Sep 16 03:08:44 BST 2016
The new methods are interval
, filter
and merge
Missionary has another fork operator, the concurrent fork ?=
. It forks the execution for all values coming in from the flow concurrently. With this new operator, the sleep
task that sleeps for the given amount of milliseconds and what we learned so far we can build everything we need:
(let [start (System/currentTimeMillis)]
(defn is-slow-tick-time [] (-> (System/currentTimeMillis) (- start) (mod 30000) (>= 15000))))
(defn interval [ms]
(m/ap (m/? (m/sleep (- (m/?> (m/seed (next (iterate (partial + ms) (System/currentTimeMillis)))))
(System/currentTimeMillis)) :emit))))
(def fast (interval 1000))
(def slow (interval 3000))
(def clock (m/ap (m/?> (m/?= (m/seed [(m/eduction (filter (fn [_] (is-slow-tick-time))) slow)
(m/eduction (filter (fn [_] (not (is-slow-tick-time)))) fast)])))))
(m/? (m/reduce (fn [_ _] (println (java.util.Date.))) nil (m/eduction (take 20) clock)))
Note: The RxJava intervals don't backpressure. Depending on your use case you might want to relieve
backpressure as well.
The InfoQ example using an AsyncEmitter
to turn a listener into a cold Observable
is out of date (not present in RxJava 3). For completeness we will copy it here though. If anyone knows a RxJava3 solution feel free to submit a PR!
SomeFeed<PriceTick> feed = new SomeFeed<>();
Observable<PriceTick> obs =
Observable.fromEmitter((AsyncEmitter<PriceTick> emitter) ->
SomeListener listener = new SomeListener() {
public void priceTick(PriceTick event) {
if (event.isLast()) {
public void error(Throwable e) {
}, AsyncEmitter.BackpressureMode.BUFFER);
The example shows a SomeFeed
that can register
a new SomeListener
which receives priceTick
and error
events and can ask if a PriceTick
event was the last one via isLast
. This listener is then converted to an Observable
A flow doesn't provide callbacks that we could use to emit values or signal error/completion. We can achieve something similar by using a queue. We will use a missionary mbx
(short for mailbox). (mbx)
returns a mailbox that can be used as a 1-arity function to send a value and as a task to wait for a value.
(defn feed->flow [feed]
(let [mbx (m/mbx)]
(.register feed (reify SomeListener
(priceTick [event] (mbx [:val event]) (when (.isLast event) (mbx [:done])))
(error [e] (mbx [:err e]))))
(m/ap (loop [[t v] (m/? mbx)]
(case t
:val (if (m/?> (m/seed [true false])) v (recur (m/? mbx)))
:err (throw e)
:done (m/?> m/none))))))
An interesting style is to think more in terms of functional eduction
s over a given flow (a.k.a. transducers).
In 1b
we don't strictly need to zip two flows, we're just interested in indexing the entries. This can be more easily achieved with the map-indexed
(let [words ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox" "jumped" "over" "the" "lazy" "dog"]]
(drain (m/ap (println (m/?> (->> (m/seed words)
(m/eduction (map-indexed #(format "%2d. %s" (inc %1) %2)))))))))
In 1c
we don't need to flatMap
or double-fork the flow, we can rely on transducers again:
(let [words ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox" "jumped" "over" "the" "lazy" "dog"]]
(drain (m/ap (println (m/?> (->> (m/seed words)
(m/eduction (mapcat seq) (map-indexed #(format "%2d. %s" (inc %1) %2)))))))))
In 1d
we already used a transducer, so now we just need to plug it in:
(let [words ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox" "jumped" "over" "the" "lazy" "dog"]]
(drain (m/ap (println (m/?> (->> (m/seed words)
(m/eduction (mapcat seq) (distinct) (map-indexed #(format "%2d. %s" (inc %1) %2)))))))))
In 1e
we have to break out of our pattern a bit since we need to sort the letters:
(let [words ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox" "jumped" "over" "the" "lazy" "dog"]]
(drain (m/ap (println (m/?> (->> (m/seed words)
(m/eduction (mapcat seq) (distinct))
(m/reduce conj (sorted-set)) m/? m/seed
(m/eduction (map-indexed #(format "%2d. %s" (inc %1) %2)))))))))
The "have to" is a bit strong, no one can stop us from implementing our own sorting transducer!
(defn tsort []
(fn [rf]
(let [b (java.util.ArrayList.)]
([] (rf))
(if (.isEmpty b)
(let [vs (sort (.toArray b)), rt (reduce rf (unreduced result) vs)]
(.clear b)
(rf rt))))
([result input] (.add b input) result)))))
Now we can return to a single transducer solution:
(let [words ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox" "jumped" "over" "the" "lazy" "dog"]]
(drain (m/ap (println (m/?> (->> (m/seed words)
(m/eduction (mapcat seq) (distinct) (tsort)
(map-indexed #(format "%2d. %s" (inc %1) %2)))))))))
As you can see transducers make the solutions simpler, shorter and easier to reason about.
Let's look at the RxJava readme for some further examples.
One of the common use cases for RxJava is to run some computation, network request on a background thread and show the results (or error) on the UI thread:
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.schedulers.Schedulers;
Flowable.fromCallable(() -> {
Thread.sleep(1000); // imitate expensive computation
return "Done";
.subscribe(System.out::println, Throwable::printStackTrace);
Thread.sleep(2000); // <--- wait for the flow to finish
The subscribeOn
ensures the callable is run on a thread dedicated for IO (blocking) tasks. observeOn
ensures the value is observed on the single (e.g. UI) thread.
The callable example emits a single value, so we'll use a task in missionary instead:
(try (m/? (m/via m/blk (Thread/sleep 1000) "Done"))
(catch Throwable t (.printStackTrace t)))
allows running a task on a different java.util.concurrent.Executor
. The 2 predefined executors are cpu
for CPU bound tasks and blk
for IO bound (BLocKing) tasks.
Processing the numbers 1 to 10 in parallel is a bit more involved:
Flowable.range(1, 10)
.flatMap(v ->
.map(w -> w * w)
Alternatively, the
operator and theParallelFlowable
type help achieve the same parallel processing pattern:
Flowable.range(1, 10)
.map(v -> v * v)
Here the goal is to run the map
computation in parallel.
If we don't care about the order of the results we can fork the flow concurrently:
(m/? (m/reduce conj (m/ap (let [v (m/?= (m/seed (range 1 11)))] (m/? (m/via m/cpu (* v v)))))))
Otherwise we need to turn each value into a task and join
(apply m/join vector (m/? (m/reduce conj (m/eduction (map #(m/via m/cpu (* % %))) (m/seed (range 1 11))))))
flatMap is a powerful operator and helps in a lot of situations. For example, given a service that returns a Flowable, we'd like to call another service with values emitted by the first service:
Flowable<Inventory> inventorySource = warehouse.getInventoryAsync();
.flatMap(inventoryItem -> erp.getDemandAsync(inventoryItem.getId())
.map(demand -> "Item " + inventoryItem.getName() + " has demand " + demand))
would return a Flowable<Publisher<T>>
, whereas flatMap
"flattens" them into just Flowable<T>
Assuming getDemandAsync
returns a single value we'd model that as a task:
(def inventory (get-inventory warehouse))
(->> (m/ap (let [item (m/?> inventory), demand (m/? (get-demand erp item))] {:item item :demand demand}))
(m/reduce (fn [_ {:keys [item demand]}] (println "Item" (:name item) "has demand" demand))))
[...] given a value, invoke another service, await and continue with its result:
.flatMap(value -> service.anotherApiCall(value))
.flatMap(next -> service.finalCall(next))
If these are tasks:
(m/? (m/sp (->> (api-call service) m/? (another-api-call service) m/? (final-call service) m/?)))
If these are flows:
(m/reduce conj (m/ap (->> (api-call service) m/?> (another-api-call service) m/?> (final-call service) m/?>)))
It is often the case also that later sequences would require values from earlier mappings. This can be achieved by moving the outer flatMap into the inner parts of the previous flatMap for example:
.flatMap(value ->
.flatMap(next -> service.finalCallBoth(value, next))
We'll only show with tasks since flows look very similar:
(m/? (m/sp (let [value (m/? (api-call service)), next (m/? (another-api-call service value))]
(m/? (final-call-both service value next)))))
In other scenarios, the result(s) of the first source/dataflow is irrelevant and one would like to continue with a quasi independent another source. Here, flatMap works as well. [...] Often though there is a way that is somewhat more expressive (and also lower overhead) by using Completable as the mediator and its operator andThen to resume with something else:
.ignoreElements() // returns Completable
.map(v -> v.toString())
Here sourceObservable
needs to be completed and only then another source can be run.
(m/? (m/sp (m/? (m/reduce (constantly nil) source-flow)) (str (m/? some-task))))
Sometimes, there is an implicit data dependency between the previous sequence and the new sequence that, for some reason, was not flowing through the "regular channels".
AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger();
Observable.range(1, 10)
.doOnNext(ignored -> count.incrementAndGet())
.andThen(Single.fromCallable(() -> count.get()))
(def count (atom 0))
(m/? (m/reduce (fn [_ _] (swap! count inc)) nil (m/seed (range 1 11))))
(println @count)
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