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Mook React thin wrapper

Mook defines one function that makes it suitable to use with the included React library: create-element

It also defines various shortcuts in kebab-case instead of camel case (take a look at the file).

The mook version of the create-element is an optimized version of the one described in this article:

This function is suitable for React (web) and React Native.

You can define your elements this way:

;;React web

(def div
  (partial create-element "div"))

;; React Native

(def scroll-view
  (partial create-element (-> "react-native" js/require .-ScrollView)))

Since this can be cumbersome, mook exposes two utility macros.

One to define the elements from a map. The key is the symbol and the value is the component:

  (:require-macros [mook.react :refer [def-elems]]))

(def-elems {div    "div"
            a      "a"
            p      "p"
            img    "img"
            h5     "h5"
            h6     "h6"
            button "button"
            ul     "ul"
            li     "li"})

And another one, in the case of React web, that defines all offical HTML tags in the current namespace:

  (:require-macros [mook.react :refer [def-html-elems!]]))


⚠️ There is one important thing to note. This wrapper relies on cljs-bean. Thus, create-elementreceives a regular clojure map. But the functional components receive a JS map that can be easily used with the cljs-bean.core/->clj function.


  (:require [cljs-bean.core :as b]
            [mook.react :as mr]
            [ :as t]))

(defn liste-entry [props']
  (let [{:keys [number]} (b/->clj props')]
      (str "Number " number))))

(defn root-list []
    (for [number (range 10)]
      (mr/create-element list-entry {:key (str "react-key-" number)
                                     :number number}))))

  (create-element root-list)
  (js/document.getElementById "app-root"))

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