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(handle-queue sqs-ext-client
              {:keys [queue-url number-of-handler-threads restart-limit
                      restart-delay-seconds auto-delete]
               :or {number-of-handler-threads 4
                    restart-limit 6
                    restart-delay-seconds 10
                    auto-delete true}}

Setup a loop that listens to a queue and processes all incoming messages.

Arguments: sqs-ext-client - A client object from calling (sqs-ext-client config) handler-opts - A map for the queue handling settings: queue-url - A string containing the unique URL of the queue to handle (required) number-of-handler-threads - Number of how many threads to run for handling message receival (optional, default: 4) restart-limit - If a potentially non-fatal error occurs while handling the queue, it will try this many times to restart in order to hopefully recover from the occured error (optional, default: 6) restart-delay-seconds - If the loop restarts, restart will be delayed by this many seconds (optional, default: 10) auto-delete - A boolean where true: will immediately delete the message false: will provide a done-fn key inside the returned messages and the message will be left untouched by this API (optional, defaults: true)

handler-fn - A function to which new incoming messages will be passed to (required)

           NOTE: If auto-delete above is set to false, a `done-fn` function will be passed as
                 second argument which should be called to delete the message when processing
                 has been finished.

Returns: A stop function - Call this function to terminate the loop and receive a map of final information about the finished handling process (hopefully handy for debugging). That map includes:

                {:iteration                  The total count of iterations the loop was executed
                 :restart-count 0            Number of times the loop was restarted
                 :started-at    (t/now)      A tick instant timestamp when the loop was started
                 :last-iteration-started-at  A tick instant timestamp when the loop began last
                 :stopped-at                 A tick instant timestamp when the loop was stopped
                 :last-loop-duration-in-seconds} Last loop's running time in seconds
Setup a loop that listens to a queue and processes all incoming messages.

  sqs-ext-client - A client object from calling (sqs-ext-client config)
  handler-opts - A map for the queue handling settings:
    queue-url                 - A string containing the unique URL of the queue to handle (required)
    number-of-handler-threads - Number of how many threads to run for handling message receival
                                (optional, default: 4)
    restart-limit             - If a potentially non-fatal error occurs while handling the queue,
                                it will try this many times to restart in order to hopefully recover
                                from the occured error (optional, default: 6)
    restart-delay-seconds     - If the loop restarts, restart will be delayed by this many seconds
                                (optional, default: 10)
    auto-delete               - A boolean where
                                true: will immediately delete the message
                                false: will provide a `done-fn` key inside the returned messages and
                                       the message will be left untouched by this API
                                (optional, defaults: true)

  handler-fn - A function to which new incoming messages will be passed to (required)

               NOTE: If auto-delete above is set to false, a `done-fn` function will be passed as
                     second argument which should be called to delete the message when processing
                     has been finished.

  A stop function - Call this function to terminate the loop and receive a map of final
                    information about the finished handling process (hopefully handy for
                    debugging). That map includes:

                    {:iteration                  The total count of iterations the loop was executed
                     :restart-count 0            Number of times the loop was restarted
                     :started-at    (t/now)      A tick instant timestamp when the loop was started
                     :last-iteration-started-at  A tick instant timestamp when the loop began last
                     :stopped-at                 A tick instant timestamp when the loop was stopped
                     :last-loop-duration-in-seconds} Last loop's running time in seconds
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