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A simple but insanely useful little function for testing concurrent systems.


user> (require '[wait-for.core :refer [wait-for]])
=> nil
user> (doc wait-for)
([predicate & {:keys [interval timeout timeout-fn], :or {interval 3, timeout 120, timeout-fn (fn* [] (throw (ex-info "Timed out waiting for condition" {:predicate predicate, :timeout timeout})))}}])
  Invoke predicate every interval (default 3) seconds until it returns true,
  or timeout (default 120) seconds have elapsed. E.g.:

      (wait-for #(< (rand) 0.2) :interval 1 :timeout 10)

  Returns nil if the timeout elapses before the predicate becomes true,
  otherwise the value of the predicate on its last evaluation.
=> nil


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