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cljstyle can be integrated into a number of different tools.


If you use zsh as your shell, you can add completion for cljstyle by placing the completion file somewhere on your $fpath and naming it _cljstyle. This will complete the commands and tool options.


For a simple vim integration you can use the following function to reformat the current buffer:

" Add to file for vim or neovim:
" ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/clojure.vim
" ~/.config/nvim/after/ftplugin/clojure.vim

" NOTE: typically you'd set these to use a formatter, but in this case it fails
" since cljstyle usually can't run on partial forms.
"setlocal equalprg=cljstyle\ pipe
"setlocal formatprg=cljstyle\ pipe

" This can also go in autoload/cljstyle.vim
function cljstyle#fix()
    let cwd = getcwd()
    let winsave = winsaveview()
    execute "cd" . expand('%:p:h')

    :%!cljstyle pipe

    execute "cd" . cwd
    call winrestview(winsave)

" Example shortcut to fix the current file
nnoremap <leader>cs :call cljstyle#fix()<cr>


The cljstyle-mode project offers a cljstyle integration for Emacs users.

Doom Emacs

cljstyle pipe can be used with Doom's editor/format module. Add the following to your Doom config.el to replace Doom's default Clojure formatter with cljstyle:

(set-formatter! 'cljstyle "cljstyle pipe" :modes '(clojure-mode))


Cljstyle may be used from Leiningen by adding cljstyle as a dependency and running the main namespace:

{"cljstyle" ["with-profile" "+cljstyle" "run" "-m" "cljstyle.main"]}

  [[mvxcvi/cljstyle "0.15.0" :exclusions [org.clojure/clojure]]]}}

Alternately, you can run it directly from the command line:

lein update-in :dependencies \
    conj '[mvxcvi/cljstyle "0.15.0" :exclusions [org.clojure/clojure]]' \
    -- run -m cljstyle.main \


If you would like to use cljstyle without installing the binary, you can run it directly with clj:

clj -Sdeps '{:deps {mvxcvi/cljstyle {:git/url "", :tag "0.15.0"}}}' \
    -m cljstyle.main \


To keep your code well styled, you can run cljstyle as part of a CircleCI workflow. The following job snippet will fetch the tool and check your sources:

  executor: clojure
    - checkout
    - run:
        name: Install cljstyle
          CLJSTYLE_VERSION: 0.15.0
        command: |
          tar -xzf cljstyle_${CLJSTYLE_VERSION}_linux.tar.gz
    - run:
        name: Check style
        command: "./cljstyle check --report"

This assumes you have defined a common executor configuration named clojure.

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