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Trammel v0.7.0 Release Notes

Trammel is a Clojure providing contracts programming (sometimes called "Design by Contract" or DbC) capabilities. Features of Trammel currently include:

  • Contracts on functions
  • Composable contracts
  • Post-definition function contract application
  • defrecord and deftype invariants
  • Reference type invariants (i.e. Agents, Atoms, Refs, and Vars)
  • Ability to turn-off checks in a production setting
  • Support for Clojure versions 1.3 and 1.4

Trammel is inspired by Eiffel and Racket Scheme.


You can use core.cache in your Leiningen and Cake projects with the following :dependencies directive in your project.clj file:

    [trammel "0.7.0]

For Maven-driven projects, use the following slice of XML in your pom.xml's <dependencies> section:




Changes from version 0.6.0

  • Better assertion error reporting
  • Ability to add constraint descriptions used in assertion reporting
  • Constrained defrecords no longer support default field values
  • Constrained defrecords no longer generate keyword args ctor function
  • Reference type invariants

Reference type invariants work in the following ways.


Atoms are created directly with their invariants:

    (def a (constrained-atom 0
             "only numbers allowed"
	;=> 0

And checked on change:

    (swap! a inc)
	;=> 1

Invariant violations are reported right away:

    (swap! a str)
	; Pre-condition failure: only numbers allowed 
	(compare-and-set! a 0 "a")
	; Pre-condition failure: only numbers allowed 


Refs are created directly with their invariants:

    (def r (constrained-ref 0
             "only numbers allowed"

And also checked on change, within a transaction:

    (dosync (alter r inc))
	;=> 1
    (dosync (alter r str))
	; Pre-condition failure: only numbers allowed 


Vars are created directly with their invariants:

    (defconstrainedvar ^:dynamic foo 0
      "only numbers allowed in Var foo"

Var invariants are checked on rebinding, such as with binding:

    (binding [foo :a] [foo])
	; Pre-condition failure: only numbers allowed 


Agents are created directly with their invariants:

    (def ag (constrained-agent 0
             "only numbers allowed"

And are checked on send and send-off

(send ag str)
(agent-error ag)

However, the invariant violations are reported consistently with the agent setup. In this case, the errors are accessible via the agent-error function.


The following capabilities are under design, development, or consideration for future versions of Trammel:

  • Contracts for higher-order functions
  • Better error messages
  • defconstraint -- with ability to relax requires and tighten ensures
  • Modify macros to also allow regular Clojure constraint maps
  • Allow other stand-alones: true/false, numbers, characters, regexes
  • Marrying test.generative with Trammel
  • More documentation and examples

More planning is needed around capabilities not listed nor thought of.

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