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Clojars Project Dependencies Status

Clojure library designed to wrap the execution of shell script to make it easy to manipulate the result.

The library rely on the awesome power of clj-common-exec which wrap the functionality of apache-common-exec


Just include the following line in your dependency vector

[net.b12n/swiza-sh "0.1.1"]

Example Usage

Then to use this in your Clojure project try

  • Run multiple shell commands and stop on the first error.
(require '[b12n.swiza.commons :refer [expand-path]])
(require '[ :refer [sh-cmd sh-cmds sh-exec]])

;; Build multiple Clojure projects using Leiningen 
(sh-cmds [{:cmd ["lein" "deps" ":tree"] :opts {:dir (expand-path "~/apps/swiza/swiza-commons")}}
          {:cmd ["lein" "deps" ":tree"] :opts {:dir (expand-path "~/apps/swiza/swiza-jenkins")}}
          {:cmd ["lein" "deps" ":tree"] :opts {:dir (expand-path "~/apps/swiza/swiza-aws")}}])
  • Build and run GraalVM native image from Clojure
;; Build and run the GraalVM project using `lein native-image`
(let [base-dir (expand-path "~/apps/swizz/swiza-graal")]
  (sh-cmds [{:cmd ["lein" "deps" ":tree"] :opts {:dir base-dir}}
            {:cmd ["lein" "native-image"] :opts {:dir base-dir}}
            {:cmd [(format "%s/target/default+uberjar/swiza-graal" base-dir)]}]))

You will get output like:

(["drwxr-xr-x" "7" "bchoomnuan" "staff" "224" "Aug" "31" "11:01" "."] 
 ["drwxr-xr-x" "60" "bchoomnuan" "staff" "1920" "Aug" "31" "09:22" ".."] 
 ["-rw-r--r--" "1" "bchoomnuan" "staff" "5" "Aug" "31" "09:53" ".nrepl-port"] 
 ["-rw-r--r--" "1" "bchoomnuan" "staff" "1328" "Aug" "31" "11:01" ""] 
 ["-rw-r--r--" "1" "bchoomnuan" "staff" "2691" "Aug" "30" "22:56" "project.clj"] 
 ["drwxr-xr-x" "4" "bchoomnuan" "staff" "128" "Aug" "23" "22:34" "src"] 
 ["drwxr-xr-x" "4" "bchoomnuan" "staff" "128" "Aug" "24" "01:16" "target"])
  • If you like to post-process the result of a single output then try sh-exec
(sh-exec ["ls" "-al"]
         {:opts {:dir (expand-path ".")}
          :success-fn (fn [x]
                        (if-let [lines (clojure.string/split x #"\n")]
                          (map #(clojure.string/split % #"\s+") (rest lines))))})
;; More example
(if-let [files (sh-exec ["find" (expand-path "~/apps/pro-scripts")
                           "-type" "f"
                           "-iname" "*.sh"]
                          {:success-fn (fn [line]
                                         (if-let [result (str/split line #"\n")]
                           :opts {:dir (expand-path "~/apps/pro-scripts")}})]
    (doseq [file files]
      (println file)))


git clone
cd swiza-sh && lein deps :tree
lein repl
;; then hackaway

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