More transducers and reducing functions for Clojure(script)!
Transducers can be classified in three groups: regular ones, higher-order ones (which accept other transducers as arguments) and aggregators (transducers which emit only 1 item out no matter how many went in). Aggregators generally only make sense in the context of a higher-order transducer.
In net.cgrand.xforms
(1 arg), reductions
, for
, take-last
, drop-last
, sort
, sort-by
, wrap
, window
and window-by-time
, into-by-key
, multiplex
, transjuxt
, partition
(2+ args)reduce
, into
, without
, transjuxt
, last
, count
, avg
, sd
, min
, minimum
, max
, maximum
, str
to use any process as a reducible collection (of stdout lines) or as a transducers (input as stdin lines, stdout lines as output).Reducing functions
: min
, minimum
, max
, maximum
, str
, str!
, avg
, sd
, last
and some
: line-out
and edn-out
.(in net.cgrand.xforms
Transducing contexts:
: transjuxt
(for performing several transductions in a single pass), iterator
(clojure only), into
, without
, count
, str
(2 args) and some
: line-out
(3+ args) and edn-out
(3+ args)
: transformer
.Reducible views (in
): lines-in
and edn-in
Note: it should always be safe to update to the latest xforms version; short of bugfixes, breaking changes are avoided.
Add this dependency to your project:
[net.cgrand/xforms "0.18.2"]
=> (require '[net.cgrand.xforms :as x])
and str!
are two reducing functions to build Strings and StringBuilders in linear time.
=> (quick-bench (reduce str (range 256)))
Execution time mean : 58,714946 µs
=> (quick-bench (reduce rf/str (range 256)))
Execution time mean : 11,609631 µs
is the transducing cousin of clojure.core/for
=> (quick-bench (reduce + (for [i (range 128) j (range i)] (* i j))))
Execution time mean : 514,932029 µs
=> (quick-bench (transduce (x/for [i % j (range i)] (* i j)) + 0 (range 128)))
Execution time mean : 373,814060 µs
You can also use for
like clojure.core/for
: (x/for [i (range 128) j (range i)] (* i j))
expands to (eduction (x/for [i % j (range i)] (* i j)) (range 128))
and reduce
are two new transducers. Here is an example usage:
;; reimplementing group-by
(defn my-group-by [kfn coll]
(into {} (x/by-key kfn (x/reduce conj)) coll))
;; let's go transient!
(defn my-group-by [kfn coll]
(into {} (x/by-key kfn (x/into [])) coll))
=> (quick-bench (group-by odd? (range 256)))
Execution time mean : 29,356531 µs
=> (quick-bench (my-group-by odd? (range 256)))
Execution time mean : 20,604297 µs
Like by-key
, partition
also takes a transducer as last argument to allow further computation on the partition.
=> (sequence (x/partition 4 (x/reduce +)) (range 16))
(6 22 38 54)
Padding is achieved as usual:
=> (sequence (x/partition 4 4 (repeat :pad) (x/into [])) (range 9))
([0 1 2 3] [4 5 6 7] [8 :pad :pad :pad])
is a transducer to compute the arithmetic mean. transjuxt
is used to perform several transductions at once.
=> (into {} (x/by-key odd? (x/transjuxt [(x/reduce +) x/avg])) (range 256))
{false [16256 127], true [16384 128]}
=> (into {} (x/by-key odd? (x/transjuxt {:sum (x/reduce +) :mean x/avg :count x/count})) (range 256))
{false {:sum 16256, :mean 127, :count 128}, true {:sum 16384, :mean 128, :count 128}}
is a new transducer to efficiently compute a windowed accumulator:
;; sum of last 3 items
=> (sequence (x/window 3 + -) (range 16))
(0 1 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42)
=> (def nums (repeatedly 8 #(rand-int 42)))
=> nums
(11 8 32 26 6 10 37 24)
;; avg of last 4 items
=> (sequence
(x/window 4 x/avg #(x/avg %1 %2 -1))
(11 19/2 17 77/4 18 37/2 79/4 77/4)
;; min of last 3 items
=> (sequence
(x/window 3
([] (sorted-set))
([s] (first s))
([s x] (conj s x)))
(11 8 8 8 6 6 6 10)
Both by-key
and partition
takes a transducer as parameter. This transducer is used to further process each partition.
It's worth noting that all transformed outputs are subsequently interleaved. See:
=> (sequence (x/partition 2 1 identity) (range 8))
(0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7)
=> (sequence (x/by-key odd? identity) (range 8))
([false 0] [true 1] [false 2] [true 3] [false 4] [true 5] [false 6] [true 7])
That's why most of the time the last stage of the sub-transducer will be an aggregator like x/reduce
or x/into
=> (sequence (x/partition 2 1 (x/into [])) (range 8))
([0 1] [1 2] [2 3] [3 4] [4 5] [5 6] [6 7])
=> (sequence (x/by-key odd? (x/into [])) (range 8))
([false [0 2 4 6]] [true [1 3 5 7]])
(group-by kf coll)
is (into {} (x/by-key kf (x/into []) coll))
(plumbing/map-vals f m)
is (into {} (x/by-key (map f)) m)
My faithful (reduce-by kf f init coll)
is now (into {} (x/by-key kf (x/reduce f init)))
(frequencies coll)
is (into {} (x/by-key identity x/count) coll)
Clojure reduce-kv
is able to reduce key value pairs without allocating vectors or map entries: the key and value
are passed as second and third arguments of the reducing function.
Xforms allows a reducing function to advertise its support for key value pairs (3-arg arity) by implementing the KvRfable
protocol (in practice using the kvrf
Several xforms transducers and transducing contexts leverage reduce-kv
and kvrf
. When these functions are used together, pairs can be transformed without being allocated.
fn | kvs in? | kvs out? |
`for` | when first binding is a pair | when `body-expr` is a pair |
`reduce` | when is `f` is a kvrf | no |
1-arg `into` (transducer) | when `to` is a map | no |
3-arg `into` (transducing context) | when `from` is a map | when `to` is a map |
`by-key` (as a transducer) | when is `kfn` and `vfn` are unspecified or `nil` | when `pair` is `vector` or unspecified |
`by-key` (as a transducing context on values) | no | no |
;; plain old sequences
=> (let [m (zipmap (range 1e5) (range 1e5))]
(into {}
(for [[k v] m]
[k (inc v)]))))
Evaluation count : 12 in 6 samples of 2 calls.
Execution time mean : 55,150081 ms
Execution time std-deviation : 1,397185 ms
;; x/for but pairs are allocated (because of into)
=> (let [m (zipmap (range 1e5) (range 1e5))]
(into {}
(x/for [[k v] _]
[k (inc v)])
Evaluation count : 18 in 6 samples of 3 calls.
Execution time mean : 39,119387 ms
Execution time std-deviation : 1,456902 ms
;; x/for but no pairs are allocated (thanks to x/into)
=> (let [m (zipmap (range 1e5) (range 1e5))]
(crit/quick-bench (x/into {}
(x/for [[k v] %]
[k (inc v)])
Evaluation count : 24 in 6 samples of 4 calls.
Execution time mean : 24,276790 ms
Execution time std-deviation : 364,932996 µs
metadata) in collection positions in x/for
are unrolled.
This means that the collection is not allocated.
If it's a collection of pairs (e.g. maps), pairs themselves won't be allocated.x/into-by-key
short handx/count
where it acts as a transducing context e.g. (x/count (filter odd?) (range 10))
(and generally with kvrf
is not a placeholder then x/for
works like x/for
but returns an eduction and performs all iterations using reduce.If you use xforms with Clojurescript and the Emacs editor to start your figwheel REPL be sure to include the cider.nrepl/cider-middleware
to your figwheel's nrepl-middleware.
:figwheel {...
:nrepl-middleware [cider.nrepl/cider-middleware;;<= that middleware
Otherwise a strange interaction occurs and every results from your REPL evaluation would be returned as a String. Eg.:
cljs.user> 1
instead of:
cljs.user> 1
Copyright © 2015-2016 Christophe Grand
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.
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