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Fulcro RAD Material UI Rendering Plugin

Clojars Project

A rendering plugin for Fulcro RAD that can render forms, reports, and containers for a web UI. It leverages Material UI, which is easy to theme.

Mostly a drop-in replacement for Semantic UI rendering plugin v1.2.21. All plugin-specific options must be nested under rendering-options. Also adds a few things, such as additional formatters and options. See the config file and the documentation for the options files for more info.

Version Compatibility

  • Fulcro RAD v1.6
  • Material UI 6

Stability Status

This library is alpha quality. It has been tested with the fulcro-rad-demo and various toy projects but has not yet been used in production. Use at your own risk.


Add this library to your Fulcro project.

Install the Material UI JS libraries.


npm install --save  @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled @mui/icons-material


yarn add @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled @mui/icons-material

Follow the instructions here to add the Roboto font.

Install the controls on your RAD app:

    [com.fulcrologic.rad.application :as rad-app]
    [ogbe.fulcro.rad.mui :as mr]))

(defonce app (-> (rad-app/fulcro-rad-app)
                 (rad-app/install-ui-controls! mr/all-controls)))

You may also want to add ogbe.fulcro.mui.utils.css-baseline/ui-css-baseline to your root component to normalize the global CSS.

Instant type

If you are using the instant type you will also need to install the MUI Date Pickers library. Then add the localization provider to your root component:

    [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components :refer [defsc]]
    [ :refer [ui-localization-provider]]
    ;; For date-fns
    [ :refer [adapter-date-fns]]
    ;; or for Day.js
    [ :refer [adapter-dayjs]]
    ;; or for Luxon
    [ :refer [adapter-luxon]]
    ;; or for Moment.js
    [ :refer [adapter-moment]]))

(defsc Root [this props]
    {:dateAdapter adapter-date-fns}
    ;; Nest other UI elements

Warning: joda-time database truncation

The instant controls/form fields use a library dependent on js-joda. Its database is truncated for compactness. If you need a date before 2016, you will need to require @js-joda/timezone. The library also includes reduced file builds if you need a subset of the dates.


You can surround the top-level UI element of the root component with a theme provider to enable custom theming:

    [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components :refer [defsc]]
    [ogbe.fulcro.mui.customization.colors :refer [indigo pink]]
    [ogbe.fulcro.mui.customization.styles :refer [create-theme ui-theme-provider]]))

(def theme
  (create-theme {:palette {:primary (indigo)
                           :secondary (pink)}}))

(defsc Root [this props]
    {:theme theme}
    ;; Nest other UI elements


Copyright © 2023 Eva Ogbe

Distributed under the MIT License.

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