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A Clojure library to leverage actual data to build runtime function annotations.

Require like so: [memory-whole.core :as mem]

How it works

  1. mem/trace or mem/deftrace functions

Traced functions will save their inputs/outputs to a local sqlite db by default, or whatever db you point it at.

  1. call the functions multiple times in the usual way

TODO: As functions begin putting their values into the memory whole, we can generate specs or malli schema from the raw data.

  1. use built-in tools to generate specifications and code hints (todo)

There's got to be some nice ways to use this information to improve our dev experience / correctness.

Follow Along

Let's start with an example of boo which just multiplies its arguments, a and b.

(ns my.ns
  (:require [memory-whole.core :as mem]))
(defn boo [a b]
  (* a b))

Let's setup memory-whole tracing for boo like so:

(mem/trace-vars boo) ;; 1
;; => #'my.ns/boo

boo Acts normal.

(boo 10 20) ;; 2
;; => 200

But now we can query for runtime information about boo:

(mem/one 'boo)
{:arguments [10 20],
 :name "boo",
 :file "*snip*/memory-whole/",
 :start_time 1630460847233,
 :source "(defn boo [a b]\n  (* a b))", ;;n.b. source is flaky PRs welcome
 :output 200,
 :column 1,
 :end_time 1630460847243,
 :line 31,
 :id 4,
 :ast_hash 948857165,
 :exception nil,
 :full_name "my.ns/boo",
 ;; fixme
 :arg_lists nil}

If an exception occurs in boo, we can observe that too:

(boo "ten" "zero")
;; =exception=>

(mem/one 'boo)
{:name "boo",
 :arguments ["ten" "zero"],
 :source "(defn boo [a b]\n  (* a b))",
 :output nil,
 "#error {
 :cause \"java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Number\"
 [{:type java.lang.ClassCastException
   :message \"java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Number\"
   :at [clojure.lang.Numbers multiply \"\" 173]}]
 [[clojure.lang.Numbers multiply \"\" 173]
  [my.ns$boo invokeStatic \"form-init1212254902669330318.clj\" 32]
  [my.ns$boo invoke \"form-init1212254902669330318.clj\" 31]


 ;; and the other keys

Let's try looking up more things. You have access to mem/one and mem/many, which take the function name (as a string, symbol or var) to let you see the latest. (mem/many also takes an optional limit which defaults to 10)

(count (mem/many 'boo))
;;=> 2

;; call the function a few times:
(dotimes [_ 100] (boo (rand-int 99) (+ 100 (rand-int 99))))

(count (mem/many "boo" 200))
;;=> 102

(count (remove :exception (mem/many "boo" 200)))
;;=> 101

(mapv :arguments
      (mem/select ["select id, arguments from calls where name = ? and exception
                    is null order by start_time limit 10"
;;=> [[10 20] [90 142] [13 129] [63 162] [25 172] [73 180] [5 186] [73 150] [92 187] [77 146]]

Okay! we have seen that there are a few interesting things that we can learn with memory-whole...

Getting use of our data

There are a few nice things we can do now.

Data-Shape generation

Malli Provider

(require '[malli.provider :as mp])

 (mapv :arguments
       (mem/select ["select id, arguments from calls where name = ? and exception
                    is null order by start_time limit 10"

;;=> [:vector int?]

 (mapv :output
       (mem/select ["select id, output from calls where name = ? and exception
                    is null order by start_time limit 10"

;;=> int?

Clojure Spec Provider

(require '[spec-provider.provider :as sp])

 (mapv :arguments
       (mem/select ["select id, arguments from calls where name = ? and exception
                    is null order by start_time limit 10"

;;=> ((clojure.spec.alpha/def
;;     :boo/arguments
;;     (clojure.spec.alpha/coll-of clojure.core/integer?)))

 (mapv :output
       (mem/select ["select id, output from calls where name = ? and exception
                    is null order by start_time limit 10"

;;=> ((clojure.spec.alpha/def :boo/outputs clojure.core/integer?))


  1. [x] finish tracing
    1. [x] figure out how to get a hold of source from var
    2. [x] proper collisions between sources
    3. [x] copy over sql-lite functions
    4. [x] write tests
    5. [ ] figure out why tests cant read source
  2. [x] generate data shapes
    1. [ ] delineate function generations by ast hash in a smart way This is How many samples would be good? How accurate should the generation be?
    2. [ ] malli
    3. [ ] spec
  3. [ ] how to view these things?
    1. clj-kondo, like: ?
    2. just call mem/spec-for ?


Copyright © 2021 Bryan Maass

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at

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