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A Clojure library designed to simplify the execution of end-to-end tests for applications that use Kafka as message broker or streaming platform. The applications may :

  • consume messages from Kafka topic
  • produce messages to Kafka topic
  • use Kafka streaming API
[kafka-cluster-test-utility "0.2.0"]


  • Small, simple library with thin wrapper over Java API
  • Designed for users to provide Kafka dependencies


This library specifies following as :scope "provided", to enable usage with different versions. That said, it is tested with the following versions of the dependencies:

[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]
[org.apache.kafka/kafka_2.13 "2.8.0"]
[org.apache.kafka/kafka-streams "2.8.0"]
[org.apache.kafka/kafka-clients "2.8.0"]


This library provides convenience in namespace kafka-cluster-test-utility.core , which can be used in tests. Following test is an example of this library in action.

(ns kafka-cluster-test-utility.core-test
  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
    [kafka-cluster-test-utility.core :as core]
    [kafka-cluster-test-utility.utility :as utility])
  (:import [org.tensorflow.util.testlog PlatformInfo]))

(use-fixtures :once (core/with-embedded-kafka-cluster-and-topics 3 "test-topic"))

(deftest with-embedded-kafka-cluster-test
         (testing "should produce and consume message from cluster"
                  (let [message {:release "4.19.0"}]
                    (core/send-with-producer "test-topic" (utility/clj-map->bytes PlatformInfo message))
                    (is (= {:release "4.19.0"}
                           (->> (core/with-consumer-read-one "test-topic" 2)
                                (utility/bytes->clj-map PlatformInfo))))))

         (testing "should produce and consume many message from cluster"
                  (let [first-message "Hello 1!"
                        second-message "Hello 2!"
                        third-message "Hello 3!"]
                    (core/send-with-producer "test-topic" (.getBytes first-message))
                    (core/send-with-producer "test-topic" (.getBytes second-message))
                    (core/send-with-producer "test-topic" (.getBytes third-message))
                    (is (= [first-message second-message third-message]
                           (->> (core/with-consumer-read-multiple "test-topic" 2)
                                (map #(String. %))))))))

Contacting me / contributions

Please use the project's GitHub issues page for all questions, ideas, etc. Pull requests welcome.


Distributed under the EPL v2.0. Copyright © 2021 Prashant Sinha.

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