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A plugin that enables Leiningen projects to access and deploy to GitLab package registries.


GitLab authentication

Access to a GitLab package registry is controlled using HTTP authentication by placing a GitLab Token in an HTTP header, instead of a username and password.

This header can be one of the following:

Token TypeHTTP Header nameExpected value
CI/CD Job TokenJob-TokenCI/CD Job Token provided in ${CI_JOB_TOKEN}
Access tokenPrivate-TokenPersonal/Group/Project access token


Leiningen authentication only allows providing credentials using a username and password (or passphrase), and doesn't populate HTTP authentication headers.


This plugin provides a Maven HTTP Wagon that populates the required HTTP authentication headers by taking the required values from the configured username and password.

Value in :usernameValue in :password
Job-TokenCI/CD Job Token provided in ${CI_JOB_TOKEN}
Private-TokenPersonal/Group/Project access token


Enable the plugin

Add the following to your project.clj:

:plugins [[net.clojars.hissyfit/lein-gitlab-cart "1.0.0"]]

Declare repositories

Use gitlab: instead of https: in repository URLs to trigger the plugin's special handling of username and password. The plugin will use https: when passing it on.

Example with credentials in environment variables

:repositories {"group-releases"  {:url      "gitlab://"
                                  :username "Job-Token"
                                  :password :env/ci_job_token}
               "group-snapshots" {:url      "gitlab://"
                                  :username "Job-Token"
                                  :password :env/ci_job_token}}

:deploy-repositories {"project-releases"  {:url           "gitlab://"
                                           :username      "Job-Token"
                                           :password      :env/ci_job_token
                                           :sign-releases false}
                      "project-snapshots" {:url      "gitlab://"
                                           :username "Private-Token"
                                           :password :env/gitlab_private_token}}

Example with a combination of credentials

A more typical example would be to use GPG credentials during development, and environment variables for CI/CD.

Given credentials in ~/.lein/credentials.clj.gpg, such as:

 {#"gitlab:.*\/groups"   {:username "Private-Token"
                          :password "deadbeafdeadbeafdeadbeef" ;; A group token
  #"gitlab:.*\/projects" {:username "Private-Token"
                          :password "deadbeafdeadbeafdeadbeef" ;; A personal or project token

We add a ci_job_token_name environment variable to the CI config in .gitlab-ci.yml:

  CI_JOB_TOKEN_NAME: "Job-Token"

Since Leiningen will "prefer" the GPG credentials, we can now have the following in project.clj:

:repositories {"releases"  {:url      "gitlab://"
                            :username [:gpg :env/ci_job_token_name]
                            :password [:gpg :env/ci_job_token]}
               "snapshots" {:url      "gitlab://"
                            :username [:gpg :env/ci_job_token_name]
                            :password [:gpg :env/ci_job_token]}}

:deploy-repositories {"releases"  {:url           "gitlab://"
                                   :username      [:gpg :env/ci_job_token_name]
                                   :password      [:gpg :env/ci_job_token]
                                   :sign-releases false}
                      "snapshots" {:url      "gitlab://"
                                   :username [:gpg :env/ci_job_token_name]
                                   :password [:gpg :env/ci_job_token]}}

Copyright and License

Copyright © 2023 Kevin Poalses

Distributed under the Apache-2.0 License.

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