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Global state in re-dash is stored in some database.

Usually this database is in-memory only and represented as some data structure, like a map - this is the default behavior.

Other times we might require more capability like persistence, relational queries, replication etc. and want to opt for using a full featured database engine on the client instead, while keeping with the core concepts of the data loop - events, subscriptions etc.

This is achieved by implementing the Database protocol. Out the box, re-dash ships with support for 3 database implementations of this protocol:

  • AppDB (the default path based Map Atom)
  • Drift (a relational persistence library over sqlite3)
  • RxDB (a popular reactive NoSQL database for JavaScript, usable from Flutter)

Multiple databases may be registered and used in the same app simultaneously. Note however, that subscription signals of mixed database implementations cannot be used within one layer 3 subscription.


The default path based Map Atom.

This Database is registered by default, always available to query via subscriptions or update via events using the built-in :db effect.


Drift is the relational persistence library for your Dart and Flutter apps - it is an abstraction over sqlite3.


The simplest way (currently) is to maintain the Drift schema in raw .dart files in the /.lib folder directly and have the code generator watch it with dart run build_runner watch.

For more info see the samples/drift/lib/database.dart sample and the drift documentation.

Database registration

Register it early on in the app startup (like in main)

    :drift                                 ;; <== Choose any `database-id`
    {:impl     (drift/Drift.)              ;; <== The `Database` protocol implementation
     :instance (database/AppDatabase.)}))  ;; <== The database instance


Use the chosen database-id in reg-sub that should target Drift for example

  :drift                               ;; <== The registered database-id
  (fn [^db/AppDatabase db _]
    (.select db (.-appState db))))     ;; <== Query that returns a subsribable (stream)

  (fn [_]
    (rd/subscribe [::app-state]))      ;; <== Layer 3 signal(s) supported
  (fn [[^db/AppStateData data] _]
    (.-width data)))


Use the chosen database-id as the effect-id in events.

Note that the event itself does not mutate the database directly, but instead returns a function being passed the database instance. This is keeping with re-dash (& re-frame) methodology of writing pure event handlers - the mutation is applied later when re-dash execute effects.

There is no need to register the :drift (database-id) effect as this is automatically done for you.

    (fn [_ [_ width]]
      {:drift #(let [db ^db/AppDatabase %]
                 (.write (.update db (.-appState db))
                           .width (-> width inc int d/Value))))}))

Sample app

There's a working sample app in the samples/drift folder using the Drift database as app state


A popular reactive NoSQL database for JavaScript, somewhat usable from Flutter. It has various storage layer plugins including an in-memory only option.


Maintain the schema in raw JavaScript, and compile it with node.

For more info see the samples/rxdb/javascript/src/index.js sample and the rxdb documentation

Database registration

Register it early on in the app startup (like in main)

      :rxdb                                                          ;; <== Choose any `database-id`
      {:impl     (rx-db/RxDB.)                                       ;; <== The `Database` protocol implementation
       :instance (database/getRxDatabase "javascript/dist/index.js"  ;; <== The database instance


Use the chosen database-id in reg-sub that should target RxDB for example

  :rxdb                                         ;; <== The registered database-id
  (fn [db [_ selector]]
    (-> (.getCollection db coll-name)
        (.find selector))))                     ;; <== Query that returns a subsribable (stream)

  (fn [_]
    (rd/subscribe [::app-state]))               ;; <== Layer 3 signal(s) supported
  (fn [[doc] _]
    (get (->> (.-data ^rxdb/RxDocument doc)
              (into {}))


Use the chosen database-id as the effect-id in events.

Note that the event itself does not mutate the database directly, but instead returns a function being passed the database instance. This is keeping with re-dash (& re-frame) methodology of writing pure event handlers - the mutation is applied later when re-dash execute effects.

There is no need to register the :rxdb (database-id) effect as this is automatically done for you.

    (fn [_ _]
      {:rxdb #(.insert (.getCollection % coll-name)
                       {"id"    (str (DateTime/now))
                        "width" ((fnil f 0) val)})}))


RxDB for Flutter is experimental, and many features are missing.

Some of the known limitations include:

  • Documents can only be inserted, queried and observed. Update is not yet supported
  • Only collection queries can be observed (subscribed) not documents, or individual fields in a document.
  • RxDB for Flutter is not supported in the web platform.

Sample app

There's a working sample app in the samples/rxdb folder using the RxDB database as app state

Custom implementation

Adding support for another database is a matter of implementing the Database protocol and registering it early on in the app startup, like in main:

    :my-database-id                    ;; <== Choose any `database-id`
    {:impl     (my/DatabaseImpl.)      ;; <== Instantiate the `Database` protocol implementation
     :instance (some/MyDatabase.)}))   ;; <== Instantiate the database instance

To support subscriptions, the database engine must support some way of watching / observing queries.

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