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Geometric Algebra

Clojars Project

A library to do geometric algebra in clojure.

A multivector is an element of the algebra. It is composed of a sum of scalars, vectors, bivectors, etc., in a way similar to how complex numbers are sums of real and imaginary components. Multivectors and their geometric product are the simplest and most powerful tools for mathematical analysis that I know of.


Clojure CLI / deps.edn

com.gitlab.jordibc/geometric-algebra {:git/tag "0.9.1", :git/sha "5b3fa4a"}

Which means, to use this library you can add that to the :deps in your deps.edn file. If you only had that dependency, this is how deps.edn would look like:

 {com.gitlab.jordibc/geometric-algebra {:git/tag "0.9.1", :git/sha "5b3fa4a"}}}

Then you can for example run clj, and from there do (require 'jordibc.geometric-algebra) and so on (see examples).

Cloning this repository

You can instead simply clone this repository and run clojure from it.


To create the basis vectors of a geometric algebra with the given signature:

(require '[jordibc.geometric-algebra :as ga])

(def signature [3 0])
(println (ga/basis signature))

The output should be:

(1 e1 e2 e3 e12 e13 e23 e123)

You can add, multiply, etc., those elements to create arbitrary multivectors.

(require '[jordibc.geometric-algebra :as ga])

(let [[+ - * / · ∧ ∨] [ga/add ga/sub ga/prod ga/div ga/dot ga/wedge ga/antiwedge]
      [e e1 e2 e12] (ga/basis [2 0])
      v (+ 3 (* 4 e12))
      w (+ 5 e1 (* 3 e2))
      a (+ (* 2 e1) (* 3 e2))
      b (- (* 4 e1) (* 0.5 e2))]
  (println "v =" v)                       ; 3 + 4 e12
  (println "w =" w)                       ; 5 + e1 + 3 e2
  (println "3*v =" (* 3 v))               ; 9 + 12 e12
  (println "v + w =" (+ v w))             ; 8 + e1 + 3 e2 + 4 e12
  (println "v - (1 + w) =" (- v (+ 1 w))) ; -3 + -1 e1 + -3 e2 + 4 e12
  (println "v * w =" (* v w))             ; 15 + 15 e1 + 5 e2 + 20 e12
  (println "w * v =" (* w v))             ; 15 + -9 e1 + 13 e2 + 20 e12
  (println "v / (2 e2) =" (/ v (* 2 e2))) ; 2 e1 + 3/2 e2
  (println "v^2 =" (ga/pow v 2))          ; -7 + 24 e12
  (println "|v| =" (ga/norm v))           ; 5.0
  (println "a · b =" (· a b))             ; 6.5
  (println "a ∧ b =" (∧ a b))             ; -13.0 e12
  (println "a ∨ b =" (∨ a b)))            ; 13.0


A geometric algebra is characterized by its signature.

A signature looks like [p q] or [p q r], saying how many basis vectors have a positive square (+1), negative (-1) and zero (0) respectively.

When using the basis function to create the basis multivectors, you can pass the signature as a vector. But you can also instead use a map that says for each basis element its square. For example, astrophysicists normally would use for spacetime:

(def signature {0 -1, 1 +1, 2 +1, 3 +1}) ; t, x, y, z  with e0 = e_t

whereas particle physicists normally would use:

(def signature {0 +1, 1 -1, 2 -1, 3 -1})

which is the same signature as [1 3], or [1 3 0], in the vector notation.

Working on the repl

When working on the repl, it is inconvenient to have to define a symbol for each multivector basis (or keep binding them in a let).

There are a couple of handy macros that facilitate working with multivectors from the repl: def-basis and def-ops. They work by creating automatically all the symbols that we would expect.

(require '[jordibc.geometric-algebra :as ga])

(ga/def-basis [1 3] 0) ; start with e0, the "space-time algebra"
;; Will print:
;; Defined basis multivectors: e0 e1 e2 e3 e01 e02 e03 e12 e13 e23 e012 e013 e023 e123 e0123

;; Will print some warnings for replacing +, -, *, /, and then:
;; Defined operators: + - * / · ∧ ∨ × ⌋ ⌊ ∘ •

;; Now we can easily create multivectors and operate with them.

(* (+ 3 (* 4 e12))
   (+ 5 e1 (* 3 e2))) ; => 15 + -9 e1 + 13 e2 + 20 e12

(∧ (+ (* 2 e1) (* 3 e2))
   (- (* 4 e1) (* 0.5 e2))) ; => -13.0 e12

Or, using the infix macro to use infix notation:

(ga/infix (3 + 4 e12) (5 + e1 + 3 e2)) ; => 15 + -9 e1 + 13 e2 + 20 e12

(ga/infix (2 e1 + 3 e2) ∧ (4 e1 - 0.5 e2)) ; => -13.0 e12


You can run some tests with:

clojure -T:build test



This library is dual licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3, and the Eclipse Public License version 1. It means that you can choose to use it under either license, whatever is more convenient for you. You can also choose any later version of those licenses.

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