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Duct/Integrant keys for wrapping the ring-jwt middleware.


Both a duct module and, for more flexibility, an integrant key are provided. Both options take an option map that is the same as for ring-jwt itself.

As a duct module

The Duct module will configure the ring-jwt middleware AND will hook it into your :duct.handler/root. i.e.

  {:alg :HS256 :secret "somesecret"}} 

will merge in the following config to your Duct configuration:

 {:alg :HS256 :secret "somesecret"}
 {:middleware [(ig/ref :duct.middleware/ring-jwt)]}}

As an integrant key

  {:alg :HS256 :secret "somesecret"}

You will then need to hook it into a handler of your choice in your configuration; e.g.:

 {:router     #ig/ref :duct.router/ataraxy
  :middleware [#ig/ref :duct.middleware/ring-jwt]}}

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