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(read-token-from-header header-name)

Finds the token by searching the specified HTTP header (case-insensitive) for a bearer token.

Finds the token by searching the specified HTTP header (case-insensitive) for a bearer token.
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(wrap-jwt handler
          {:keys [find-token-fn issuers reject-missing-token? ignore-paths]
           :or {reject-missing-token? true ignore-paths #{}}
           :as opts})

Middleware that decodes a JWT token, verifies against the signature and then adds the decoded claims to the incoming request under :claims.

If the JWT token exists but cannot be decoded then the token is considered tampered with and a 401 response is produced.

If the JWT token does not exist, an empty :claims map is added to the incoming request.

Middleware that decodes a JWT token, verifies against the signature and then
adds the decoded claims to the incoming request under :claims.

If the JWT token exists but cannot be decoded then the token is considered tampered with and
a 401 response is produced.

If the JWT token does not exist, an empty :claims map is added to the incoming request.
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