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Klompen - Custom Elements with ClojureScript

Clojars Project

Utilities to create custom elements with reactive properties and declarative templating using ClojureScript.

Pretty much a work in progress as of now. Super basic functionality.


The API of klompen relies on chaining function to add functionality to a custom element. It all starts with a call to create-ce. This creates a function that works as a constructor that can be defined as a custom element.

create-ce optionally accepts a function as its first argument. This function is run during instantiation. By default it attaches an "open" shadow DOM to the element. This allows you to modify this behaviour. It receives the instance of the custom element as its argument.

  (fn [el]
    (.attachShadow el #js {:mode "closed"})))

Klompen also provides some extra utilities that help to modify the custom element. For example, connect! allows you to add a connectedCallback to the element.

(def my-element (create-ce))

  (fn [el] (print "Connected:" el)))

These functions can be chained using the threading macro.

Example usage

(ns demo.core
   [klompen.core :refer [create-ce connect! define! add-property! disconnect!]]
   [klompen.styles :refer [set-styles!]]
   [klompen.html :refer [render! set-html!]]
   [garden.core :refer [css]]))

;; CSS is assigned as a string. Here we are using Garden
;; to simplify the creation of it.
(def styles (css [:* {:font-size "200%"}]
                 [:span {:width "4rem"
                         :display "inline-block"
                         :text-align "center"}]
                 [:button {:width "4rem"
                           :height "4rem"
                           :border "none"
                           :border-radius "10px"
                           :background-color "seagreen"
                           :color "white"}]))

;; Define template using hiccup style syntax.
;; attributes and properties can react to state changes
;; by assigning a function that receives the element
;; Events receive the element as first argument
;; and the event object as a second argument
;; You can assign a function as a child to an element
;; to make it update on property changes.
(def template [[:button {:on/click
                         #(set! (.-count %)
                                (dec (.-count %)))} "-"]
               [:span #(str (.-count %))]
               [:button {:on/click
                         #(set! (.-count %)
                                (inc (.-count %)))} "+"]])

(defn init! []
  ;; create-ce creates a custom element constructor
   ;; adds a reactive property to the custom element.
   ;; the options map is optional, and `:type`
   ;; has a default value of `js/String`.
   (add-property! "count" 0 {:type js/Number})
   ;; sets styles to the element. Can be a list as well.
   (set-styles! styles)
   ;; sets html content of the custom element. Can only
   ;; be used with a shadow DOM (hiccup-like)
   (set-html! template)
   ;; connect! adds a connectedCallback method
   (connect! #(print "Connected"))
   ;; adds a disconnectedCallback method
   (disconnect! #(print "Disconnected"))
   (define! "my-counter"))

  ;; renders the hiccup on the element passed as
  ;; first argument. Calls to the same element
  ;; replace all children.

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