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Streaming Tokens

Completions support the streaming of partial progress via server-sent events using the :stream parameter

(create-completion {:model "text-davinci-003"
                    :prompt "Say this is a test"
                    :max_tokens 7
                    :temperature 0
                    :stream true})

Reading streamed tokens

Reading streamed tokens can be done either by providing your own callback function, or by taking from the returned core.async channel

Option 1 - Callback function

Provide your callback function in the :on-next parameter for example

(create-completion {:model "text-davinci-003"
                    :prompt "Say this is a test"
                    :max_tokens 7
                    :temperature 0
                    :stream true
                    :on-next #(prn %)})

Option 2 - core.async channel

  (require '[clojure.core.async :as a])

  (def events (create-completion {:model "text-davinci-003"
                                  :prompt "Say this is a test"
                                  :max_tokens 7
                                  :temperature 0
                                  :stream true}))

    (loop []
      (let [event (a/<! events)]
        (when (not= :done event)

          ;; Do something with the event token
          (prn event)


Example returned token

{:id "cmpl-6lf3JsE7hsWSikTfbiZ2NZOZKlBcG",
 :object "text_completion",
 :created 1676817241,
 [{:text "This", :index 0, :logprobs nil, :finish_reason "length"}],
 :model "text-davinci-003"}

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