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The IStyleContainer represents anything that can be used by Spade to 'mount' styles for access by Spade style components.

The IStyleContainer represents anything that can be used by Spade to
'mount' styles for access by Spade style components.


(mount-style! this style-name css info)

Ensure the style with the given name and CSS is available. [info] should be stored somewhere in-memory to be quickly retrieved by a call to [mounted-info].

Ensure the style with the given name and CSS is available. [info]
should be stored somewhere in-memory to be quickly retrieved
by a call to [mounted-info].


(mounted-info this style-name)

Given a style-name, return the info object that was passed when style-name was mounted, or nil if that style is not currently mounted.

Given a style-name, return the info object that was passed when style-name
was mounted, or nil if that style is not currently mounted.
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