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A Clojure library to work with Jasper Reports


Add the following to your Leiningen’s project.clj:

[net.tbt-post/clj-jasper "0.1.0"]
(ns my-app.jasper
  (:require [clj-jasper.core :as jc]
            [ :as io]))

(defn render [name data properties]
  (binding [jc/*jr-templates-path* "my-templates"]
    (let [out (jc/data->report {:name (format "my-reports/%s" name)
                                :data data
                                :ops  properties})]
      {:status  200
       :headers {"Content-Type"        (:type out)
                 "Content-Disposition" (format "attachment; filename=\"%s\"" (:name out))
                 "Cache-Control"       "no-cache"}
       :body    (-> out :file io/input-stream)})))

Notes and limitations

  1. Current implementation supports only PDF generations.

  2. There is a bug in JAXP/XERCES (derived from CLJ←JR←Digester) that prevent the use of a parser that contains a schema with a DTD.

  3. Well tested with Java versions:

    1. OpenJDK 11.0.12

    2. OpenJDK 15.0.1

    3. GraalVM 19.3.6.r11

    4. Corretto 8.322.06.1

  4. Version v0.0.9 and v0.0.10 may be runtime incompatible with uberjar build in some circumstances

  5. JasperReports is very dependent on the SAX parser and requires at least a basic X setup on the server in order to render.

  6. Default font have to be available in JVM

  7. Final app is very sensitive to AOT compilation so pay attention on:

    1. Proper AOT compilation may require added line like :uberjar-merge-with {#"^jasperreports_extension\.properties$" [slurp #(clojure.string/join "\r\n" %&) spit]} into your project directly.

    2. For some circumstances this may be not enough, and complete avoiding of AOT for particular class might be required.

    3. For some rare and very complex cases even complete avoiding :uberjar {:aot :all} might be highly recommended


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