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A Clojure library for the Apache Kafka (distributed stream-processing software platform).

Uses KF protocol and does not rely on ZooKeeper.

Still contains zookeeper as a dependency.

Tries to be as lightweigh as possible thus depends only on

  • org.apache.kafka/kafka_2.12 "3.2.1"

  • org.apache.kafka/kafka-clients "3.2.1"

  • org.apache.zookeeper/zookeeper "3.8.0"

but excluding jms,jmx* and logging.

Some build (i.e. v0.4.x) may be partially (or even fully!) incompatible with some versions of other libraries that use NIO! If you’re experiencing build problems and/or your application crashed on start - try to update your dependencies by adding an actual version of [io.netty/netty-all]

Actual library info:

GitHub clj kafka x ClojarsDownloads GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub Release Date GitHub tag (latest by date) GitHub last commit


Add the following to your Leiningen’s project.clj:

[net.tbt-post/clj-kafka-x "0.7.3"]



(require '[clj-kafka-x.producer :as kp])

(with-open [p (kp/producer {"bootstrap.servers" "localhost:9092"}
  @(kp/send p (kp/record "topic-a" "Hi there!")))


(require '[clj-kafka-x.consumers.simple :as kc])

(with-open [c (kc/consumer {"bootstrap.servers" "localhost:9092"
                            "" "consumer-id"}
  (kc/subscribe c "topic-a")
  (kc/messages c))
When you use multiple partitions per topic it is required to specify them explicitly when subscribing, i.e. (kc/subscribe c [{:topic "topic-a" :partitions #{0 1}} {:topic "topic-b" :partitions #{0 1 2}}])
Real-life (almost) example
(ns buzz.consumer.kafka
  (:require [clj-kafka-x.consumers.simple :as kc]
            [ :as log]))

(defn processor [msg schema] msg)
(def schema nil)
(def config {"bootstrap.servers" "localhost:9092"
             "" "consumer-id"})

(defn process-message [msg]
  (let [{:keys [value topic partition offset]} msg
        processor processor ;; choose one by topic name
        schema schema]      ;; choose one by topic name
    (if (fn? processor) (processor value schema) value)))

(defn consume []
  (with-open [c (kc/consumer config
    (kc/subscribe c (config/kafka-topics))
    (let [pool (kc/messages c)]
      (doseq [message pool]
        (log/warn (process-message message))))))

you may also use specific timeouts form

(defn- consume [instance process-message]
  (when-let [co (kc/consumer config
             messages (kc/messages
                        :timeout (:request-timeout-ms config))]
    (doall (map process-message messages))))

message count per poll execution may be specified by max.poll.records field of configuration

Manual Build

$ lein install


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Distributed under the Apache License v 2.0

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