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Clojure interface for Kafka Producer API. For complete JavaDocs, see:

Clojure interface for Kafka Producer API. For
complete JavaDocs, see:
raw docstring




(close producer)
(close producer timeout-ms)
Like `.close`, but with a default time unit of ms for the arity with timeout.


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(flush producer)
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(metrics producer)

Returns a sequence of maps representing all the producer's internal metrics. Each map contains information about metric-group (:group), metric-name (:name), metric-description (:description), metric-tags (:tags) and metric-value (:value)

Usage :

(metrics producer) ;; => [{:group "producer-metrics", ;; :name "record-queue-time-avg", ;; :description "The average time in ms record batches spent in the record accumulator.", ;; :tags {"client-id" "producer-2"}, ;; :value 0.1} ;; {:group "producer-metrics", ;; :name "outgoing-byte-rate", ;; :description "The average number of outgoing bytes sent per second to all servers.", ;; :tags {"client-id" "producer-2"}, ;; :value 31.668376965849703} ;; {:group "producer-node-metrics", ;; :name "response-rate", ;; :description "The average number of responses received per second.", ;; :tags {"client-id" "producer-2", "node-id" "node-3"}, ;; :value 0.23866348448687352}]

Returns a sequence of maps representing all the producer's internal metrics.
 Each map contains information about metric-group (:group), metric-name (:name),
 metric-description (:description), metric-tags (:tags) and metric-value (:value)

Usage :

(metrics producer)
;; => [{:group "producer-metrics",
;;      :name "record-queue-time-avg",
;;      :description "The average time in ms record batches spent in the record accumulator.",
;;      :tags {"client-id" "producer-2"},
;;      :value 0.1}
;;     {:group "producer-metrics",
;;      :name "outgoing-byte-rate",
;;      :description "The average number of outgoing bytes sent per second to all servers.",
;;      :tags {"client-id" "producer-2"},
;;      :value 31.668376965849703}
;;     {:group "producer-node-metrics",
;;      :name "response-rate",
;;      :description "The average number of responses received per second.",
;;      :tags {"client-id" "producer-2", "node-id" "node-3"},
;;      :value 0.23866348448687352}]
sourceraw docstring


(partitions producer topic)

Returns a sequence of maps which represent information about each partition of the specified topic.

Usage :

(partitions producer "topic-a") ;; => [{:topic "topic-a", ;; :partition 2, ;; :leader {:id 2, :host "", :port 9093}, ;; :replicas [{:id 2, :host "", :port 9093} ;; {:id 3, :host "", :port 9094}], ;; :in-sync-replicas [{:id 2, :host "", :port 9093} ;; {:id 3, :host "", :port 9094}]} ;; {:topic "topic-a", ;; :partition 1, ;; :leader {:id 1, :host "", :port 9092}, ;; :replicas [{:id 1, :host "", :port 9092} ;; {:id 2, :host "", :port 9093}], ;; :in-sync-replicas [{:id 1, :host "", :port 9092} ;; {:id 2, :host "", :port 9093}]}]

Returns a sequence of maps which represent information about each partition of the
specified topic.

Usage :

(partitions producer "topic-a")
;; => [{:topic "topic-a",
;;      :partition 2,
;;      :leader {:id 2, :host "", :port 9093},
;;      :replicas [{:id 2, :host "", :port 9093}
;;                 {:id 3, :host "", :port 9094}],
;;      :in-sync-replicas [{:id 2, :host "", :port 9093}
;;                         {:id 3, :host "", :port 9094}]}
;;     {:topic "topic-a",
;;      :partition 1,
;;      :leader {:id 1, :host "", :port 9092},
;;      :replicas [{:id 1, :host "", :port 9092}
;;                 {:id 2, :host "", :port 9093}],
;;      :in-sync-replicas [{:id 1, :host "", :port 9092}
;;                         {:id 2, :host "", :port 9093}]}]
sourceraw docstring


(producer config)
(producer config key-serializer value-serializer)

Takes a map of config options and returns a KafkaProducer for publishing records to Kafka.

NOTE KafkaProducer instances are thread-safe and should generally be shared for best performance.

For more information and available config options, see:


;; Created using just a map of configs, in this case the keys ;; bootstrap.servers value.serializer and key.serializer are required (producer {"bootstrap.servers" "localhost:9092" "value.serializer" "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer" "key.serializer" "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"})

;; Created using a map of configs and the serializers for keys and values. (producer {"bootstrap.servers" "localhost:9092"} (string-serializer) (string-serializer))

;; KafkaProducer should be closed when not used anymore, as it's closeable, ;; it can be used in the with-open macro (def config {"bootstrap.servers" "localhost:9092"}) (with-open [p (producer config (string-serializer) (string-serializer))] (-> (send p (record "topic-a" "Hello World")) (.get)))

Takes a map of config options and returns a `KafkaProducer` for publishing records to Kafka.

  NOTE `KafkaProducer` instances are thread-safe and should generally be shared for best performance.

  For more information and available config options,


;; Created using just a map of configs, in this case the keys
;; bootstrap.servers value.serializer and key.serializer are required
 (producer {"bootstrap.servers" "localhost:9092"
            "value.serializer" "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"
            "key.serializer" "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"})

;; Created using a map of configs and the serializers for keys and values.
 (producer {"bootstrap.servers" "localhost:9092"} (string-serializer) (string-serializer))

;; KafkaProducer should be closed when not used anymore, as it's closeable,
;; it can be used in the with-open macro
  (def config {"bootstrap.servers" "localhost:9092"})
  (with-open [p (producer config (string-serializer) (string-serializer))]
    (-> (send p (record "topic-a" "Hello World"))
sourceraw docstring


(record topic value)
(record topic key value)
(record topic partition key value)

Return a record that can be published to Kafka using send.

Return a record that can be published to Kafka using [[send]].
sourceraw docstring


(send producer record)
(send producer record callback)

Asynchronously send a record to Kafka. Returns a Future of a map with :topic, :partition and :offset keys. Optionally provide a callback fn that will be called when the operation completes. Callback should be a fn of two arguments, a map as above, and an exception. Exception will be nil if operation succeeded.



;;To send the message asynchronously and return a Future (send producer (record "topic-a" "Test message 1")) ;; => #object[string representation of future object]

;;To send message synchronously, deref the returned Future @(send producer (record "topic-a" "Test message 2")) ;; => {:topic "topic-a", :partition 4, :offset 0}

;;To send the message asynchronously and provide a callback ;;returns the future. (send producer (record "topic-a" "Test message 3") #(println "Metadata->" %1 "Exception->" %2)) ;; => #object[string representation of future object] ;; Metadata-> {:topic topic-unknown, :partition 4, :offset 1} Exception-> nil

Asynchronously send a record to Kafka. Returns a `Future` of a map
with `:topic`, `:partition` and `:offset` keys. Optionally provide
a callback fn that will be called when the operation completes.
Callback should be a fn of two arguments, a map as above, and an
exception. Exception will be nil if operation succeeded.



;;To send the message asynchronously and return a Future
(send producer (record "topic-a" "Test message 1"))
;; => #object[string representation of future object]

;;To send message synchronously, deref the returned Future
@(send producer (record "topic-a" "Test message 2"))
;; => {:topic "topic-a", :partition 4, :offset 0}

;;To send the message asynchronously and provide a callback
;;returns the future.
(send producer (record "topic-a" "Test message 3") #(println "Metadata->" %1 "Exception->" %2))
;; => #object[string representation of future object]
;; Metadata-> {:topic topic-unknown, :partition 4, :offset 1} Exception-> nil
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