clj-orc is a library for reading ORC files. Low level streamers facilitate writing into arbitrary formats; alternatively, the json streamer can be used to write json files.
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Field/Type mappings are required for each ORC data representation. They are used to create column readers responsible for data deserialization. See example below:
(ns examples.fields
(:require [orc.col])
(def foo
{:name "x" :type :int}
{:name "y" :type :int}))
(def bar
{:name "x" :type :int}
{:name "y" :type :int}
{:name "a" :type :map
:fields {:key :string :value :double}}
{:name "b" :type :struct
[{:name "foo" :type :string}
{:name "bar" :type :string}
{:name "baz" :type :string}]}))
(defn col-handlers [^org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.VectorizedRowBatch bat]
(orc.col/handlers foo))
;; Header records are used for memory optimization. :map collection types use ordinal
;; values mapped to their corresponding field names.
;; e.g.
;; [
;; {
;; "0" : "field1",
;; "1" : "field2",
;; "2" : "field3"
;; },
;; {
;; "0" : "value1",
;; "1" : "value2",
;; "2" : "value3"
;; }
;; ]
;; :vector collection type header records are a list of column names
;; e.g.
;; [
;; [ "field1", "field2", "field3"],
;; [ "value1", "value2", "value3"]
;; ]
(defn map-reducer [acc item]
(assoc acc (item 0) ((item 1) :name)))
(defn vector-reducer [acc item]
(conj acc (item :name)))
(defn col-headers [coll-type ^org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.VectorizedRowBatch bat]
(case coll-type
:map (reduce map-reducer {} (map vector (range (count foo)) foo))
:vector (reduce vector-reducer [] foo)
(throw (java.lang.Exception. (format "Unsupported collection type: %s" coll-type)))))
Hadoop configuration is optional. Default configuration assumes a local filesystem for reading ORC. The following example demonstrates configuring the reader for remote reading - Amazon S3.
(ns examples.config
(:require [])
(def s3-configuration
"fs.file.impl" {:value "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem"}
"fs.s3a.access.key" {:value akey :type :private}
"fs.s3a.secret.key" {:value skey :type :private}))
(orc-read/configure s3-configuration)
;; set path to remote URI
(def path ( "s3a://bucket/path/to/key"))
configuration values are obfuscated during logging.
to list of maps(ns examples.driver
(:require [orc.core]
[example.fields :as fields])
(loop [acc []]
(if (.nextBatch reader batch)
(recur conj acc (orc.core/rows->maps (fields/column-handlers batch) batch))
(ns examples.driver
(:require []
[example.fields :as flds])
;; start method coll-type parameter defaults to :vector
(let [ch ( conf uri (partial flds/col-headers :map) flds/col-handlers
:bat-size batch-size
:buf-size buffer-size
:coll-type :map)]
;; First value from stream is stream metadata
(println (async/<!! ch))
;; Header record
(println (async/<!! ch))
(loop [acc []]
(if-let [res (async/<!! ch)]
;; where result is list of hash-maps
;; [{'col_1' 'foo'
;; 'col_2' 'bar'
;; 'col_n' 'baz'},
;; ...]
(recur (conj acc (process res)))
The last four parameters of the read streamer are optional keyword arguments.
sets number of rows per ORC batch.
sets number of ORC batches queued into memory.
can be either :vector
or :map
and determines the collection type of each json record.
is a 2-arity function that takes TypeDescrition
and VectorizedRowBatch
objects as arguments.
The return value is the first value in the output stream. If no function is provided a default function will provide a default value.
(ns example.driver
(:require [orc.json]
[example.fields :as flds])
;; start method coll-type defaults to :vector
(let [ch (orc.json/start conf uri (partial flds/col-headers :vector) flds/col-handlers byte-limit :bat-size batch-size)]
;; First value from stream is stream metadata
(println (async/<!! ch))
;; Header record
(println (async/<!! ch))
(loop []
(if-let [chunk (async/<!! ch)]
(let [ret (process chunk)]
The last four parameters of the json streamer are optional keyword arguments.
sets number of rows per ORC batch.
sets number of ORC batches queued into memory.
can be either :vector
or :map
and determines the collection type of each json record.
is a 2-arity function that takes TypeDescrition
and VectorizedRowBatch
objects as arguments.
The return value is the first value in the output stream. If no function is provided a default function will provide a default value.
The following examples illustrate deeply nested type configurations.
(def example
{:name "foo" :type :map
:fields {:key :string :value :double}}
{:name "bar" :type :map
:fields {:key :string :value :struct
:fields [{:name "k1" :type :int}
{:name "k2" :type :float}]}}
{:name "baz" :type :array
:fields {:type :int}}))
(def example2
{:name "foo" :type :array
:fields {:type :int}}
{:name "bar" :type :array
:fields {:type :map
:fields {:key :string :value :double}}}))
(def example3
{:name "foo" :type :array
:fields {:type :int}}
{:name "bar" :type :array
:fields {:type :map
:fields {:key :string :value :struct
:fields [{:name "k1" :type :int}
{:name "k2" :type :boolean}]}}}))
ORC Type | Implemented |
array | x |
binary | x |
bigint | x |
boolean | x |
char | x |
date | x |
decimal | |
double | x |
float | x |
int | x |
map | x |
smallint | x |
string | x |
struct | x |
timestamp | x |
tinyint | x |
union | |
varchar | x |
Copyright © 2017 Navil Charles
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.
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