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A Clojure(Script) library for the unified responses.

Quick Start Guide

Add the following dependency in your project:

project.clj or build.boot
[ninja.platform/response "0.0.1-alpha5"]
ninja.platform/response {:mvn/version "0.0.1-alpha5"}

Library API

This library is very simple. It doesn’t have any wrappers or types. An as a unified response, it is used a plain defrecord. It’s very fast - without any overhead. You can use any functions for the work. If you need you can implement your own unified response - just implement ninja.response.IResponse protocol. If you don’t have enough predefined anomalies, just add new types of anomalies using the add-anomaly! or delete an existing one using the remove-anomaly! function.

Library API


(ns ninja.sandbox
    [ninja.response :as r]))

;; Anomalies registry API

(r/add-anomaly! ::error) ;; => :ninja.sandbox/error
(r/anomaly? ::error) ;; => true
(r/remove-anomaly! ::error) ;; => :ninja.sandbox/error
(r/anomaly? ::error) ;; => false

;; Unified response API

(def res
  (r/as-response ::response "some data" {:some :meta}))

(r/error? res) ;; => false
(r/type res) ;; => :ninja.sandbox/error
(r/data res) ;; => "some data"
(r/meta res) ;; => {:some :meta}

(r/add-anomaly! ::response) ;; => :ninja.sandbox/response
(r/error? res) ;; => true

(r/error? (assoc res :type :created)) ;; => false
(str res) ;; => "#ninja/response{:type :ninja.sandbox/response, :data \"some data\", :meta {:some :meta}}"

;; You can also use a usual hash-map like this
;; Q: Why are keywords without a namespace?
;; A: This is done so that there are no differences between the usual hash-map and #ninja.response
(def m
  {:type :error
   :data "some data"
   :meta {:some :meta}})

(r/error? m) ;; => true
(r/data m) ;; => "some data"
(r/meta m) ;; => {:some :meta}


  • ninja.meta.response - return a unified response via metadata

  • ninja.http.response - convert a unified response to the ring response

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