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envopts - Clojure library for parsing configuration from environment


(ns your-ns.main
  (:require [nl.jomco.envopts :as envopts]))

(def opt-specs {:port     ["port nr" :int :default 80]
                :hostname ["hostname to use" :str]})

(defn -main [& args]
  (let [[opts errs] (envopts/opts env opt-specs)]
    (when errs
      (.println *err* (envopts/errs-description errs))
      (System/exit 1))
    ... do something with opts))

Opt Specs

In envopts, you provide all available configuration options in a map of opt specs, which maps environment keys to options:

{:port     ["The port used to listen to requests" :int :default 80 :in [:http :port]]
 :hostname ["The hostname to listen to requests" :str :in [:http :hostname]]
 :threads  ["The number of threads to start" :int]
 :auth-uri ["Authentication server endpoint" :http]}


The default in envopts is to use [[environ.core/env]] as the provider of the environment, in which case keys will be lisp-style lower-case keywords. I.e. the environment variable "USER_NAME" will be at key :user-name.

Opt Specs

Opt specs can be specified as a vector - the compact version that is nice to read and write by hand, or as a map, which is easier to manipulate programmatically.

Spec vectors begin with a description and an optional type, followed by any other options:

{:port ["The port that will serve web requests" :int :default 80]}

Spec maps can contain the following keys:

  • :description - description of the given key
  • :type - a keyword that is registered in nl.jomco.envopts/parse multimethod.
  • :parser - parser function for expected type, one of the built-in parsers or your own (see below). If :parser is provided, it overrides the :type option.
  • :default - the default value for the option. If no default is specified, the key is required.
  • :in - the path to use for the parsed option in the configuration options map. The default is to use the same key as used in the specs map.


Since environment variables are always strings, you need a parser to convert an environment value to another type. A few types are provided for you. See as-float, as-int, as-str and as-http.

implementing custom parsers

A parser function must take a string value and return a tuple:

  • [value] or [value nil], where value is the parsed value, or
  • [nil err] if the string value cannot be parsed.

err should be a partial sentence describing the error. It should complete the sentence "xxx is ...", so a good value for err would be "not a valid frobnitz". Any errs parsing the configuration map are aggregated and returned from opts for printing with errs-description.


envopts - Clojure library for parsing configuration from environment


    (ns your-ns.main
      (:require [nl.jomco.envopts :as envopts]))

    (def opt-specs {:port     ["port nr" :int :default 80]
                    :hostname ["hostname to use" :str]})

    (defn -main [& args]
      (let [[opts errs] (envopts/opts env opt-specs)]
        (when errs
          (.println *err* (envopts/errs-description errs))
          (System/exit 1))
        ... do something with opts))

## Opt Specs

In envopts, you provide all available configuration options in a map
of opt specs, which maps environment keys to options:

    {:port     ["The port used to listen to requests" :int :default 80 :in [:http :port]]
     :hostname ["The hostname to listen to requests" :str :in [:http :hostname]]
     :threads  ["The number of threads to start" :int]
     :auth-uri ["Authentication server endpoint" :http]}


The default in envopts is to use [[environ.core/env]] as the provider
of the environment, in which case keys will be lisp-style lower-case
keywords. I.e. the environment variable `"USER_NAME"` will be at key

Opt Specs

Opt specs can be specified as a vector - the compact version that is
nice to read and write by hand, or as a map, which is easier to
manipulate programmatically.

Spec vectors begin with a description and an optional type, followed
by any other options:

    {:port ["The port that will serve web requests" :int :default 80]}

Spec maps can contain the following keys:

  - :description - description of the given key
  - :type - a keyword that is registered in `nl.jomco.envopts/parse`
  - :parser - parser function for expected type, one of the built-in parsers or
    your own (see below). If :parser is provided, it overrides the :type
  - :default - the default value for the option. If no default is specified, the key
    is *required*.
  - :in - the path to use for the parsed option in the configuration
    options map. The default is to use the same key as used in the
    specs map.

## types

Since environment variables are always strings, you need a parser to
convert an environment value to another type. A few types are
provided for you. See [[as-float]], [[as-int]], [[as-str]] and

## implementing custom parsers

A parser function must take a string value and return a tuple:

  - `[value]` or `[value nil]`, where `value` is the parsed value, or
  - `[nil err]` if the string value cannot be parsed.

`err` should be a partial sentence describing the error. It should
complete the sentence "xxx is ...", so a good value for `err` would be
"not a valid frobnitz". Any errs parsing the configuration map are
aggregated and returned from [[opts]] for printing with
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