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Organizing scenes

Portfolio tries to automatically organize your scenes into "packages" (typically: all scenes for a specific component) and "folders" (e.g., a collection of related scenes, e.g. "Components", "Layouts", etc). It uses the namespaces of your scenes to do this, and attempts to humanize the resulting names. You can easily provide custom names, icons, colors and sort orders for scenes, packages and folders - or you can completely customize your scene organization if your want.

Customizing packages / namespaces

The default "packages" correspond to the namespaces where your scenes are defined. If you drop a bunch of defscenes into ui.components.button-scenes, then ui.components.button-scenes will be used as a "package", and its name will be "Button scenes". If you don't like this, call portfolio.<adapter>/configure-scenes from the same namespace:

(ns ui.components.button-scenes
  (:require '[portfolio.reagent :as portfolio]))

  {:title "Button"})

What keys can you stick in this map? Well, the following (more on icons below):

  • :title - The title of the collection.
  • :idx - The sorting index.
  • :icon - An icon to display instead of the default 3D box
  • :expanded-icon - An icon to display when the package is expanded (overrides :icon, if both are set)
  • :collapsed-icon - An icon to display when the package is collapsed (overrides :icon, if both are set)
  • :icon-color - The icon color.
  • :expanded-icon-color - A more specific color for expanded packages.
  • :collapsed-icon-color - A more specific color for collapsed packages.
  • :kind - One of :folder or :package. Dictates the rendering style. Namespaces with scenes default to :package.
  • :default-folder-icon - The default icon to use for folders nested under this collection.
  • :default-folder-expanded-icon - The default icon to use for expanded folders nested under this collection. Overrides :default-folder-icon when set, and can be overridden on specific folders.
  • :default-folder-collapsed-icon - The default icon to use for collapsed folders nested under this collection. Overrides :default-folder-icon when set, and can be overridden on specific folders.
  • :default-package-icon - The default icon to use for packages nested under this collection.
  • :default-package-expanded-icon - The default icon to use for expanded packages nested under this collection. Overrides :default-package-icon when set, and can be overridden on specific packages.
  • :default-package-collapsed-icon - The default icon to use for collapsed packages nested under this collection. Overrides :default-package-icon when set, and can be overridden on specific packages.

Scene and collection icons

You might be wondering - "what's an icon, anyway?". Good question. An icon is either hiccup, an SVG element, or a reference to an icon in phosphor-clj. You can browse icons on the Phosphor icons website.

To refer Phosphor icons:

(require '[phosphor.icons :as icons]
         '[portfolio.reagent :as portfolio])

  {:title "My UI Components"
   :icon (icons/icon :phosphor.regular/hamburger)})

Customizing folders

Folders are collections like packages. If you have scenes in ui.components.button-scenes, Portfolio creates a "package" for ui.components.button-scenes, and a "folder" for ui.components. If you already have a ui.components namespace in your project, you can call portfolio/configure-scenes as above to customize it. If you don't, you can somewhat more manually configure the collection in any namespace of your liking (e.g. the one where you start the Portfolio UI):

(require '[ :as data])

  {:title "My loverly components"})

Custom organization

If you don't like the default organization Portfolio sets up, you can create your own arbitrarily nested organization using the two kinds of renderings available ("folder" and "package"). These are both collections, but they render differently.

To dictate what collection a scene belongs to, set the :collection keyword:

(defscene poor-legibility
  :collection :ui-malpractice
  [:div {:style {:background "#000" :color "#333"}}
    "Please don't use insufficient contrast"])

You can then define the collection using!:

(require '[ :as data])

  {:title "UI Malpractice: Don'ts"
   :kind :folder})

It does not matter if you define the scene or the collection first, Portfolio will connect the pieces. If you refer to a :collection that doesn't exist, Portfolio will default the necessary pieces of information.

Collections can nest, just add :collection to a collection to indicate that it belongs to another collection:

(require '[ :as data])

  {:title "UI Malpractice: Don'ts"
   :collection :process-samples
   :kind :package})

  {:title "Process samples"
   :collection :ui-kit
   :kind :folder})

  {:title "UI Kit"
   :kind :folder})

This will render nested folders:

Nested folders

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