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(hiccup? sexp)

Returns true if sexp is a vector with a keyword in the first position.

Returns `true` if `sexp` is a vector with a keyword in the first position.
sourceraw docstring


(set-attr hiccup attr v)

Set attribute attr on the hiccup node to v. Updates the attribute map if it exists, otherwise inserts one.

(set-attr [:h1 "Hello"] :title "Hi")
;;=> [:h1 {:title "Hi"} "Hello"]

(set-attr [:h1 {:title "Hello"} "Hello"] :title "Hi")
;;=> [:h1 {:title "Hi"} "Hello"]
Set attribute `attr` on the `hiccup` node to `v`. Updates the attribute map
if it exists, otherwise inserts one.

(set-attr [:h1 "Hello"] :title "Hi")
;;=> [:h1 {:title "Hi"} "Hello"]

(set-attr [:h1 {:title "Hello"} "Hello"] :title "Hi")
;;=> [:h1 {:title "Hi"} "Hello"]
sourceraw docstring


(update-attrs hiccup & args)

Ensure that hiccup has an attribute map, and call update on it with args.

(update-attrs [:h1 "Hello"] assoc :title "Hi")
;;=> [:h1 {:title "Hi"} "Hello"]

(update-attrs [:h1 {:title "Hello"} "Hello"] dissoc :title)
;;=> [:h1 {} "Hello"]
Ensure that `hiccup` has an attribute map, and call `update` on it with `args`.

(update-attrs [:h1 "Hello"] assoc :title "Hi")
;;=> [:h1 {:title "Hi"} "Hello"]

(update-attrs [:h1 {:title "Hello"} "Hello"] dissoc :title)
;;=> [:h1 {} "Hello"]
sourceraw docstring

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