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(add-reporter k f)

Add assert error exporter. k is a keyword, f is a function that will be called with an assert error, a map of {:title :message :hiccup :fname :alias :data}.

Add assert error exporter. `k` is a keyword, `f` is a function that will be
called with an assert error, a map of
`{:title :message :hiccup :fname :alias :data}`.
sourceraw docstring


(remove-reporter k)

Remove a previously added reporter, using the same k that was used to register it. To remove the default reporter, use :replicant.assert/default as k.

Remove a previously added reporter, using the same `k` that was used to
register it. To remove the default reporter, use `:replicant.assert/default`
as `k`.
sourceraw docstring

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