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Monitoring component

Monitoring component which can be used for consumers defined by bunnicula library

Each time consumer is processing message it will

  • track the processing time and send metric to StatsD
  • log the result of processing and send metric to StatsD
  • in case of exception it will report the exception to Rollbar

Component configuration

  • consumer-name is used in log messages and to create metrics key
  • log-message-size: (optional, default 100) specify how much of the parsed message data you want to appear in log. Set to 0 if you don't want to log any message data.

Component dependencies

The exception-tracker and statsd component are required dependencies, they have to be present under :exception-tracker and :statsd key in the system map.

Metric keys

Metric key is formatted as [prefix].[consumer-name].[result].

Assume statsd component was created with prefix set to my-server and monitoring component was created with consumer-name equal to some.queue-1.

The metric key used to record timing is my-server.some.queue-1 and the keys used to record result are my-server.some.queue-1.success, my-server.some.queue-1.retry etc.


(require '[bunnicula.monitoring :as monitoring]
         '[bunnicula.component.connection :as connection ]
         '[bunnicula.component.consumer-with-retry :as consumer ]
         '[com.stuartsierra.component :as component]
         '[caliban.tracker :as tracker]
         '[stature.metrics :as metrics])

(def tracker (tracker/create {:token "123"
                              :environment "production"}))

(def statsd (metrics/create {:host "localhost"
                             :port 8125
                             :prefix "my-server"}))

(def connection (connection/create {:url "amqp://rabbit:passw0rd@"
                                    :vhost "/main"}))

(def consumer-1 (consumer/create {:message-handler-fn (fn [& args] :ack)
                                  :options {:queue-name "some.queue-1"
                                            :exchange-name "my-exchange"}}))

(def consumer-2 (consumer/create {:message-handler-fn (fn [& args] :ack)
                                  :options {:queue-name "some.queue-2"
                                            :exchange-name "my-exchange"}}))

(def system (-> (component/system-map
                  :exception-tracker tracker
                  :statsd statsd
                  :rmq-connection connection
                  :monitoring-1 (component/using
                                  (monitoring/create {:consumer-name "some.queue-1"})
                                  [:exception-tracker :statsd])
                  :consumer-1 (component/using
                                {:rmq-connection :rmq-connection
                                 :monitoring :monitoring-1})
                  :monitoring-2 (component/using
                                  (monitoring/create {:consumer-name "some.queue-1"})
                                  [:exception-tracker :statsd])
                  :consumer-2 (component/using
                                {:rmq-connection :rmq-connection
                                 :monitoring :monitoring-2}))


Monitoring component depends on Log formatting needs to be configured. See example using ch.qos.logback/logback-classic library.

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