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A Redis component, based on Carmine

A simple Redis client wrapping Carmine It's not meant to be a fancy DSL or an ORM. Just helps with componentizing the connection and invoking Redis commands in more idiomatic way, without using macros, like the wcar* macro in Carmine's readme.


The idea is that the component wraps the conection, and you pass "raw" Redis commands, like in the Redis shell or CLI, rather than invoking Carmine command functions + their arguments. The way it works is that we convert the first keyword (command) to a Carmine function, cache it and then invoke it. The lookup/conversion is cached for later so that we don't pay the cost of the lookup too often.

If you want to mock the component - you'll need something that implements the following:

  • (execute* this <command> & args) - for single commands
  • (exececute-pipeline* this [ [command1 & args] [command2 & args]...]) - for pipeline

and fakes Redis behavior as needed.


(ns omega-red.redis-test
  (:require [omega-red.protocol :as proto]
            [com.stuartsierra.component :as component]))

(let [red (componet/start (omega-red.redis/create {:host "" :port 6379}))]
    (println (= 0 (proto/execute red :exists "test.some.key"))) ; true
    (println (= "OK" (proto/execute red :set "test.some.key" "foo"))) ; true
    (println (= 1 (proto/execute red :exists "test.some.key"))) ; true
    (println (= "foo" (proto/execute red :get "test.some.key"))) ; true
    (println (= 1 (proto/execute red :del "test.some.key"))) ; true
    (component/stop red)
    (println (nil? (proto/execute red :get "test.some.key")))) ; true

;; pipeline execution
(println (= [nil "OK" "oh ok" 1]
       (proto/execute-pipeline red
                               [:get "test.some.key.pipe"]
                               [:set "test.some.key.pipe" "oh ok"]
                               [:get "test.some.key.pipe"]
                               [:del "test.some.key.pipe"]))) ; true


Nothing at the moment. It's possible to create Components for Carmine's various exentions (message queue, Tundra) but they're not needed at the moment.


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