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Clojars Project


Although seemingly unremarkable in appearance, the utility belt is one of Batman's most important tools in fighting crime.


Utility belt has a limited functionality: it only provides commonly used functions wrapping a limited set of dependencies.

Currently it has:

  • - various functions for working with UUIDs
  • utility-belt.json - sets up automatic conversions of Joda time objects to/from JSON, you need to pull in clj-time and cheshire if you need to use those
  • utility-belt.time - common functions for date and time calculations, you need to pull in clj-time if you need to use those
  • utilit-belt.conv - type conversions (string to int, int to string, etc)
  • utlity-belt.component - small utils which make working with Stuart Sierra's Component a bit easier
  • - easy transformations of map keys between kebab and snake case
  • utility-belt.lifecycle - helpers to manage Clojure application lifecycle (registering shutdown hooks etc)

nREPL component

Micro wrapper around nREPL server, as easy to use as passing the port number.

:warning: This is a REPL so take care of securing it!

(def system
  {:nrepl-server (utility-belt.component.nrepl/create 23211)})

:raising_hand: Note that the server by default binds to

You an pass the address to bind to if you need more control:

(def system
  {:nrepl-server (utility-belt.component.nrepl/create 23211"")})

Lifecycle hooks

utility-belt.lifecycle provides a set of helpers to manage application lifecycle. Best used if you're using Component. Example:

(ns app.core
  (:require [app.system]
            [com.stuartsierra.component :as component]
            [utility-belt.lifecycle :as life]))

(def system (atom nil))

(def -main []
  (life/register-shutdown-hook :stop-system #(component/stop @system))
  (life/register-shutdown-hook :goodbye #(println "BYYYYEEEE 👋"))
  (reset! system (component/start (app.system/create))))


In alphabetical order

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