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As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect.

― Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis


Gregor provides a channel-based API for asynchronously producing and consuming messages from Apache Kafka. Through the use of transducers, Gregor allows the user to transform data during production or consumption or both.

Gregor provides a control channel for interacting with the producer and consumer APIs. Though it is not a complete implementation of the current Kafka producer and consumer objects, the current set of operations supports most use cases. Additional control operations will be implemented as necessary.


Gregor was inspired by kinsky and ring.


Since Gregor is an interface to Kafka, using it requires a Kafka instance. To help you get up and running quickly, Gregor provides a docker-compose.yaml file that can be used to start up a local instance of Kafka. Assuming you have docker-compose installed, you can copy Gregor's docker compose file from GitHub to your local machine.

Once you copy Gregor's docker-compose.yaml file to your local machine (and docker-compose is installed), you can start Kafka with the following command:

$ docker-compose up


To install Gregor, add the following to your Leiningen :dependencies vector:

[novolabsoss/gregor "0.1.0"]

TL;DR Examples

If you want to get started quickly, here are some self-contained examples that you can copy-pasta into your REPL. Please note that the use of :auto.offset.reset is not recommended for prodution code. It is used here to prevent lag in the consumer connection from causing the messages created by the producer from being skipped.

Simple Message Production and Consumption

(require '[clojure.core.async :as a])
(require '[gregor.consumer :as c])
(require '[gregor.producer :as p])

;; Create a consumer
(def consumer (c/create {:output-policy #{:data :control :error}
                         :kafka-configuration {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092"
                                               :auto.offset.reset "earliest"}
                         :topics :gregor.test}))

;; Create a producer
(def producer (p/create {:output-policy #{:error}
                         :kafka-configuration {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092"}}))

;; Bind the input channel of the producer to `in-ch`
(def in-ch (:in-ch producer))

;; Bind the output channel of the consumer to `out-ch`
(def out-ch (:out-ch consumer))

;; Create a go-loop to print messages received on the output channel of the consumer
(a/go-loop []
  (when-let [msg (a/<! out-ch)]
    (println (pr-str msg))

;; Post 2 messages to the input channel of the producer
(a/>!! in-ch {:topic :gregor.test :message-value {:a 1 :b 2}})
(a/>!! in-ch {:topic :gregor.test :message-value {:a 3 :b 4}})

;; Close the producer
(a/>!! (:ctl-ch producer) {:op :close})

;; Close the consumer
(a/>!! (:ctl-ch consumer) {:op :close})

Producer Transducer

(require '[clojure.core.async :as a])
(require '[gregor.consumer :as c])
(require '[gregor.producer :as p])

;; Function to add a `:producer-timestamp`
(defn add-timestamp
  (assoc m :producer-timestamp (.toEpochMilli (java.time.Instant/now)))

;; Function to set the `:message-value`
(defn add-message-value
  (->> (dissoc m :uuid)
       (assoc m :message-value)))

;; Function to set the `:message-key`
(defn add-message-key
  [{:keys [uuid] :as m :or {uuid (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)}}]
  (-> (assoc m :message-key {:uuid uuid})
      (dissoc :uuid)))

;; Function to set the `:topic`
(defn add-topic
  [topic m]
  (assoc m :topic topic))
;; Compose the transducer which will reshape the message into something
;; that the Gregor producer understands
(def transducer (comp (map add-timestamp)
                      (map add-message-value)
                      (map add-message-key)
                      (map (partial add-topic :gregor.test.send))))

;; Create a consumer
(def consumer (c/create {:output-policy #{:data :control :error}
                         :kafka-configuration {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092"
                                               :auto.offset.reset "earliest"}
                         :topics :gregor.test}))

;; Create a producer with the transducer from above
(def producer (p/create {:output-policy #{:error}
                         :kafka-configuration {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092"}
						 :transducer transducer}))

;; Bind the input channel of the producer to `in-ch`
(def in-ch (:in-ch producer))

;; Bind the output channel of the consumer to `out-ch`
(def out-ch (:out-ch consumer))

;; Post 2 messages to the input channel of the producer.  Note that they
;; are not currently of the correct shape.  The transducer on the input
;; channel will handle this for us
(a/>!! in-ch {:a 1 :b 2})
(a/>!! in-ch {:a 3 :b 4})

;; Close the producer
(a/>!! (:ctl-ch producer) {:op :close})

;; Close the consumer
(a/>!! (:ctl-ch consumer) {:op :close})


Gregor provides 2 public namespaces: gregor.consumer for creating and interacting with a KafkaConsumer and gregor.producer for creating and interacting with a KafkaProducer.

Creating a Consumer

To create a consumer, we first need to pull the consumer namespace into our REPL:

(require '[gregor.consumer :as c])

Assuming we have Kafka running on port 9092 of our local machine (the default location if we used the docker-compose.yaml file), we can create a consumer connection using the following code:

(def consumer (c/create {:output-policy #{:data :control :error}
                         :topics :gregor.test
                         :kafka-configuration {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092"
;; => #'user/consumer

Lets take a closer look at the configuration map passed to gregor.consumer/create:


The value of :output-policy should be a set containing the types of events we want published to out-ch. There are four types of events that Gregor supports:

  • :data - Data events are generated by messages read from the configured topic or topics. This event type is always included in a consumer's :output-policy, regardless of what is specified in the user-supplied :output-policy. Without data events, the consumer would not be very useful.
  • :control - Control events are generated by the output of control operations sent to the control channel. We will talk more about the control channel and the supported operations below.
  • :error - Error events are generated when errors occur, most commonly when an exception is thrown or invalid control operations are passed to the control channel.
  • :eof - An EOF event is sent when the consumer is closed by invoking the :close operation. Like :data events, the :eof event is always included as part of the :output-policy of a consumer.


The value of :topics can be a string, a keyword, a vector of strings and keywords or a regular expression:

  • A string or keyword will subscribe the consumer to a single topic. The string or keyword should be a valid Kafka topic.
  • A vector of strings and keywords will subscribe the consumer to each topic in the vector. The vector can contain both strings and keywords.
  • A regular expression will subscribe the consumer to all topics matching the regular expression.

You can check out the KafkaConsumer documentation for more information.


The value of :kafka-configuration should be a map containing Kafka configuration options. This map will be converted to a Java properties map and passed directly to the KafkaConsumer object during initialization. The minimum requirements for consumer initialization are:

  • :bootstrap.servers - A comma-delimited string containing host:port pairs inidicating the location of the Kafka server.
  • - A string containing the group id of the consumer, which is used to maintain indexes and handle partitioning

You can check out the Kafka consumer configuration documentation for full treatment of all of the available configuration options.

Consumer Control Operations

Assuming correct configuration, the result of calling gregor.consumer/create is a map containing 2 keys:

  • :out-ch - The channel that receives all events, including :data, :control, :error and :eof.
  • :ctl-ch - The channel that is used to send control operations

For the sake of conveneince, lets bind out-ch to the output channel and ctl-ch to the control channel:

(def out-ch (:out-ch consumer))
;; => #'user/out-ch

(def ctl-ch (:ctl-ch consumer)) 
;; => #'user/ctl-ch

Now, lets check if we have been properly subscribed to the gregor.test topic. We can query for the list of current subscriptions using the :subscriptions control operation. The output will be written to out-ch as a :control event. Here is the code:

(require '[clojure.core.async :as a])

(a/>!! ctl-ch {:op :subscriptions})
;; => true

(-> (a/<!! out-ch) pr-str println)
;; => {:op :subscriptions, :subscriptions ["gregor.test"], :event :control}

This is a common pattern in Gregor: The operation is submitted to the control channel and any results are pushed to the output channel as a :control event.

Lets look at each control operation that the consumer supports:


The :subscribe operation is used to subscribe to a topic(s). Since Gregor requires that the initial topic(s) be passed in during initialization, the :subscribe operation will generally only be used if we wish to change the subscription of our consumer. Should you need to do this, please remember that per the KafkaConsumer documentation, topic subscriptions are not incremental. If you wish to remain subscribed to the current list of topics, you will need to include these along with any additions when you call the :subscribe operation.

The code to call :subscribe looks like this:

;; Subscribe to `:gregor.test.2`
(a/>!! ctl-ch {:op :subscribe :topics :gregor.test.2})
;; => true

;; Print the output from the `:subscribe` control operation
(-> (a/<!! out-ch) pr-str println)
;; => {:op :subscribe, :topics :gregor.test.2, :event :control}

;; Query for the list of current subscriptions using the `:subscriptions` operation
(a/>!! ctl-ch {:op :subscriptions})
;; => true

;; Print the output of the `:subscriptions` operation, noting that we are
;; now subscribed to the "gregor.test.2" topic
(-> (a/<!! out-ch) pr-str println)
;; => {:op :subscriptions, :subscriptions ["gregor.test.2"], :event :control}

;; Switch subscription back to "gregor.test"
(a/>!! ctl-ch {:op :subscribe :topics :gregor.test})
;; => true

;; Print the output of the `:subscribe` command
(-> (a/<!! out-ch) pr-str println)
;; => {:op :subscribe, :topics :gregor.test, :event :control}


The :subscriptions operation, as we have seen, is used to get the list of topics that the consumer is currently subscribed to. We have already seen how to call the :subscriptions operation above but we include the code here for the sake of completness:

;; Query for the list of current subscriptions using the `:subscriptions` operation
(a/>!! ctl-ch {:op :subscriptions})
;; => true

;; Print the output of the `:subscriptions` operation
(-> (a/<!! out-ch) pr-str println)
;; => {:op :subscriptions, :subscriptions ["gregor.test"], :event :control}

If the consumer is not subscribed to a topic(s), the :subscriptions operation will return an empty vector


The :unsubscribe operation will unsubscribe the consumer from all current topic subscriptions. It can be invoked using the following code:

;; Unsubscribe from the current topic
(a/>!! ctl-ch {:op :unsubscribe})
;; => true

;; Print the output of the `:unsubscribe` operation
(-> (a/<!! out-ch) pr-str println)
;; => {:op :unsubscribe, :event :control}

If you are switching betwen a name-based subscription (i.e. strings or keywords) to a pattern-based subscription (i.e. a regular expression), you must unsubscribe. If you want to change from one name-based subscription to another or one pattern-based subscription to another, you do not need to unsubscribe.


The :partitions-for operation will fetch the partition information for the specified topic. You can use the following code to test :partitions-for for the "gregor.test" topic:

;; Query the partitions for the `:gregor.test` topic
(a/>!! ctl-ch {:op :partitions-for :topic :gregor.test})
;; => true

;; Print the output of the `:partitions-for` operation for the `:gregor.test` topic
(-> (a/<!! out-ch) pr-str println)
;; => {:op :partitions-for, 
;;     :topic :gregor.test, 
;;     :partitions [{:type-name :partition-info, 
;;                   :isr [{:type-name :node, :host "", :id 1, :port 9092}], 
;;                   :offline [], 
;;                   :leader {:type-name :node, :host "", :id 1, :port 9092}, 
;;                   :partition 0, 
;;                   :replicas [{:type-name :node, :host "", :id 1, :port 9092}], 
;;                   :topic "gregor.test"}], 
;;     :event :control}


The :commit operation will commit the offsets from the last call to poll for the subscribed list of topics. The default value of the property in Kafka is true, which means that as messages are consumed, the offset will be committed automatically (the interval of auto commits is controlled by the property which has a default value of 500). If you set to false when you create your consumer you will need to manually commit consumed offsets, which can be done with the following code:

;; Commit the last consumed offset for this consumer
(a/>!! ctl-ch {:op :commit})
;; => true

;; Verify that the `:commit` operation was processed succesfully
(-> (a/<!! out-ch) pr-str println)
;; => {:op :commit, :event :control}

Leaving set to the default value of true is sufficient for most use cases. Read this Medium article for more information about auto committing and offsets.


The :close operation will close the consumer, including all associated channels. The following code will close the consumer we have been working with:

;; Close the consumer
(a/>!! ctl-ch {:op :close})
;; true

;; Verify the `:close` operation was processed
(-> (a/<!! out-ch) pr-str println)
;; => {:op :close, :event :control}

;; Should receive `:eof` event as the final event indicating the end of the stream/channel
(-> (a/<!! out-ch) pr-str println)
;; => {:event :eof}

;; Further reads result in `nil` as the `out-ch` is closed
(-> (a/<!! out-ch) pr-str println)
;; => nil

;; Attempts to write to the `ctl-ch` will fail, returning `false`
(a/>!! ctl-ch {:op :subscriptions})
;; => false

Not only was the KafkaConsumer object closed, but so were out-ch and ctl-ch channels. Since out-ch is a standard core.async channel, all messages that were read from the consumer up to the point of the :close operation will be avialable. Once out-ch is empty, it wil return nil for all future reads. Any attempts to write to ctl-ch will fail, returning false as shown above.

Note that the final message deliverd from out-ch was the :eof event. Posting an :eof event is Gregor's way of telling the user that the stream has been closed.

Creating a Producer

The other half of the equation is the producer. Gregor provides a namespace called gregor.producer for creating and interacting with a KafkaProducer object. The following code can be used to create a producer:

(def producer (p/create {:output-policy #{:data :control :error}
                         :kafka-configuration {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092"}}))
;; => #'user/producer

As with the consumer, the configuration map we passed to gregor.producer/create is worth a closer look:


As with the consumer, the :output-policy is a set containing the types of events we want published to out-ch. There are four types, the same as with the consumer. However, the requirments and meaning is different in the context of a producer:

  • :data: - Data events are generated by serializing the result of the call to the producer's .send function. Note that serializing the result of .send is synchronous and, as such, including :data as part of a producer's output policy may affect throughput.
  • :control: - Similar to the consumer, control events are generated by the output of control operations sent to the control channel.
  • :error: - Similar to the consumer, error events are generated when errors occur, most commonly when an exception is thrown or invalid control operations are passed to the control channel.
  • :eof: - EOF events are sent when the producer is closed by invoking the :close control operation. The :eof event is always included as part of the :output-policy of a producer.


The value of :kafka-configuration should be a map containing Kafka configuration options. This map will be converted to a Java properties map and passed directly to the KafkaConsumer object during initialization. The minimum requirements for consumer initialization are:

  • :bootstrap.servers - A comma-delimited string containing host:port pairs inidicating the location of the Kafka server.

You can check out the Kafka producer configuration documentation for a full treatment of all of the available configuration options.

Producer Control Operations

Assuming correct configuration, the result of calling gregor.producer/create is a map containing 3 keys:

  • :in-ch - The channel used to send :data events to the Kafka producer
  • :out-ch - The channel that receives all events, including :data, :control, :error and :eof
  • :ctl-ch - The channel used to send control operations

For the sake of conveneince, lets bind out-ch to the output channel and ctl-ch to the control channel:

(def out-ch (:out-ch producer))
;; => #'user/out-ch

(def ctl-ch (:ctl-ch producer))
;; => #'user/ctl-ch

The producer currently supports three control operations:


The :partitions-for operation will fetch the partition information for the specified topic. You can use the following code to test :partitions-for for the "gregor.test" topic:

;; Query the partitions for the `:gregor.test` topic
(a/>!! ctl-ch {:op :partitions-for :topic :gregor.test})
;; => true

;; Print the output of the `:partitions-for` operation for the `:gregor.test` topic
(-> (a/<!! out-ch) pr-str println)
;; => {:op :partitions-for, 
;;     :topic :gregor.test, 
;;     :partitions [{:type-name :partition-info, 
;;                   :isr [{:type-name :node, :host "", :id 1, :port 9092}], 
;;                   :offline [], 
;;                   :leader {:type-name :node, :host "", :id 1, :port 9092}, 
;;                   :partition 0, 
;;                   :replicas [{:type-name :node, :host "", :id 1, :port 9092}], 
;;                   :topic "gregor.test"}], 
;;     :event :control}


Invoking the :flush operation will make all buffered records immediately available to send. Note that :flush will cause the producer thread to block until all buffered records have been sent. You can invoke :flush with the following code:

;; Invoke flush via the control channel
(a/>!! ctl-ch {:op :flush})
;; => true

;; Print the output of the `:flush` operation
(-> (a/<!! out-ch) pr-str println)
;; => {:op :flush, :event-ctl}


The :close operation will close the producer, including all associated channels. The following code will close the producer we have been working with:

;; Close the consumer
(a/>!! ctl-ch {:op :close})
;; true

;; Verify the `:close` operation was processed
(-> (a/<!! out-ch) pr-str println)
;; => {:op :close, :event :control}

;; Should receive `:eof` event as the final event indicating the end of the stream/channel
(-> (a/<!! out-ch) pr-str println)
;; => {:event :eof}

;; Further reads result in `nil` as the `out-ch` is closed
(-> (a/<!! out-ch) pr-str println)
;; => nil

;; Attempts to write to the `ctl-ch` will fail, returning `false`
(a/>!! ctl-ch {:op :subscriptions})
;; => false

;; Attempts to write to the `in-ch` will fail, returning `false`
(a/>!! (:in-ch producer) {:foo :bar})
;; => false

Not only was the KafkaProducer object closed, but so were in-ch, out-ch and ctl-ch channels. Since out-ch is a standard core.async channel, all messages that were read from the producer up to the point of the :close operation will be avialable. Once out-ch is empty, it wil return nil for all future reads. Any attempts to write to ctl-ch will fail, returning false as shown above.

Note that the final message deliverd from out-ch was the :eof event. Posting an :eof event is Gregor's way of telling the user that the stream has been closed.

Sending and Receiving Data

Now that we have seen how to create and work with a consumer and producer in isolation, it is time for them to work together to send some data across a Kafka topic. If you have not already done so, close the consumer and producer that you created above. You can us the following code to do so:

;; Close the consumer
(-> (:ctl-ch consumer) (a/>!! {:op :close}))
;; => true

;; Close the producer
(-> (:ctl-ch :producer) (a/>!! {:op :close}))
;; => true

Once the old consumer and producer are closed, we can create new instances of a consumer and a producer which we will use to send a message via Kafka:

;; Create a consumer, subscribed to the `:gregor.test.send` topic
(def consumer (c/create {:output-policy #{:data :control :error}
                         :topics :gregor.test.send
                         :kafka-configuration {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092"
;; => #'user/consumer

;; Create a producer
(def producer (p/create {:output-policy #{:control :error}
                         :kafka-configuration {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092"}}))
;; => #'user/producer

A couple of things to note here. First, we subscribed to a different topic than in the previous consumer example. This is simply to make sure there are no messages hanging out on a previously existing topic and we are starting with a clean slate. Second, we removed the :data event from the :output-policy for the producer. This will keep Gregor from dereferencing the result of the call to .send, thus maintaining the asynchronous-ness of message production.

Now that we have a valid consumer and producer, we can send messages between them:

;; Bind a symbol to the input channel of the producer
(def in-ch (:in-ch producer))
;; => #'user/in-ch

;; Bind a symbol to the output channel of the consumer
(def out-ch (:out-ch consumer))
;; => #'user/out-ch

;; Create message body (we will examine this closer in the next section)
(def msg {:topic :gregor.test.send :message-key {:uuid (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))} :message-value {:a 1 :b 2}})
;; => #'user/msg

;; Write data to the producer
(a/>!! in-ch msg)
;; => true

;; Read the message from the consumer
(a/<!! out-ch)
;; => {:message-key {:uuid "5380d92d-5997-4515-99ed-1717bf21a01e"},
;;     :offset 2,
;;     :message-value-size 12,
;;     :topic "gregor.test.send",
;;     :message-key-size 46,
;;     :partition 0,
;;     :message-value {:a 1, :b 2},
;;     :event :data,
;;     :type-name :consumer-record,
;;     :timestamp 1554751618612}

As you may have noticed, the message we get out of the consumer has a bit more information than what we passed into the producer. This is because Gregor includes all of the data provided by the Kafka ConsumerRecord object. Most of the time, we will only be interested in the :message-key and :message-value keys, which contain the data.

Anatomy of a Message

As promised, lets look a little closer at the keys and values of a message body. There are 2 required keys, the :topic which contains a string or keyword containing the message's target topic, and the :message-value, which is the data that we want to send. Additionally, there are 2 optional keys. The first is :message-key which is arbitrary metadata about the :message-value. The second is :partition, which is a valid partition index of the topic where the message should be delivered.

All messages must contain a :topic and a :message-value. We consider it good practice to also include a :message-key with each message, though it is not required by Kafka or Gregor. Generally speaking, we try to avoid specifying a partition and let Kafka handle distributing the work across available partitions. However, if you have a good reason, you can target a specific partition within the specified topic.

Producer Transducer

Gregor supports producer transducers. This feature allows the user to specify a transducer that will be attached to the input channel of a producer when upon creation. The transducer will be applied to each message sent to the input channel before it is serialized as a Kafka ProducerRecord.

In this example, we will use a transducer to derive the :message-key and :message-value from the map that is passed into the input channel. In addition, the transducer will add a :producer-timestamp to the :message-value for use by the consumer:

;; Function to add a `:producer-timestamp`
(defn add-timestamp
  (assoc m :producer-timestamp (.toEpochMilli (java.time.Instant/now)))

;; Function to set the `:message-value`
(defn add-message-value
  (->> (dissoc m :uuid)
       (assoc m :message-value)))

;; Function to set the `:message-key`
(defn add-message-key
  [{:keys [uuid] :as m}]
  (-> (assoc m :message-key {:uuid uuid})
      (dissoc :uuid)))

;; Function to set the `:topic`
(defn add-topic
  [topic m]
  (assoc m :topic topic))
;; Compose the transducer
(def transducer (comp (map add-timestamp)
                      (map add-message-value)
                      (map add-message-key)
                      (map (partial add-topic :gregor.test.send))))

In addition to adding some meta-data about the message, this transducer transforms the message into something that Gregor can understand. Every message that passes through the input channel will come out the other side with a :topic, a :message-value and a :message-key, guarenteeing that all messages are correctly shaped.

(As a side note, since the :message-key is not required, one possible enhancement to the transducer is to leave out the :message-key if no UUID is found in the map.

Alternatively, we could generate a UUID if one is not found, similar to how we generated a timestamp.

The correct answer to these types of questions will largely be contextual to the problem that is being solved. Suffice to say, Gregor's ability to accept a user-defined transducer should facilitate an elegant implementation regardless of what the requirements dictate.)

Now that we have our transducer, lets put it to work:

;; Close the previous producer
(a/>!! ctl-ch {:op :close})
;; => true

;; Create a new producer with the above defined transducer
(def producer (p/create {:output-policy #{:control :error}
                         :kafka-configuration {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092"}
						 :transducer transducer}))
;; => #'user/producer

;; Send data to the producer.  Note that we have not specified the `:topic` or the `:message-value`.
(a/>!! (:in-ch producer) {:uuid (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) :a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
;; => true

;; Read the message from the consumer
(a/<!! out-ch)
;; => {:message-key {:uuid #uuid "fd32a035-153d-4fe8-837e-d5bd33985cd0"},
;;     :offset 3,
;;     :message-value-size 53,
;;     :topic "gregor.test.send",
;;     :message-key-size 52,
;;     :partition 0,
;;     :message-value {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3, :producer-timestamp 1554755327399},
;;     :event :data,
;;     :type-name :consumer-record,
;;     :timestamp 1554755327411}

As you can see, the transducer was applied to the input channel of the producer, resulting in a correctly shaped message which was then read off of the topic by the consumer.


Transducer Exception Handling

Channels with transducers support having an exception handling function. Need to create one so that any exceptions that a transducer throws are caught and converted to :error events. In the case of the consumer, the event will automatically be sent to the out-ch. In the case of the producer, the transducer is on the in-ch so Gregor will need to recognize that an error ocurred (by checking the event type) and route it to the producer's out-ch.

Exception handling for control events

Review the exceptions that the various KafkaProducer and KafkaConsumer methods can throw. Make sure that Gregor has exception handling for each. The exception handling should convert the exception to an :error event and post it to the out-ch of the consumer or producer. Additionally, in the context of the consumer, the consumer control loop must be left in a correct state. That is, after the exception is handled and routed correctly, a message needs to be sent to the ctl-ready-ch indicating that the control loop is ready for the next control operation.

Enhance :commit Control Operation

Currently, the :commit control operation takes no parameters. It simply forces a commit to happen for all partitions for each of the currently subscribed topics. To facilitate a finer control for the user over commits, the :commit operation should be able to target specific partitions of specific topics with specific offsets. Doing so will allow the user to disable auto-commits and be explicit about committing when a message is handled.


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