Clojure library for organizing ns
form in a way that whitespace and comments are preserved.
Rules to apply are fully customizable; the default implementation
, :require-macros
, :use
and :use-macros
libspecs alphabetically and removes duplicates:import
class names alphabetically and removes duplicates:exclude
, :only
, :refer
, :refer-macros
and :rename
options alphabetically and removes duplicatesAlso available as Leiningen plugin: lein-nsorg
Dependency information:
[nsorg "0.2.0"]
(require '[nsorg.core :as nsorg])
(println (nsorg/rewrite-ns-form "
(ns foo
;; use
(:use [a.c :only [y z x z]]
(ns foo
;; use
(:use a
[a.c :only [x y z]]
Check API documentation for more details.
, :load
or :gen-class
clausesCopyright © 2018 Immo Heikkinen
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.
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