Abracad is a Clojure library for de/serializing Clojure data structures with Avro, leveraging the Java Avro implementation.
Abracad supports:
Abracad is available on Clojars. Add this :dependency
to your
Leiningen project.clj
[nubank/abracad "0.4.15"]
Example usage follows; detailed API documentation available, generated via codox.
Avro schemas may be parsed from JSON (from either strings or input streams), from the Clojure data representation of a JSON schema, or from existing Avro Schema objects.
(require '[abracad.avro :as avro])
(def schema
(avro/parse-schema {:type :record
:name "LongList"
:fields [{:name "value":type :long}
{:name "next", :type ["LongList", :null]}]}))
The parse-schema
function may be passed multiple schemas, in which
case later schemas may reference types defined in earlier schemas.
The result is the schema generated from the final argument.
Abracad provides functions which act as a thin layer over the Java Avro interface, plus Clojure generic datum reader and writer implementations which allow Clojure data structures to be directly de/serialized.
(with-open [adf (avro/data-file-writer "snappy" schema "example.avro")]
(.append adf {:value 0, :next nil})
(.append adf {:value 8, :next {:value 16, :next nil}}))
(with-open [adf (avro/data-file-reader "example.avro")]
(doall (seq adf)))
;;=> ({:value 0, :next nil} {:value 8, :next {:value 16, :next nil}})
The Avro type deserialization mappings are as follows:
indicating the Avro schema nameThe Avro specification allows field names to contain the _
character but
disallows the -
character. Clojure keywords frequently contain -
but rarely
contain _
. Abracad attempts to work around this difference by mapping _
Avro field names to -
in Clojure symbols and vice-versa. The current
implementation of this conversion does not handle keywords containing _
instead, which is probably a bug. This mangling may be disabled by binding
to false
In addition to the generic map de/serialization, records may also be generically de/serialized as vectors. During serialization, whenever a record is expected and a vector is encountered, the vector will be serialized by matching fields by position, so long as the expected and provided numbers of fields match.
During deserialization, a record schema with the annotation
set to "vector"
will be deserialized as a vector,
with fields encoded by position.
(let [schema (avro/parse-schema
{:name "example", :type "record",
:fields [{:name "left", :type "string"}
{:name "right", :type "long"}]
:abracad.reader "vector"})]
(->> ["foo" 31337]
(avro/binary-encoded schema)
(avro/decode schema)))
;;=> ["foo" 31337"]
Maps serialized as records will be checked to ensure that they do not
have any extra entries not encoded by the schema, raising an exception
if extra entries are present. This check may be avoided for
individual records by including :type
metadata matching the schema.
The check may be en/disabled recursively for a record and all
contained records via the :abracad.avro/unchecked
During union and record serialization, Abracad uses a protocol to
determine an object's Avro schema name and to access its fields.
During deserialization, Abracad uses a facility directly analogous to
the Clojure Reader *data-readers*
facility to find custom
deserialization constructor functions. These may be used to extend
Avro de/serialization to arbitrary existing types.
(import 'java.net.InetAddress)
(extend-type InetAddress
(schema-name [_] "ip.address")
(field-get [this field] (case field :address (.getAddress this)))
(field-list [this] #{:address}))
(defn ->InetAddress
[address] (InetAddress/getByAddress address))
(def schema
(avro/parse-schema {:type :record
:name 'ip.address
:fields [{:name :address
:type [{:type :fixed, :name "IPv4", :size 4}
{:type :fixed, :name "IPv6", :size 16}]}]}))
(binding [avro/*avro-readers* {'ip/address #'->InetAddress}]
(with-open [adf (avro/data-file-writer schema "example.avro")]
(.append adf (InetAddress/getByName ""))
(.append adf (InetAddress/getByName "8::8")))
(with-open [adf (avro/data-file-reader "example.avro")]
(doall (seq adf))))
;;=> (#<Inet4Address /> #<Inet6Address /8:0:0:0:0:0:0:8>)
Abracad supports expressing EDN data structures as Avro records in the
Avro namespace. The new-schema
function in the
same-named Clojure namespace returns schemas which express a superset
of EDN capturing most commonly-used Clojure constructs. These allow
using Avro for Clojure data without pre-defining application-specific
(require '[abracad.avro.edn :as edn])
(def schema (edn/new-schema))
(->> {:foo ['bar "baz" 1337 10.2M]}
(avro/binary-encoded schema)
(avro/decode schema))
;;=> {:foo [bar "baz" 1337 10.2M]}
Avro 1.7.5 and later supports configurable “data models” for datum
reading, writing, and comparison in Hadoop MapReduce jobs. Abracad
0.4.0 and later provides a ClojureData
class which can be passed to
the AvroJob/setDataModelClass
static method in order to map job Avro
input and output directly to and from Clojure data structures.
Distributed under your choice of the Eclipse Public License or the Apache License, Version 2.0.
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